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no tips for bad bartenders

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how often do you NOT tip your bartenders? i sometimes refuse not to tip cos some of them look unfrienldy or don't give me a napkin or a straw with a drink.

i usually don't tip at webster hall because their drinks are overpriced and i normally have 3 drinks.

am i being too cheap?

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As an X-bartender I have to say that tipping is not really optional, but if you feel someone has been rude or provided bad service then you don't have to tip.

HOWEVER (and this one always pisses me off) You shouldn't decide whether to tip or not based on the price of the drink because the bartender has no control over that. The management decides prices and bartenders make the same amount of money (usually $5/hr+tips) whether the drink is $4 or $15.

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

As an X-bartender I have to say that tipping is not really optional, but if you feel someone has been rude or provided bad service then you don't have to tip.

HOWEVER (and this one always pisses me off) You shouldn't decide whether to tip or not based on the price of the drink because the bartender has no control over that. The management decides prices and bartenders make the same amount of money (usually $5/hr+tips) whether the drink is $4 or $15.

i totally agree with that! i bartended myself, and the base pay is SHIT. if you dont tip, the person makes $5 an hour (some places pay less), so show some appreciation for the bartender who is up through the nite not to party, but to serve you. if you can afford the cover plus three drinks, im sure you have an extra five bucks for a tip. or hey, just get a job as a waiter/waitress/bartender, or anything else who works for tips, and you will develop a whole new outlook on tipping

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Originally posted by andwhysee

how often do you NOT tip your bartenders? i sometimes refuse not to tip cos some of them look unfrienldy or don't give me a napkin or a straw with a drink.

i usually don't tip at webster hall because their drinks are overpriced and i normally have 3 drinks.

am i being too cheap?

It's an Unwritten rule to tip a bartender......
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Originally posted by andwhysee

well i still think bartenders make enough money at clubs coz they constantly seem to be getting orders

OK... while i know it will sound like it, this is *not* a flame.

AndWhySee, it sounds like you're trying to rationalize your cheapness. And I'm sure many of us can relate, we go out on a tight budget and ::boggle:: at our $11 drink, do some quick calculations, and relaize it gonna be expensive to drink.

but don't skimp on the tips. Those peeps who are serving you are in the same boat. Try to think of it as a built in cost and next time budget accordingly.

For all of the above reasons plus the fact that these guys will remember your face next time. Ever wonder why it takes so damn long to get a second or third drink? Ever wonder why it sems you're being overlooked?

You are, they know you're not going to tip them.

There's nothing wrong with not having much money, but don't take it out on the staff. Go somewhere less expensive, have a drink before you get to the club, or around the corner, in your car when you get there, bring a flask to share on the way...

Be creative... but seriously... not tipping isn't going to save much money when you think about it.

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Totally agree with petrol about the budgeting.

However, the base pay is shit for a service oriented jobs like bartenders, but i do know that the barteders make a shit load of money in one club night just from the tips, so i dont see them as poor starving overworked people.

Just wanna add that when i go out i do tip always (no matter if its a bar or a club) , although there are some exceptions in which i think you shouldn't tip.

Like when you tip the first time, and then the bartender passes you by like 50 times while u are waiting to buy a next drink.

Also when the bartender screws up your order and then when you mention it, they give you an attitude just cuz you brought it up to their attention.

I guess there are some others but i cant think of more.


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I always tip but theres the OCCASIONAL time that i spend mega bucks get trashed end up tipping mad loot to one bartender then on my last drink i have no money left:( , I always feel bad but then again I do tip before i run out of all that money;)

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I was under the impression that at certain clubs (such as Exit)bartenders have to purchase the alcohol from the club, and then charge as they see fit to a certain extent(which is why different people are charged different prices for their drinks....$8 for one person, $10 for the next) This way if a bartender gives buy backs its out of his own pocket. Tipping is definitely mandatory, but bartenders also have the responsibility not to fuck you over and charge $50 for five drinks. Thats bordering on obscene. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

HOWEVER (and this one always pisses me off) You shouldn't decide whether to tip or not based on the price of the drink because the bartender has no control over that. The management decides prices and bartenders make the same amount of money (usually $5/hr+tips) whether the drink is $4 or $15.

Should the price of the drink be related to the amount of the tip? Or should it be the number of drinks plus things like:

- how complicated the drink is to make

- is the bartender extra - friendly (especially if they're really overworked)

- if they recognize you / remember your drink as the night goes on

- if they're cute AND not bitchy

Obviously, if you're getting a bottle or table service, there are some different things to consider, but what do you all think?

Unless the bartender does something truly and intentionally retarted to me, they get a tip for each and every drink - and even more if they ever buy back (vanishing breed there). I look at it like going out to eat - would you ever not tip your waiter because you felt the food was overpriced?

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Originally posted by avalondon3

Take Drugs, they're cheaper......... :rolleyes:

LMAO!!! :laugh: .....but its so true...a night of rolling will more than likely cost less than trying to stay drunk all nite. of course, if ur one of those people that does like 8 pills a night, then maybe u should start drinking more. :D

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I always tip the bartender, unless i'm asking for water or something. The thing that REALLY pisses me off is when they automatically keep the tip. That gets to me and just isn't right. I have no problem leaving them a tip, but it is not their decision. It's mine! And if they see me leaving a tip or giving it to them in hand a simple thanks or nod would be ok. I don't know what their problem is, have the decency to thank someone for leaving a tip. I mean yes they get tips every 30 seconds, but it doesn't take any effort to smile or say thanks. Ok, i'm done venting.

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