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Ok Sobe Whats The Deal With Your George Acosta


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Hes here in NYC tonight. I have gotten alot of bad reviews on his sets I dont know why everytime I catch him down at SHADOW its always a good night. So whats the deal could this just be because he plays stuff of the current cd when hes away or has he just started to fizzle.

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that's interesting, I've never heard George Acosta away from home. I've only seen him a handful of times cuz I find no joy in that kinda muzik but he's been on those few times. other than that, ........

when and where were those reviews based on? just curious

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If your expecting an ATB, Scot Project, Mauro Piu, etc.; style set; it’s not going to happen. I would not call George’s sets, musically challenging.. they are however, filled with lots of energy, and he doesn’t disappoint.

peace, sobeton

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Sobeton has mastered the art of diplomacy.


"If your expecting an ATB, Scot Project, Mauro Piu, etc.; style set; it’s not going to happen. I would not call George’s sets, musically challenging.. they are however, filled with lots of energy, and he doesn’t disappoint."

Let me be more specific here.... He sucks! He comes on and it is 'Welcome to the land of happy little trance!' time. Oh and when one of these complicated masterpieces is over and it is time for another one, trust me you will know it.

I will admit that the crowd gets excited about it though. But then again, Miami loves big foghorns too.

I don't know why this whole city is on this guys nuts.

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lol! ... Bassboy, ur a character ... I must agree that the big fog horn's could kiss it ... they're very obnoxious and if the muzik is good and on, you shouldn't find a need for it ... I see where the clubs are trying to take it to hype up the crowd, but it's just not happening IMO ...

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Hahahahha! There was a time ....LOoooonnngggggG ago when he was really some thing to see. But everything was different about the scene and the music then. What he used to spin like is played and what he spins now sucks proper, so he is fucked. People avoid him now....sad..haha. But I'll give him credit for at least steering a lot of attention to dance music locally as opposed to that stevie-b gloria estefan crap Miami has been known for in the past....yikes.

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changox , if you really want to know about GAcosta just go to the club where he is spinning tonight and then make your own conclusion about his set/style....etc .......

Till this day i have enjoyed his set's and the crowd energy that he delivers .

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If GA keeps playing the Wac, annoying, monotonous crap that he's been playing for the past few years, he will definitely go down with the ship (we all know what ship I am refering to).

I've been listning to GA since he used to do afterhours in a little club on Lincoln road called 3rd Rail (now Score) he was spinning some of the most wicked deep house sets I ever heard, WTF happened.

$$$$ Thats what happened.

I'll be Wac for $$$$ and a couple of rolls

And in DJ history you will also be considered a Rich but Wac DJ.

Good ridens. :laugh:

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His skills are not in question but I think right now he's playing the crowd. I'm tired of all the GA bashing on the board! Give it a break peole. I bet if he sold out to the now popular monotnous dark sound of house/progressive trance everyone here would love him! I've heard DT's name mentioned here so many times. His Global Underground London wasn't exactly great. Relatively speaking of course. I think it lacked direction and sounded more like a musical experiment then an album. No one on this board would dare say I like George Acosta's sound cause everyone here would attack them! Sorry I think that's just wrong. Just like alot of your signature's say open your mind and feel house blah blah blah. Take it to heart when you write something like that! There's no right or wrong way to see things.....just ways!

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Originally posted by georgeacasta

His skills are not in question but I think right now he's playing the crowd. I'm tired of all the GA bashing on the board! Give it a break peole. I bet if he sold out to the now popular monotnous dark sound of house/progressive trance everyone here would love him! I've heard DT's name mentioned here so many times. His Global Underground London wasn't exactly great. Relatively speaking of course. I think it lacked direction and sounded more like a musical experiment then an album. No one on this board would dare say I like George Acosta's sound cause everyone here would attack them! Sorry I think that's just wrong. Just like alot of your signature's say open your mind and feel house blah blah blah. Take it to heart when you write something like that! There's no right or wrong way to see things.....just ways!


I agree with what Georgeacasta has said about judging every DJ's sound objectively. It is a lucid, well thought out point.


I mean I could start DJing tonight, and under the protective veil of "It's an art form, and there is no good or bad" I can disregard my critics. But that would be bullshit, wouldn't it? Why? Cause I would suck. I would suck, and someone would need to tell me for s that I could improve, etc. George Acosta sucks, and by charging 20$ a night to see him we, as his customer have the right and the obligation in this capitalist system to say so.

Hey is the rumour true that GA was mixing one time and he used his belly to adjust the pitch on one of his tables? Now that is fucking talent baby!

