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Puerto Rican Day Parade...

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What I seriously do not get is why are Puerto Ricans so Proud of being Puerto Rican? I mean you don't see the Chinese running around with China Flag bandanas on their heads. You just don't see shit like that with any other group other than Puerto Ricans. Have there been even 1 famous Puerto Rican? Other than a baseball player? I can't seem to recall any social contribution whatsoever other than Ricky Martin? I don't know any scientists, philosophers or famous doctors that are puerto Rican. Why the fuck go around 5th ave screaming "say it out loud, puerto rican and proud???????????????". What's there to be proud of? I would hide in my basement and tell everyone i'm from Argentina or some shit like that.

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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

Why even start this thread....i knew from the very moment that i read the topic, that some piece of shit would make a comment like that. what do you know...they're 3 of them.

Because it inspires discussion. Granted, some of these responses are ludicrous, but this is America, and thankfully freedom of speech is still a right. Take that away, ON ANY SUBJECT, and we are a nation of hypocrites. I might not agree with a person's point of view at all, but I would defend his or her right to say it to my last breath...

Back to the parade: I used to live on the upper east side of Manhattan. I have witnessed first hand for three years the drama that this parade brings. In my OPINION, nothing good comes of it. I can't even begin to describe the BS that I witnessed merely walking to the supermarket 2 years ago while this event was going on. People tend to get roudy, aggressive, and sexually forceful during this event. THAT IS A FACT. I've seen circles of chanting, genital-grabbing men encompass innocent GRANDMOTHERS on their way down the street. Would any of you want that to be your grandmother? Im not saying that all the perpetrators were Puerto Rican either, it just seems to be that this parade brings out the worst scum in the city (of all races) because they view it as an excuse to act like animals.

My two cents.


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I's OK to bash Puerto Ricans yet you still dance to their music with no complaints. I'm sure if producers like Hex Hector, Little Louie Vega, Kenny Dope, Sandy Rivera of Kings Of Tommorow (responible for the biggest vocal record of the year "Finally") Angel Moraes, David Morales, Lord G and many others who are of PR decent were to see these posts they would be very offended. This site was created for club culture and music and the people who celebtate it. It just goes to show that racism is alive and well and living in NY. What a damn shame! I hope your all proud of yourselves. Now we'll never get posts from people in the music biz that we respect.



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Originally posted by descarte:

I grew up around lotsa Puerto Ricans and they have NO class whatsoever. Don't believe me? If you are non spanish, please go hang out on lower east side or in Bronx and you will se for yourself. Buncha idiots, NO CLASS, NO DECENCY, they are RUDE, SELFISH people. No COURTESY, NO NOTHING. They deserve to be shot.

Can you spell IGNORANCE!!! I would like to see you go up to someone who is Puerto Rican and say that to there face. It would be interesting to see how long you would be standing for. Its real sad when you have to make comments like this to get yourself some attention. I feel really bad for you!!! To make comments like that shows that its not Puerto Ricans that are what you referred to them as, ITS YOUR SELF!!!!! YOU DUMB ASSHOLE...YOU PIECE OF IGNORANT SHIT!!!!!!

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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

So with you on this. Fuck these assholes. Why even start this thread....i knew from the very moment that i read the topic, that some piece of shit would make a comment like that. what do you know...they're 3 of them.

I started the thread for others opinions, not for racist prciks to go buck wild. Don't blame the ignorance of others on me-I was looking for intelligent, educated responses.



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Originally posted by descarte:

Hey, seeing is believing. Like a said go hang out at Puerto Rican neighborhoods and you shall see dudes on street corners drinking ouuta brown paper bags. The girls push these Quintuple stollers with like 5 babies plus 3 more dragging behind. Father nowhere to be seen (except on America's Most Wanted). You shop at the local Fine Fair and fucking wait for hours on line while this dude in front tries unsuccessfully to count out the right number of food stamps. All this for a shitty liter of Colt45. They fucking cut Bus lines, or any lines for that matter like they are entitled to shit and all. Like I said, no fucking class. Girls chew gum like it was a Dick. Their husbands bring them to the local whorehouse to make a few bucks while their 20 kids are left to run around opening fire hydrants and mugging old people. I speak the truth.

baby... all i have to say is where do you think the term trailor trash came from??? right! so let's not start with the generalities, cause sweetheart... we'd be here ALLLLL day... cwm30.gifcwm12.gif



life's a ride... pack light...


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