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Help! I Cant Sleep (insomniac Alert!)

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two days straight and I still can't close my eyes..

Especially after the great night I had at The Frying Pan..

But it's not like I'm rolling (I poped one Stacker)..

I just can't seem to shut my brain off...

It keeps going and going and...

My body feels tired but my mind just wont ease up!

What should I do?

I don't wanna end up like Deniro from TaxiDriver..

Can any one help me before I shave a mohawk into my head?

i need to rest my mugwumpian brain before it has a mealt down..

Could this be a sighn of stress?


Or am I just finally going the way of the unavoidable insanity that has been licking at my heals for so many years now..?






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first off all that stacker shit is strong! you should just try hydroxycut or coffee or expect to have insomnia!

secondly, always keep chamomile tea on hand to bring you down when you're all hyped up from a good night out. sometimes it takes me two cups or just make a double-strength cup.

third, put on simon & garfunkel or something totally chill to bring you down. enya is another good choice. it has to be very low key.

and finally, just masterbate if ya have to!

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I feel ya mugz.

I haven't had a decent nights sleep in weeks. I've been an insomniac for years. And the thing that pisses me off, is that I know its totally psychological.

Your brain is racing and your body is exhausted.

Anyway, I wish I had an answer, but I don't

Although, my roomate takes AMBIEN and she said its really good, but you need a Rx for that.

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mugz take two tylenol pm and one benadryl. wash them dwon with a beer. take a warm (not hot) shower, turn on the ac and than place a cool cloth over your eyes. that should do wonders.

oh and if that does now work, masterbate. that generally knocks me right out!:idea:

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

I feel ya mugz.

I haven't had a decent nights sleep in weeks. I've been an insomniac for years. And the thing that pisses me off, is that I know its totally psychological.

Your brain is racing and your body is exhausted.

Anyway, I wish I had an answer, but I don't

Although, my roomate takes AMBIEN and she said its really good, but you need a Rx for that.

i finally just told my doctor i was tired of suffering and to give me something already! life is stressful, and drugs are our friends to help us sleep when we need to. without sleep, the whole day is shit!

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from a fellow non-sleeper -

I don't even try to sleep much most nights - twice a week i usually get a reasonable dose (5 hours plus)

here's what i need

-warm but not hot

-not full, not hungry, not thirsty

-no recognizable taste in my mouth

-no meds except aspirin as needed

-a slight breeze (fan)

-white noise / music. if music, not too mellow or it just pisses me off!

-start on the couch, facing AWAY from the TV, but with it on -what was ever more tiring than the quiet drone of voices at the library - new programs work well.

-stumble into the bed at some point

-body next to me always helps - it relaxes me when someone else has that sweet deep slow breathing thing going

-in the winter, a bath and StacyChase's cool cloth do the trick (better if she applies it though)

basically, HAVE NOTHING FOR YOUR BRAIN TO FOCUS ON! music beats are ok, because they become background and rhythm.

masturbation does NOT work for me - just wakes me up. then i need a whole cool off cycle again...

oh, running into the wall at full tilt, no helmet, usually knocks me right out as well...

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Originally posted by mugwump

two days straight and I still can't close my eyes..

Especially after the great night I had at The Frying Pan..

But it's not like I'm rolling (I poped one Stacker)..

I just can't seem to shut my brain off...

It keeps going and going and...

My body feels tired but my mind just wont ease up!

What should I do?

I don't wanna end up like Deniro from TaxiDriver..

Can any one help me before I shave a mohawk into my head?

i need to rest my mugwumpian brain before it has a mealt down..

Could this be a sighn of stress?


Or am I just finally going the way of the unavoidable insanity that has been licking at my heals for so many years now..?






Drink a whole bottle of Nyquil....I guarentee you'll be out for the count...
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Originally posted by barvybe

from a fellow non-sleeper -

I don't even try to sleep much most nights - twice a week i usually get a reasonable dose (5 hours plus)

here's what i need

-warm but not hot

-not full, not hungry, not thirsty

-no recognizable taste in my mouth

-no meds except aspirin as needed

-a slight breeze (fan)

-white noise / music. if music, not too mellow or it just pisses me off!

-start on the couch, facing AWAY from the TV, but with it on -what was ever more tiring than the quiet drone of voices at the library - new programs work well.

-stumble into the bed at some point

-body next to me always helps - it relaxes me when someone else has that sweet deep slow breathing thing going

-in the winter, a bath and StacyChase's cool cloth do the trick (better if she applies it though)

basically, HAVE NOTHING FOR YOUR BRAIN TO FOCUS ON! music beats are ok, because they become background and rhythm.

masturbation does NOT work for me - just wakes me up. then i need a whole cool off cycle again...

oh, running into the wall at full tilt, no helmet, usually knocks me right out as well...

you're a pretty high maintenance sleeper for a guy!

my other tips for getting a good night's sleep are: ear plugs, eye mask, big teddy bear, pillow between knees to support back and then curl up into ball with covers over head.

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Originally posted by shugabooga

you're a pretty high maintenance sleeper for a guy!

my other tips for getting a good night's sleep are: ear plugs, eye mask, big teddy bear, pillow between knees to support back and then curl up into ball with covers over head.

very high maintenance!:)
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I'm just not tired that much actually. very rarely do i want (nned)to sleep and can't. really good at reading or writing something and then forgetting to sleep!

i can actually fall asleep on the floor, sitting in the train (that's really easy though), outside in the open air.

spent about two years (if i strung it all together) total trekking around and sleeping outdoors, usually no tent, no padding, just me and a bag up in the hills (as high up as possible :) ). city noises actually will keep me up though, and if its too hot, forget about it!

pillow between the knees - forgot about that one. or under one hip works too.

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Warm milk sometimes works for me.

Reading something not too deep can put me right out... If not try some technical manual. The dryer the reading the better.

If the milk doesn't work. I do a glass of wine. Not a ton, but just enough for the depressant feature of tha alcohol to make me sleepy...

A nice small bong load works. Big hits wake me up though.

Ummm..... You any good at meditating? I have a lot of friends who do that, but it doesn't work for me (can't quiet the brain down enough)...

Ummmmm... barvyb's suggestion of full tilt into the wall could work I suppose, but don't plan on doing anything the next day...


Hope you get some sleep

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