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Mtv Special About E

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saw it during an insomniac night in Feb. while recovering from some horrifying chest / head cold symptoms that hit me like a brick after a hard weekend.

Scared the shit out of me until i realize i actually had a cold, since my symptoms were just like those of that girl.

I didn't think they were too judgemental, but they seemed to attribute all that girls problems to E when it was clear she was doing and abusing alot of other stuff on a very regular basis (like 4 times a week). She definitely had some problems, but i don't think you could attribute them to a minor E habit (like once every week or two).

beyond that, very inconclusive i though...

of course, i was delirious with a 103 temp at the time? does this even sound like the same show?

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I loved the 2 girls that was the best part. I agreed with them -- I think they were trying to say was that stupid people are ruining the scene. Glowsticks make me wanna puke,anything fuzzy makes me wanna puke!!! I totally agree with them, yes people my sweet side is kind of jaded at the same time!

They also blew the thing up with the girl way to much. She seemed like she had some issues already going on and if you add drugs to it does not help. As for Lynn - WTF - she was fucked up on many drugs but they seemed to only mention E- imagine that. She was a little cracky before drugs. She was so dramatic

Anyody else feel she has Bipolar Disorder ??? Of course, drugs did not help her, but I am SURE that E did not make her paranoid and hallucinate. The docto at the same also slipped and mentioned she was doing other drugs like Coke & Heroin. She was doing other drugs that the doctor slipped and said it.. I believe it was due to the other drugs she was doing at the same time. She wants everybody to feel sorry for her...........it only makes me laugh harder at her...

E does not cause "holes" in your brain thanks to mtv everybody thinks it..Look at the other drugs,PEOPLE...Like I said b4 the doctor even said it..

This should be moved to the drug or drama section....


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yup..it was a repeat~! but i didn't watch dat one yesterday..i watched the cbs one...48hrs. we should all be careful...cuz..of..pm..sumthing...can kill u. they have this drug safe group...man...they are so nice!!! they test the pills for free...i think we need more of them!! yeah..they say that e causes brain damage..but..the ppl they use to prove dat point..are the ones that do like..every other friggin drug too...they have never come up w/sumone who has brain damage just by the use of e...blah..so annoying. anyway...rave safe everyone!!!:D

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I am not an advocate, but on the cbs special, the guy actually mentioned that for every "2 ecstacy deaths" there are 100, yes I repeat, 100 cocaine related deaths. Not to mention, crack, whatever... Even if you are a sober person, this effects everyone, all this negative publicity on the scene. I and many people believe it is pressure from the alcohol and tobacco industry, to get legislation passed cause they are losing so much money to drugs... and in the balance, RUINING the scene.

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Originally posted by housemusic4evr

I am not an advocate, but on the cbs special, the guy actually mentioned that for every "2 ecstacy deaths" there are 100, yes I repeat, 100 cocaine related deaths. Not to mention, crack, whatever... Even if you are a sober person, this effects everyone, all this negative publicity on the scene. I and many people believe it is pressure from the alcohol and tobacco industry, to get legislation passed cause they are losing so much money to drugs... and in the balance, RUINING the scene.

not that there aren't "problems" with what's going on in our club scene, but someone made the point the other day that what we should really be upset about are:

1. the misconceptions that this shit is craaaazy dangerous (more so than drunk driving, cocaine- as you mentioned - etc.)

2. that the entire club / rave scene is getting fully and permanently associated with a "bad, rampant, dangerous drug scene". I know i don't get cracked to the gills everytime i go dancing, and a good large % of people don't. Far fewer do i'd guess then get drunk out of their gourd at a Jets game (any team will do, no drama!) and then jump in a car!

While we aren't all responsible with our own bodies and minds all the time, that's each person's choice. What i like is that the club scene is (generally) about respecting each other, and the drugs we tend to do bring people together (if u can still talk) not start fights, etc.

Anyway - full circle - good point because other shit that people do every day (like breathing the crappy city air, smokin' cigs, etc.) is more likely to end my life than E...

sorry about this lengthy missive - just hate when people refer to shit as "a club drug"...

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Unless you dont drink water, that crap doesnt happen. These people who are having these major problems either overdose, or dont stay hydrated. E is not agressive, or dangerous. As long as you take it seriously, and dont overheat. These idiots who think that E makes people agressive, or kills people are way off base. It was obvious that one girl was on a lot of other things, and you shouldnt do any kind of anything while sick.

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Originally posted by meejungee

they have this drug safe group...man...they are so nice!!! they test the pills for free...i think we need more of them!!

I agree with you meejungee...but did you hear 48 hours dissin' on their group. This is an actual quote:

"Some people would say DanceSafe would be an even safer group if didn't give the pills back."

Did I hear that right?! The DanceSafe rep responded exactly as I would...saying noone would use their services if this were the case!! These guys are saving lives.

A scientist went on to say. "They aren't using clean plates. They don't have PHD's, etc. etc." I say "who gives a damn!" What is this scientist doing to protect us from bad pills?! ...absolutely nothing.

Just my rant. ;)


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Originally posted by housemusic4evr

for every "2 ecstacy deaths" there are 100, yes I repeat, 100 cocaine related deaths.

yeah but i think that everyones problem with ecstacy is that their 15 year old kid is doing it in suburban new jersey, people dont open their eyes as to whats out there.....some of them may be doing coke to....:( no one wants to have THEIR kid involved

also i bet those girls were coming down when they said all that stuff lol

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