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Do you use Ecstasy?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you use Ecstasy?

    • I thrive on it!
    • Every weekend.
    • Every now and then when I go clubbing or party.
    • Once or twice in my life.
    • No, but I am curious.
    • Never touched it, never needed it.
    • No comment.

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I'm not looking or replies so you can save face and identity, but I am just wondering what the E situation is here now with a new act in play over in Washington DC? (Click here to read the act. ) I hear people get mad that Ecstasy is causing a lot of trouble in the scene, and then the rest who say that drugs are a part of the scene. I've even heard a few that feel the government should mind their own business and let American children kill themselves if they want.

As for me, I'm going to quote Uncle Dan:

If it's all supposed to be about the music, then why does anyone need a drug? You're contradicting yourself.



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I'm not doing this as an OS Magazine thing. It's more out of personal curiousity.

As far as I am concerned, E is dead as a pop trend. I just wanted to see how many people are rolling and how often.

There's no article coming out of this.


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Originally posted by kimberlyco

No offense sweetheart but are you going to put this one on your magazine too and not tell us you are doing it???

The oakenfold question.

Kimberly, chill out. Do you think that every writer in the world told every single person that he quoted? I mean do you think the people who write text books call up Abraham Lincoln to say "hey Abe, we used your Four Score quote in our book." No, that is the beauty of free speech and freedom of press. They can quote whoever they want and they don't have to tell everyone.

At least DJam got the quotes accurate, and didn't switch around the wording, now that would be something to get upset about. Or are you just jealous that he didn't quote you??? lol

D-Jam, I totally disagree with you about E being dead as a pop trend. I keep meeting more and more people that do it on a regular basis.

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OK, I was wrong in saying that E is not a pop trend anymore. I only got that vibe from the fact that most of the "non-ravers/non-clubers" I knew who were popping E last year because they were at Crobar and dancing to trance have since given it up for alcohol.

You're right, it has not vanished, but I do feel it has slowed down some, yet the police have gotten out of control with it.

Check this out - http://www.riverfronttimes.com/issues/2001-07-25/radarstation.html

Now that's the point where I wonder if we should rename this country "East Germany". :eek:



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Originally posted by djamnfx

Check this out - http://www.riverfronttimes.com/issues/2001-07-25/radarstation.html

Now that's the point where I wonder if we should rename this country "East Germany". :eek:



That is f?cked up

What gave them reason to believe that the water being sold at the event for $2 was laced with ecstasy, as Officer LaLumondiere's affidavit alleges, when anyone who knows the first thing about ecstasy will tell you a single hit usually goes for $30?

Some people have too much power.


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DJam - the reason those clubbers 'gave up' or its slowed down in Chicago is because of several reasons.

Last year you could go to Karma or Crobar and find ANYTHING.. E,K,G,Coke,Pot, etc.. and from multiple sources.. you could be there and guys would come up to you asking if you wanted to buy some E.. you didnt have to ask or search for it.

Then Karma closed.

Then Crobar started having problems and actually cleaned up the place.

I know tons of people who would be doing E if they could get their hands on it, I still get 2-3 people a night ask me for 'rolls'.. although I dont think I look like a dealer, do I ?

At Nick Warren @ RedNo5, I had a record 7 different people ask me for pills... (unfortunately none of them was a hot babe - all dudes)

I dont think taking E is good or bad.. I tend to let people do what they want to their own mind and bodies..

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Originally posted by kimberlyco

Brandon for your information I was only asking because this is a much more serious subject. That's all.

Kimberly, if you notice he didn't ask for any replies, just a simple vote. We are on a message board, talking freely, there is no law against having a discussion about drugs. Actually I think that the more that is published about it the better. I mean why not educate everyone, get all the opinions together to develop a solution.

DJam, you can quote me anytime, on anything. They can't do anything to me for talking about drugs, not to mention message boards are totally anonymous.

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i know for a fact that there is a person at cb that generates more money and returning customers for the club selling shit in there then they make off the alcohol sales.

Every clubs has their own dealers, thats why some esp here in ny search you at the door, if they find 3 pills they let you in, if they find 10 they take them. Drugs attract celebrities who attract the media who make the club seem hot, and the general public goes and buys shit from the "house" dealers, then buying $6 water etc...drugs are part of the scene, and will be ALWAYS whether we like it or not. They were around before the club scene and they will be around even after.

I dont think x use has dropped off, i think its not on the front page anymore so you dont hear about it constantly.


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i disagree that its dead if anything its probably peaking...

just to give an example last week i saw two separate tv shows Resurrection Blvd on showtime and Six Feet Under on HBO with the same plot thread...kid hides e in aspirin bottle, middle-aged adult takes it by mistake, hilarity ensues...

come to think of it there was a storyline about a 30-something couple and e on arli$$ on HBO about a month ago.

While it may not be as obvious/blatant as it was a couple of years ago, now that its the new drug menace, it's there, especially among the younger crowd.

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