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Question for the Asain girls

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Ditto what kitty19 said. cwm38.gif


Speaking as an Asian-American, I have no problems with men wanting an Asian partner - provided that desire is based on an attraction to the way we look. In my opinion, it's no different then liking blondes or liking girls with athletic figure. Asian women look different, there's nothing wrong with preferring that look. I do, however, have serious objections to men claiming they prefer Asian women because of some sort of behavioral stereotype (as mentioned earlier).

Once you have your sights set on a honey, you should go out of your way to forget she's Asian. Don't ask her what nationality she it, don't try to speak to her in whatever Asian tongue you've decided to mangle, don't mention she's Asian, don't mention race in any context. In short, treat her exactly the same way you would a white girl. And whatever you do, DON'T START TALKING ABOUT OTHER ASIAN GIRLS YOU'VE DATED. It's always a bad idea to talk about your Ex, it's a huge mistake to make it an issue of ethnicity.

That's the single biggest thing that I find non-Asian guys do to piss off Asian girls. We want to believe that you like us - not our ethnicity. If you bring up the issue of liking only Asian girls or being "overly" interested in Asian culture, you can almost guarantee being shot down in flames. Of course there are specific cultural things that apply to Asian girls, but that's about 10% of getting where you want to go and really not worth worrying about. 90% is ditching the Asiaphile routine.

Good luck!

~kitten (an Asian girl dating white boys... not because they're white, but because they're the only ones who actually approach me)


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.

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hey im an asian guy and can get white girls all the time.

Originally posted by bungee:

I just do not understand you Asians. He asked a very simple and honest question regarding Aisian girls and you all become so fucking defensive and shit. Mama Mia, he is interested in Asian girls what is so fucking wrong with that? Just because Asian guys can not get non Aisan girls do not mean you can prevent Asian girls from screwing Non asian guys. Insrtead of being so defensive, open your shitty minds and answer his question.


a good artist copies, a great aritst steals...

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hey im an asian guy and can get white girls all the time.

Originally posted by bungee:

I just do not understand you Asians. He asked a very simple and honest question regarding Aisian girls and you all become so fucking defensive and shit. Mama Mia, he is interested in Asian girls what is so fucking wrong with that? Just because Asian guys can not get non Aisan girls do not mean you can prevent Asian girls from screwing Non asian guys. Insrtead of being so defensive, open your shitty minds and answer his question.


a good artist copies, a great aritst steals...

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Originally posted by deanna11:

personally, i don't like random strangers approaching me in clubs. and if it's obvious they don't know what to do/say, it's even more annoying

So Deanna, how do you expect people to meet you, or how do you expect to meet new people?

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You Asian dudes are fooling yourselves big time. You talk shit like your name is _Hung_Low but you fantasize and masturbate while watching White Chicks in your vast Porno collection since that is as close to a WHite chick as you are gonna get in your life. And you aisian chicks need to get real and realize you are not so special if not for that tight P-U-S-S-Y. Why are you all in denial and delusional? Time to wake up, smell the proverbial coffee and deal witrh the truth.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by bungee:

You Asian dudes are fooling yourselves big time. You talk shit like your name is _Hung_Low but you fantasize and masturbate while watching White Chicks in your vast Porno collection since that is as close to a WHite chick as you are gonna get in your life. And you aisian chicks need to get real and realize you are not so special if not for that tight P-U-S-S-Y. Why are you all in denial and delusional? Time to wake up, smell the proverbial coffee and deal witrh the truth.

why didn't you quote me, I almost missed this one.

denial and delusional... I gotta remember that one b4 the next time, I climb on top of your mom



When The Going Gets Weird...The Weird Turns Pro

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Originally posted by foodbark:


wow....i don't even know where to start about why that's funny*lol*

yeah ill just agree with that




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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LOL! One thing to remember is that just about every "Asian" girl in a club is American. Would you go up do a black girl in a club and assume that hitting on her is somehow different because she must be from Africa? Leave the Swahili at home and just be yourself.



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