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Misstress Barbara


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hey now. . . you never hear any of the heterosexual females on this board every commenting on male djs like that! Don't even get me started on the topic/issue of female djs. . .:mad: (YEAH, you all have a FEMINIST on this board!)

Mistress Barbara plays straight up crageee techno, who cares what she looks like?

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Originally posted by scratchapella

hey now. . . you never hear any of the heterosexual females on this board every commenting on male djs like that! Don't even get me started on the topic/issue of female djs. . .:mad: (YEAH, you all have a FEMINIST on this board!)

Mistress Barbara plays straight up crageee techno, who cares what she looks like?

Hey scratch I here what your saying but this isn't a feminist issue. On her DJing I will rate her on talent. I wouldn't go and see here because of how she looks. But it was meant as a compliment, you like compliments don't you? I don't think I was rude or lewd in my comments.

Your allowed to find people attractive, and I am sure the feminist movement is fine with that. :)

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<laughs> Oh man...I always suspected bb was a neanderthal, but now we have proof. ;)

Before I get labelled a feminazi -

a) I don't think there's anything wrong with thinking someone's beautiful/hot/whatever. But when people see *only* that aspect of a person (male or female), it becomes a very negative/objectifying thing.

B) (basically the same as a, I guess) judge people on their accomplishments - Carl Cox is not a good looking man, but DAMN can he spin. Give women the same respect for the same skillz, regardless of how hot they are.

My two cents.

silente - mybeingafeministisunrelatedtomybeingtheantichrist


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I should have known that UN-Silente would come on with some issue of morality.

We are men, we think with two brains. When we see a good looking girl, the little brain below the belt kicks in and we get drawn into her tractor beam of hotness. It's the way nature works babe. Love it or leave it.


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Beauty and talent are two separate things. When you say somebody is beautiful you should not and do not have to immediately mention how talented they are, that just does not make sense... even for feminists.

And silente, Carl Cox may not be physically attractive. But beauty is not just on the outside, one thing you two ladies seem to be forgetting.

Your totally over reacting, even the most vigilant butch lesbian feminist would say so. In the year 2000 you are allowed to say somebody, be it a man or a women looks good. And you two girls can not tell me that you haven't had conversations with girlfriend about Brad Pitt (or who ever) and said 'dam he looks fine'... I know you would be telling fibs if you told me you hadn't.

Judging people on there appearances is different, and I think that's what your both trying to say... but there was no judging going on.

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Originally posted by back2basics-

Beauty and talent are two separate things. When you say somebody is beautiful you should not and do not have to immediately mention how talented they are, that just does not make sense... even for feminists.

And silente, Carl Cox may not be physically attractive. But beauty is not just on the outside, one thing you two ladies seem to be forgetting.

Your totally over reacting, even the most vigilant butch lesbian feminist would say so. In the year 2000 you are allowed to say somebody, be it a man or a women looks good. And you two girls can not tell me that you haven't had conversations with girlfriend about Brad Pitt (or who ever) and said 'dam he looks fine'... I know you would be telling fibs if you told me you hadn't.

Judging people on there appearances is different, and I think that's what your both trying to say... but there was no judging going on.

All I was saying was that looks and talent should be judged separately. I *love* Carl Cox because he's a fucking awesome DJ - an opinion reached independently of my opinion on his looks. My whole point was that his beauty/talent/whatever lies on the inside.

And I'm certainly not saying you can't say people are attractive (how boring would life be then!?). I'm just saying dont' judge a person's character or worth by what you see on the outside. I think we're saying the same thing, b2b...just getting trapped in semantics.

(oh, and bb - :tongue: )

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yay! a lil drama!

okay, i never should've used the word "feminist". Bells go off every time that word is used, and everybody and their momma wants to say something. i wasn't overreacting, i just wanted to stop the knuckle dragging before it went any further. . .j/k i just wanted to say something posiitve about mistress barbara's talent.

we are all saying the same thing. i totally agree that beauty is on the inside. and we're all entitled to our opinions. but i do love the debate in which the female dj's success is in question, looks/media appeal vs. talent.

i wrote a kickass response to all dis shit earlier, but it wouldn't let me post a picture, how do i do that? i had a hella good answer to all this w/one picture.

oh and Silente, "daayaamn girl, David is SO FINE! mmm!":D

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I think she is beautiful... and very sexy in this picture... and you guys know I am a feminist....I would of posted it if I was a guy too!

To bad most guy dj's are UGLY!!! Maybe they try to make up for it in their talent that is why the most ugliest Dj's are the best!

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