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Xenadrine VS. Ripped Fuel

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I am currently taking Xenadrine to assist weight loss, but have pretty much achieved my goal weight....I was told that "Ripped Fuel" helps build muscle more so than helping you burn fat, and that is what I want to do. Is this true, or do the two serve the same purpose.....and please do not reply back and say "Eat right and Work out" because I already do that... I will be buying the pills anyways, so jst the straight facts and experiences please!

Thanks! :)

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u have to understand that 90 percent of it is genetics, u have no control for the most part as to your physique. i know people that go for like only 5 reps and do big weights and they are ripped and not big at all, and then there is people who are huge and do small wieghts, i suggest if u are already cut do what u have been doing , however lets say if u do chest, do the same routine u do for 3 work outs, then on the fourth workout of chest go for only like 6 reps with bigger wieght, u will see u remain cut, but also have more muscle, kind of like a medium build yet ripped, bottom line is both these products are about the same, its now if you workout but HOW you workout that matters, trust me hope this helps

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CGM, the only thing I know for sure is that Xenadrine is all natural, while Ripped Fuel isn't. I'm not sure what that means. However, I don't think that Ripped Fuel is made to build muscle. Read the back label, and it reads almost exactly like Stacker. If you want to build muscle, eat lots of protein (either in bars, shakes, or my favorite: good ol' chicken) or take creatine (which makes you look bloated.)

Progressive2, there is no such thing as toned. You have body fat, and you have muscle. Being toned is just a matter of having a low body fat percentage (2-10% in male, 12-20% in females) and building muscle. Whether you do small weights in many repetitions or big weights in fewer reps, you build muscle. Genetics play a role insomuch that muscle may be easier to build and retain, and your body fat percentage may be influenced by such factors as metabolism.

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here's the facts; no lectures:

both are formulated to do the exact same thing, that is to increase metabolism and stimulate energy. neither is designed to build muscle. xenadrine has a slightly more effective ingredient profile than standard ripped fuel. if you opt for the updated formula called "extreme ripped fuel", you will have virtually similar ingredient profiles and strengths, with "extreme ripped fuel" being less expensive than xenadrine.


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thats very true aphelion, but u have to understand that if u do as certain kind of routine with certain reps and weight sizes you will look different then if u do another kind of routine, hence you can be toned medium big, this not only has to do with your workout in the gym, but also cardio and your diet. you can change the amount of fat in your body for the worse or better, obviously u build muscel wether u go for many or few reps but your body and muscle will look different depending on your routine,

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They are both very good supplements. I think Xenadrine is a lot stronger, but Ripped Fuel is good too. I would not recommend taking one when you go clubbing. You may not realize it, but you could be setting yourself up for a heart attack. With the heat and dehydration, I wouldn't take that chance.

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Facts only no eat right work out from me.

Try hydroxycut I find it to work better and know a few guys who are in A1 shape who also swear by it.I would also tell you that if you want to cut fast and get very vascular try to get clebutorol its rx only but still east to get. Ask if you have a shirtless friend at soundfactory.

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Originally posted by xkingchangox

Try hydroxycut I find it to work better and know a few guys who are in A1 shape who also swear by it.

hydroxycut has similar amounts of ephedra/caffeine as xenadrine, ripped fuel, etc (per recommended dosage)... the difference with hydroxycut is that it contains a compound called hydroxy citric acid (HCA). this compound is intended to redude cravings & aid in supression of appetite. therefore, this type of product is more tailored to a person who not only wants to burn fat, but also lose weight by reducing food intake. this product is similar to "diet fuel".


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Wait...so..If I smoke after taking Xenedrine, it will make me MORE speedier? I'm on my second week of taking these pills (lost 8 pounds so far, 15 more to go). But usually, when i smoke, i gain weight back because of those fucken munchies!! What to do????


Originally posted by thesandman

I have taken both over the years, not for working out... for going out:

Ripped Fuel- good but wear off quick on me

Xenedrine- Unbelievable, smoke a joint with one of these and its very simular to X (w/o any drain bamage)

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