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alright listen to this bs...one of my friends is interested in this girl, and wants to hook me up with one of her friends. it turns out i know the both of them, so we all decide to chill, go out to the movies n all. well i had a conversation with them on-line and she expects me to pay for her. so then i replied "whats my incentive" so she says "ur not going to get ass just for paying for me...be nice first then we'll see" i wasn't even implying that she would give me ass. i'm not even interested in getting ass from her cuz she's ugly. why do girls expect guys to pay for them, and who the fuck asks their "date" to pay for them. i say they can go to the fuckin movies alone.:mad:

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Sorry to hear that you got stuck with a ditz. The reason she expected you to pay for her was because she is probably used to guys paying for her and buying her things. There are a lot of guys out here that enjoy or feel obligated to do these things for girls. She must have mistaken you for one of theses guys or a sucker.'

It happens to me all the time. Guys always seem to think that because I am sweet I am a Sucker. They think I am going to buy them things pay there way places and pay for there habits. It doesnt happen over here.

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She probably has the wrong idea and is thinking this is a date thing. Just let her know that this isn't a date and you don't pay for any of your other friends when you go out, so you sure as hell arn't gonna pay for her ass. Only be a little more polite about it. Or you could just be a nice guy and pay for her.:idea:

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thanks for the advice guys...i didn't mean to sound like an asshole, i'm actually a nice guy...honestly...but i was just caught up in the moment. i usually pay for things when i take a girl out but i only do that if i'm actually interested in the girl and not set up just for the sake that my friend can get a girl. i'm not one of those suckers tho...once ur involved...a girl's gotta pay her way sometimes. kinda 50/50 deal. give and take. thats how a relationship should be.

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Originally posted by clubgodraver

thanks for the advice guys...i didn't mean to sound like an asshole, i'm actually a nice guy...honestly...but i was just caught up in the moment. i usually pay for things when i take a girl out but i only do that if i'm actually interested in the girl and not set up just for the sake that my friend can get a girl. i'm not one of those suckers tho...once ur involved...a girl's gotta pay her way sometimes. kinda 50/50 deal. give and take. thats how a relationship should be.

You got the idea sweety. And for the recoed you didnt sound like an asshole. I don't like when people expect or tell me to do things like that. I will do it on my own, out of the kindness of my heart. But synergy is probably right about what the chick thought.

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