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Why Do Girls/Guys Do This?

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It seems that everywhere I go, I always see two things.......

1) Pretty girl with a dorky/ugly/nerdy guy

2) Good looking guy with a busted ass girl

Its rare to see two good looking people together and rare to see a couple that look good together.....

Why do we do this?? I never understood..does anyone know the answer to this?




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its just what you notice..the paradoxes.

anyway, why are you wondering about this at 2am...and why am I answering....




Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

[This message has been edited by nycetouch (edited 06-28-2001).]

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Originally posted by nycetouch:


anyway, why are you wondering about this at 2am...and why am I answering....

Good question......

anyone else have a answer to my above question?




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When I Think About You... My Feelings Cant Explain..Why After All This Time..My Feelings...

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Originally posted by avalondon3:

Good question......

anyone else have a answer to my above question?

what bout my question? did you see recently something to set off this quest for answers....

...still kicking at 4am, off to some latenights....





Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

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...Good Sex?

I have pondered that many of times actually and the only thing that I can come up with is that when a great looking guy is with a busted chick he has complete control over her and does not have to worry about being insecure. He knows that she will never do better. Same thing goes with the girl ....I personally think it is a self esteem issue.

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Originally posted by drama:

...Good Sex?

I have pondered that many of times actually and the only thing that I can come up with is that when a great looking guy is with a busted chick he has complete control over her and does not have to worry about being insecure. He knows that she will never do better. Same thing goes with the girl ....I personally think it is a self esteem issue.

TOTALLY AGREE!!! Couldn't have said it better....

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it's really never safe to assume anything about why people choose the mates that they do. human nature is so complicated & beauty is in the eye of the beholder. one time i was totally infatuated with a guy and to me he was beautiful & sexy, but not one of my friends saw him the way i did, they all thought he was gross & ugly. i usually end up liking guys with an off-beat look, something different than the classic all-American look. can't explain it, although I'm about as middle-class, mainstream America as you can get.

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I would have to agree with you Shugabooga. Right now I am currently dating the most beautiful, amazing man in the world, but my friends and people that I meet don't see that. At first glance all they see is his face, which to them is not the best thing in the world, but too me he is sexy and good looking....

People usually comment to me about it, in clubs the guys will go "that is your boyfriend?", and I am like yah, they then will have a look of wonder on their face. And my friends say well he's okay...

But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, looks aren't everything, there are other things that contribute to being sexually attracted to a person, the way that someone looks at you, or the way that they touch you, the way that they make you feel inside, or the intellectual conversation that you might have. Looks are a plus for without them you probably aren't going to initially approach someone but they are not everything....


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This is just an guess, but maybe they actually like each other!!!!

It shouldn't matter what the person looks like or how much money they have--It goes way beyond that.

In my opinion, that is just shallow!

Using someone to make yourself look good or feel better is unacceptable!

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smileygirl you're kind of right, but what avalondon meant not only was a good looking girl/guy with a bad looking boy/girl, but a good looking (and possibly cool) person with a bad looking (and noticably dorky and not cool)person. So yeah you're right, but you have to admit there are a lot of couples out there who just don't look right together.

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it's easy....

you only see the outside, they have the entire picture...

since it's a club planet, i'll give you a club example.. say, there is a scary looking, old, dirty entrance to some warehouse with an ugly ass bouncer working the door. the torn sign above the door says "D.MP nght cl.b" ... an outider might say why are all those beautiful people going into that hole? ...they know what's inside




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Originally posted by twinange1:

it has a lot to do w/ being insecure. most people dont give themselves enough credit, and they dont aim high, so they pretty much take what ever comes along. some people want a not so attractive partner so they can look better, it all has to do w/ how the person truly feels about themselves and their self esteem.

Ding Ding! We have a winner, I think thats the reason people do that...

I know alot of people,with low self esteem and low self worth, that go out with the first person they meet cause they think they cant do any better..





Find Your Spot....Claim It......It's Your's


When I Think About You... My Feelings Cant Explain..Why After All This Time..My Feelings...

[This message has been edited by avalondon3 (edited 06-28-2001).]

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Some of you guys are way off. I have a very pretty girlfriend of mine who could get many guys, but she is with a not so atractive guy. Why? He has the most awesome personality. He is so much fun, has a great attitude, and treats her like gold.

Some good looking people get sick of meeting other goodlooking people who have shitty personalities.



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Some of you guys are way off. I have a very pretty girlfriend of mine who could get many guys, but she is with a not so atractive guy. Why? He has the most awesome personality. He is so much fun, has a great attitude, and treats her like gold.

Some good looking people get sick of meeting other goodlooking people who have shitty personalities.



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it has a lot to do w/ being insecure. most people dont give themselves enough credit, and they dont aim high, so they pretty much take what ever comes along. some people want a not so attractive partner so they can look better, it all has to do w/ how the person truly feels about themselves and their self esteem.




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Originally posted by avalondon3:

It seems that everywhere I go, I always see two things.......

1) Pretty girl with a dorky/ugly/nerdy guy

2) Good looking guy with a busted ass girl

Its rare to see two good looking people together and rare to see a couple that look good together.....

Why do we do this?? I never understood..does anyone know the answer to this?

I have to quote you on this one! You said that it is RARE that two good looking people are together--why do two good looking people have to be together? I guess the world is fucked up then. There have been so many comments saying that people are just insecure and want to feel better about themselves--I personally think it is bullshit. It is just a shitty was of thinking!

If you read PHILO's expanation--he is right on target!! That is the most intelligent explanation that I have heard so far from this topic!

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Okay..i definitely agree with everyone who said beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and furthermore i think its very reasonable to say that is an undeniable fact....

also, i dont know about you guys..but when i meet someone, or find myself attracted to someone i definitely dont cross check their looks with mine...I'm never ever like 'oh this person is hotter/uglier then me so i should go get with her' wtf do i care? i just want to get with her anyway.hehe...




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