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"His Global Underground London wasn't exactly great. Relatively speaking of course. I think it lacked direction and sounded more like a musical experiment then an album" George Acasta

His GU is misunderstood, you must hear that baby a good 5x and realize it's a grower. Tenaglia tried to put in too many things into a double cd which frustrated many. Anyhow, you should pick up Athens as well.

Sure not everyone is going to like a particular DJ just because someone says so. The reason why you've heard DT mentioned so many times on this board is cos the man is a master, he's the DJ's DJ. You gotta remember he's been djing for over 25yrs and he completely understands the music, vibe and crowd. Ok fine Mr. G. Acosta gets the crowd going but is his style and diretion evolving--not in my opinion. Anyhow, I say you do yourself a favor and attend the Sept 1st event w/ Mr. Danny Tenaglia and then you will realize what the big fuss is all about.


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bassboy and george have both made valid points...

While a Djs skills might lend themeselves to being measured objectively, therefore, making it possible to differentiate between a "good" Dj and a "bad" one; A Djs art or musical inclination doesn't lend itself so easily to being put up to a measuring stick.

So if GA is being judged because of the music he spins... dunno about that.. some people still enjoy the high energy trance GA spins. If he's being judged by his skills... that's a different story.

But, if the man can use his belly to adjust the pitch on his tables... Then he must have skills :laugh:

btw> I happened to like DT's London. So there you go... Keep and open mind cause art is in the eye (or ear) of the beholder.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta

His skills are not in question but I think right now he's playing the crowd. I'm tired of all the GA bashing on the board! Give it a break peole. I bet if he sold out to the now popular monotnous dark sound of house/progressive trance everyone here would love him! I've heard DT's name mentioned here so many times. His Global Underground London wasn't exactly great. Relatively speaking of course. I think it lacked direction and sounded more like a musical experiment then an album. No one on this board would dare say I like George Acosta's sound cause everyone here would attack them! Sorry I think that's just wrong. Just like alot of your signature's say open your mind and feel house blah blah blah. Take it to heart when you write something like that! There's no right or wrong way to see things.....just ways!

dance music has always gone in trends, and yes house / progressive trance has finally reached the masses. on a personal level, I like a dj that challenges me musically. to be more specific digweed, dave seamen, dt, lee burridge, sander kleinenberg, tarantella, etc are dj’s; whom I find intriguing. they are not just dj’s, they are artist who create music. they can play any style of music, and keep you on the edges of your seat. what bothers me, is when a dj slips into safe mode. safe mode being a comfortable area; in which you simply play music. experimentation is what dance music is all about. that is difference between being a dj , and being an artist.

george is capable of playing any style of music; this I can attest to. imo, geroge has decided to stay in the safe mode. for his current fans, that still appreciate what he puts forth; that’s is great. personally, his music does not move me,as much as it once did. the current age of dance music is exciting, and while I embrace the new. I appreciate were I came from. that’s not bashing; it’s the truth, plain and simple..

peace, sobeton

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Originally posted by bassboy

Sobeton should be the bridge between the Israeli's and the Palestinians! :tongue:

Can you handle my contract re-negotiation later Tony? :-)

I’m flattered.. by the way ,10%; for contract negotiations . Lol talk to ya later bro.. :) peace, tony

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Bassboy, point well taken......fuck u anyways<----(with a New Yorker accent) :) lol

Loraine.......I really respect your opinion on the board. Athens is next on my list of things to buy. I'm def going to check DT out on Sept1.

Dieg0......I actually liked DT's GU London I just used it as an example because I don't think he catered that album to please the mainstream.

Sobeton......Your loyal to your roots. I respect that!

BTW, I love prog house/trance. It's a recent thing, I don't wanna pose like I've been into this thing all along. Danny told me to check out JimmyVanM's Bedrock. I think Nolimit had also mentioned that album on the board too. All I can say is HOLY FUCKIN SHIT!

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is shadowlounge packed out every saturday night when acosta is there? if yes, then maybe, just maybe, the club management has asked george to stick to the formula that brings in the masses...running a club is a business and it has to make money. the dj has to make a living too, and maybe george likes having a weekly residency in miami and therefore plays what he plays for that reason. when i heard him memorial day weekend, i heard only one song in six hours that i didn't like, and i'm a huge diggers/howells/pappa/lawler fan. george's lighter more uplifting style (although some tracks were pretty hard/dark) was a blast and a refreshing change for me. it gets old hearing the deep dark stuff repeatedly, you gotta mix things up.

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