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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

He's Back!


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starting Aug 2

Dave Medusa and Melissa Brown hosting

Guest DJ in the main room


in the Blue Room

LADY D & Dave Gandy

the return of

ANNA LEEZA & TO-KNEE-E in the new mezzamine room w/ new sound system

and of course your favorite club kids; Byrd Barot, Jojo, and Bobby Pins!

This is a return of a ledgend

I know where I will be Thursday nights


1431 w. Lake Street

PS. Its Transit's birthday! so you know there will be a surprise.

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I think he is going for his old crowd. Not so much the 21 to 23 crowd that Pure take care of. I don't think Medusa's new night will be about bringing the biggest UK DJ's in. It will be more about the overall party instead of just the DJ. Which is something that seemed to dissappear towards the end of Karma days.

If you were to bring in Jojo and Bobby Pins to Pure at Redno, no one would give a rats ass. The old schoolers though would like it. Sort of like a blast from the past.

We will see what happens

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tell me about it bro. I posted something right after that telling the guy that we are just trying to have fun. And that he should back off a little. I said that club trivia is informative and helps people learn more about the back ground of the scene.

He fucking deleted the post. I have met the guy in person and he is a total asshole. I don't think he smiled once the whole night. He sends me these totally rude and inappropriate private messages telling me shit like

"oops, your post disappeared"

so here is my tribute to Alligator from www.chicagofusion.com

:finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:

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I was just back there. I posted something back to him about the trivia. He at least left it there, but I don't like his response. A new message board that he has control of.

Do they only want people to talk about their sponsors and events.

I can see it now

Come to the hottest night in town too the hottest(gave them the most money) night spot in town "Franks get a knife stuck in your belly Club"................BE THERE!

DJ Wedding spinner spinning the hottest grooves that can be bought at Musicland

Check out hot ladies contest w/ the girls wearing animal print pants that just happens to match the animal print booths and barstools( like that design isn't old)

Oh Well

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Bro, your post was deleted, and he just banned me from posting. I sent the following to Pete at Chicago fusion...Pete/Georgia

I just received numerous amounts of rude and insulting private messages from our good friend Chris a.k.a. Gator. Finally after trying to be civilized with him for about 10 messages, and after having about 5 perfectly legit posts deleted he banned me from the board. I think that he conducts himself in a rude and unprofessional manor and I wouldn't want someone like that representing something that I stood for. I truly admire what you guys are doing, devoting extra all your extra time into helping people in chicago have fun. Just remember that the best advertising is word of mouth. And I can tell you that from reading posts on other message boards I am not the only one who doesn't appreciate Gator's actions. I think that I have earned my time on CF, with over 500 posts in under 2 months. And now I am banned?

I come to the board to meet people and to have a good time. It helps the workday go by a lot faster the without it. I don't understand how you can allow someone so anti fun to moderate your boards. I mean I spend some time on other message boards too, and the posts never get deleted, they may sensor them, or warn you on them, but they don't delete them unless they are illegal or threatening to another person. That is what my idea of a moderator is. Someone who moderates to make sure that everyone is having fun safely, not someone who tries to make sure everyone is pissed off all day. I just don't get it.

and you can tell Chris, since I am unable to post at this time, that I really don't appreciate his rude emails and private messages at all.

Thanks for you time. Hopefully I'll see you all on the fusion boards again soon.

Brandon a.k.a. BouncyBoy

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Dude! my babysitter used to talk about Medusas all the time!:laugh: Ohmygod am I still soooo young! Daaayamn! She was like one of the clubkid wannabes, pink hair, crazy clothes and platforms like 5 inches thcik. Too bad they would never start a party like that (Medusa catered to the 21 and under back then, didn't it?) for us new skool kids. . . .

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Originally posted by scotte511

Scratch! your not getting sassy with me young lady are you! because I will put you over my knee and give you a good spanking!!!!

Watch it Scotte, she might like that.

and yes scratch, Medusa catered to the under 21 crowd back in the day, with Alcatraz and the original Medusa's...

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OK so I went to this Medusa Thursday @ Transit for a little bit last night.

It was supposed to be an anniversary of sorts, so I figured I'd check it out before heading over to RN5.

I didnt stay long and let me tell you this..

It sucked.

Transit is a great place, and maybe last night was an aberration.

The crowd sucked... (too many large and in charge and older people/couples for my tastes)

The music sucked... (2 year old dance music)

I was trying to hold it together until Teri Bristol came on and maybe the place would improve but i had to just scream and get the hell out of there..

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If any one else went there Medusa's on Thursday tell me what you think.

I wasn't able to go.

I think the bad music you heard was from Jernell Geronimo. I don't know if there is 2 guys with about the same name or this is the guy who spins at Whitestar. That might explain it.

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Originally posted by tranceaction

OK so I went to this Medusa Thursday @ Transit for a little bit last night.

It sucked.

The crowd sucked... (too many large and in charge and older people/couples for my tastes)

The music sucked... (2 year old dance music)

Trance- do you mean older than us? if so how much older?

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