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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

thanks for the welcome


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WOW! You guys are like some hardcore underground board militia. thanks for the welcome. You guys are all way too lucky to have jobs that let you surf the net everyday! Did everyone have fun on Fri. w/Marshall Jefferson, even though it was at Kustom. I spoke to Kim and got all these e-mails from random people telling me they had a good time, even though I was freaking about other things and could'nt enjoy the night. I actually had no clue if people were having fun or not, but now that I know I feel some srt of comfort. Once again thanks for everyone that came out!

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I certainly did, you must let me know of any deep house nights your or anybody else is running.

For me it's not the place it's the vibe within the place and the DJ has quiet a bit to do with that.

Fracois K proved that at Le Passage, he rocked it, and that places doesn't have the best vibe either.

Good meeting you, and remember there is ALWAYS time for Champagne.

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Hey wait a gosh darn minute... you an't sayin that our jobs aren't impotant are you??? I know that b2b's job pays him some $$$ cause he is like one of a handfull of people that can program in the language he knows... me... I can be replaced sure, but why would they want to get rid of a firey irish girl is beyond me ;)

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B2B - The real money is in being a whistle-blower. They get paid something like 5-10% of the money they save the government.

I saw a story on executive for a defense contractor. He was getting screwed over by his superiors, so he blew the whistle on his company overinflating prices.. He wound up getting several million dollars as a result.

Think of all the krack-hoes and strippers you could hire with that..

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Well we have all these ex-vets who are employed here. They have all been through trauma or something in action. ALl week they walk round like zombies. One guy stops me all the time and asks me to say random lines from Flash Gordon (it's the English accent i think!?!).

Anyway all week they are totally blank faces, staring in to no where. But Wednesday's, man Wednesday is 'Medication Day'! They all sit in the canteen buzzin their tit's off! You will here them say shit like 'you coming up arn't you?' and things like that.

Zipping round everywhere, GOD knows what they give them... but i want some.

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Nope, I know you all make good money. I just wish I were as lucky to be able to make good money and be able to hop boards all day. All you guys that I have met recently are some chill cats. Maybe you guys go out a little too much for my tastes but you guys have good energy behind you...do I sound like a tree huggin hippie by sayin that? Hey B2B it was really nice to meet ya as the rest but I can't remember anyones name.

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yes, it is! But hey it's people like you that make it possible to bring in big name talent. so kudos! I remember your name, it's the other 2 girls names i can't rember. But all in all you are some of the most fun people to hang wit and we all need to go out some time!

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