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Abortions..yes Or No?...serious Subject Question


37 members have voted

  1. 1. ABORTION

    • Im Totaly For It
    • Im Totaly Against It
    • I Think Its The Womens Choice

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A friend of mine jus told me shes pregnant and shes only 17 years old. Now she wants to have an abortion but her boyfriend says no because he thinks its "killing a human" (her boyfriend is a devout christian). She is 17 and she does not want to have this child. I know a lot of people are for abortion. I am but only in the first trimester when its not even a fetus yet, after a few months when it is alive and kicking I just think that is horriable. A lot of people are also not for abortion like her boyfriend, but honestly its not his choice its the womens body and she is the only one who can control what she wants to do. Since my friends boyfriend is not going to give her the money for the abortion shes going to have to go to her parents and that really is going to be drama but she does not what this kid.

how about you? Are you for? Against? or do you think its just the womens choice about abortion?

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He is a devote christian that belives in not having abortions but having sex before marriage. :)

Anyway, beyond that. It's the woman's choice. Period. Some situations happen where it is right to not carry the pregnancy to term. Did they use any type of protection when they decided to have sex? Abortion is not birth control, if you can't handle the risks don't play the game. Hope everything works out okay for your friend.

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i don't think it's alright, later on in her life she might wholeheartedly regret the decision that she aborted her baby and that's a tough thing to carry with you for the rest of your life

sorry she put her in such a difficult situation but when confronted with tough situations like this the thing to do is the "right" thing

babies are cute and lovable anyway--im sure she could get a lot of help raising it

it's better to go through the temporary pain and fun of raising the child then the permanent turmoil of regret

in 18 years from now, the baby will be headed for college and going to clubs---it'll no longer be her problem :)

might even become a dj :D LOL

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Honestly, your average vegetable plant is capable of surviving on its own. A fetus is not. We eat vegetables and no one's crying murder, but to abort a mass of cells is somehow awful. I don't follow the logic. And let's not EVEN get me started on religion. Tell your friend that she can tell her bf that if HE wants to carry that baby to term and care for it the rest of HIS life to go right ahead and find some way to do that, but she's not havin' it. It's her body and her life, not his.

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I used to be so against abortion but I'm not sure now since a few months ago I thought I was pregnant and so many thoughts came into my head, and I have to say abortion was one of them. I still dont think I could have one but I can see why people do depending on their situation.

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if he is such a christian, why is he having sex before marriage??? that is a sin as well.

additionally, abortion is a choice and a hard one. i have friends who decided to abort and have regretted it and than i have friends that have had abortions and never thought about it again.

as for me, i am not sure that i could go thru with it.

suggest to her that she call planned parenthood and get some free counseling and than urge her to use birth control....

i hope everything works out for her. either way she has a tough choice.

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i am totally for abortions as long as its not your form of birth control. i have known people who have had 3,4,5 abortions and that is just sick.

but i think that its always a womans choice to have a child or not. i have had a few friends go through abortion(s). and at the time it was def the right decisions for them. one of my freinds thinks a bout it almost everyday while the other made the decsion and never thought twice about it.

it all comes down to the timing in peoples lives and overall whats right for them. no one can tell someone what is right or wrong for them to do. mistakes do happen and if its not the right time its not. but i just would just make sure that that mistake doesnt happen again.

tell your friend to keep her head up. its not the worst thing in the world. it def could be a lot worse. and make sure ur friend knows that no matter what decsion she decides to make that she will def have a lot of friends and family supporting her.

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I think abortion is only necessary when the mother is going to risk her life having the child or the child itself will be born deformed...better for it to not have to go through a miserable life.Otherwise I'm against it..fucking little teenagers should learn how to watch themselves with sex...it's not a game.

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Her boyfriend has no right to tell her what to do with her body. Thats the plain and simple truth. If he cant support her through this tough time she's going through then she shouldnt be with him. She also needs to hurry up and decide what to do about the pregnancy. The longer you wait the harder it is. Mentally and physically. I am Pro-choice because no one has the right to tell anyone else what to do with their life....especially when it concerns a huge decision like raising a child. She is a baby herself..mistakes happen to everyone...as long as she learns from it and moves on I think she'll be ok.

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come on kids, no one is really FOR abortion - the question is against or pro-Choice. That's it.

I've been through the whole thing as a real life ordeal about five years ago with someone who's still very special to me. At the time, neither of us were ready to have kids, but it was definitely her choice - i don't think guys (like myself) are capable of understanding the physical / psychological trauma of this decision for women. Its not our body, our hormones, our maternal drive, etc. She told me right after that if she ever got pregnant again she would have the kid. Period. Now she has two and is happily married.

The reason i'm pro-choice is i feel people should be happy and kids should only be raised in the best possible situations. Growing up is tough enough. If someone doesn't want to or isn't ready to have kids, that's their choice. Who am i to tell someone they have to spend the rest of their life doing something they don't want?

IMO people who don't respect other people's right to a choice, even if they disagree with it, are simply blinded by what the biggest business in the world (religion) is telling you to think and do. What's right for you may not be right for me....

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Originally posted by doubtness

sometimes, De

you bring up the weirdest subject to talk about.

I think it's the women's choice, afterall it's her body and her life.

I agree with both of the above. There are lots of things to think about, like maturity, family, the circumstances surrounding the situtation, etc...... It's just a scary thing:(

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