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why do ex's always seem to know just how to upset you like no one else can??!!??

to make a long story short my x and i have been on and off for about 5 years. we have been off for a long time now and things have been wierd. one min hes all nice to me and the next he acts like he hates me. now he would never really tell me when he was "seeing" someone new(when we were off of course) but last week he told me that hes been seeing someone for the past 6 weeks...:woah2:

now he never uses the word "girlfriend" unless he's really serious. otherwise he would always say that hes just seeing someone. so i call him today and the topic of sex comes up and he says to me "just because i have a GIRLFRIEND doesnt mean we cant have sex anymore" :woah:

i ended up flipping out.... and im not sure if it was becasue he said the word GIRLFRIEND or the fact that i would now be his booty call....

now ive been thinking A LOT since the day that he told me that he was seeing this girl and its messed up for me to realize this because of this ...but i miss him. and then today when he said the word girlfriend i thought i was gonna cry. so i realized (so i think) that i want him back... so do i tell him or not.... or am i feeling this way just because i know he's seeing someone new...

i dont know what to do.... and why is it ex's are the only people in the world to make you feel this way!!!!!!??????????!!!!!!

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Well maybe the reason he is nice to you sometimes is purely to get a peice of ass when he wants to..and then becomes an ass other times. Honestly, if you guys have no future together end anything between you 2 now because letting it drag on is only going to hurt you more. By constatly going back to him, you will never be able to move on.

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the thing is when hes nice to me its really not so he can get some action.... he hasnt gotten any in about 6 months... so i know its not that... what exactly the deal is im not sure.

as far as a future together... i mean hes always the one that i saw myself with and if you ask him he would tell you the same thing. we always talked about getting married and everyone would always say "you 2 are def getting married".

thats not to say that we had a perfect relationship bc lord knows its had its problems. but most do.

i dont know. im just confused.part of me has always missed being with him but im not sure if im feeling this way bc of his new girlfriend or if my feelings are really genuine. :huh:

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Originally posted by PartiGrl


I'm sure that you're better than that and worth more than that! I hate it when guys treat girls like that, it's so f**ked up. But I guess it's your decision to make... :confused:

no there is no way i would ever go back just for some booty. him just saying that offended me so bad. i could never go from being his gf to ex gf to booty call.... hell no!

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Originally posted by dreams2

no there is no way i would ever go back just for some booty. him just saying that offended me so bad. i could never go from being his gf to ex gf to booty call.... hell no!

Well, it's good that you're strong enough not to do that. :)

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Definitely do NOT go back this time. You are probably just feeling a little burned that he is with someone new and is kinda serious about it. And when he's nice to you its probably because you guys were together for so long, its like routine, he's used to it. But seriously you can do better, keep your eyes open to meeting someone new and eventually you will forget about it. I know its hard but look how he treats his new girl, and keeps you on the side...that means if you get back with him, he'll have another girl on the side. Let her deal with his drama!!! :)

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A piece of your heart will always belong to him, whether you like it or not. The fact that you still love him probably makes it hurt even more. He might be the one who you love with all your heart and soul, but aren't suppossed to have. Don't mean to be a downer, ex's do suck, but life will go on, and you will be happy.

Go out and have an awesome time with some really awesome friends, they make a world of difference.


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I think you should forget about your x and move on - - Its been 5 years and things dont seem solid between you two......Im sure you can do better than him anyways. Another thing is why would you want to be with someone who is obviously cheating.......you know the saying .................once a cheater, always a cheater.

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hey girl,

i totally understand. my xbf and i are....well, sorta together. ??

but I know what you mean, like when you are with him, everything is wonderful, and my x and i told each other that if we weren't with someone at the age of 40, we'd just get married. etc etc.

bottom line is, we both need to stop.

If it was meant to be, it will be.

Let him be with this girl...she deserves that too.

Go show him up by having fun W/O him.

p.s.we always want things we can't have. so now that he's officially taken, he seems more desireable. totally understandable. goodluck!

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You know, you should be happy for him, but that's just about impossible sometimes.

I've got an ex that's married and has kids now. We were 2gether on and off for about 5 years. I hated when she dated people after we broke up, but now that she's married its like a total cut of all that thinking about the future together. Now she and i are really good friends / advisors for each other.

Which is because we know each other so well and invested so much time with each other that its just a major part of your life - and a really comforting / comfortable one. I totally understand how he's really nice for you and not just for the booty.

But...for your own self respect and the way he perceives you, don't sleep with him while his got a girlfriend - it will just diminish whatever strong ties you guys have....

my 2 cents...

good luck hon!

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I FINALLY FORGOT ABOUT MY EX after months of being on/off... it feels really good. i bocked him from my aol list and i rarely even think about him. i could care less if he has a new girl. i wish we could be friends but he is too immature to treat me like a friend so i guess we cant. his loss.


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ive been trying my hardest to just get over it. and for a while things were great. i was seeing someone else and doing my thing. but now im not and he is... and thats probably why its bothering me. i know that it bothered him that some other guy besides him could make me happy just like it bothers me that some other girl is making him happy...

its just so hard after going through so much with someone for 5 years to just let go like that. i wish i could.

i dont know.... b ut whatever it is that i am feeling now....genuine or not.... im just gonna try to keep my self occupied and not think about it....that should help... right.

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