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OMG please tell me this is IMPOSSIBLE! (pic)

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That definetely fake. Nice effort in Photoshop, looks like the resolution of his legs compared to other parts of his body is lower. Seems as though they magnified his legs, so its more pixelated. I could have sworn I saw this guy at SF too! He was running around touching himself with glowsticks in his pockets while trying to dance.

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this post does bring up a great topic/point

yes, in some of those pictures he looks like a freak, whatever u want to call it, but that is what he is into, you know?? u cant knock him for that, even arnold schwarzannaggar(sp?) once said in his video pumping iron, "some people are into bodybuilding, and that is no stranger than people souping up a car to go a quarter mile in 6 seconds"

i just get very offended when i see replys in posts, ignorant replys at that, that say things like, "its a great atmosphere here, there arent any shirtless juicers", or "its the same here in ny as it is in south beach, all juicedup guys with their shirts off thinking they are hot sh@t"

honestly, i see alot of people say that stuff, like another post that said, i liked exit saturday, there wasnt any shirtless juicers running around........ i mean, that is a terrible stereotype dont u think??? u are saying that every guy in the factory or exit or hamptons or wherever that is jakked and maybe or most likely has done some sort of anabolic steroid is a @sshole?? that isnt very fair, drugs are drugs, some use them to get messed up, some use them to enhance their physique, im not saying that there arent any juicers that walk around thinking they are gods gift when all they have are small arms and a pimpled up body, yes, there are alot of jerk off guys, but that doesnt mean that u should stereotype, i get very offended by that

i would say 3 out of 4 of my friends AT LEAST have done or do steroids, and we are NOT those fake tough jerk offs that walk around like we are the shit, now i think 2x about going to a place like centro, cause what i see on here or read i mean, God forbid i take my shirt off cause it is hot and God forbid i did steroids and God forbid i look good, muscle wise, i realize what the majority of you are thinking, that i am some juiced up schmuck that has no emotions and has no feelings and is very superficial, WHICH CANT BE ANY FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH....................

there, i have said my part for me and my friends and people unlike me that dont voice their opinion, and yes, i do think that guy does look freaky, but he is into something that you arent, so dont knock him, some like E, some like sex, some like money, some like lifting weights, some like juice, hell, some even like drum and bass;)

im just saying that we should keep our stereotypes to ourselves and keep an open mind, and maybe when i see you thursdays at Saci or weekends in the hamptons and u bump into me and see me, shirtless, extrememly muscular, you wont stereotype me as what i had said b4, maybe, just maybe youll chat with me, hell, even initiate a conversation, would that be alot to ask????

thank you and have a great day from the friendly juicer, lol:D

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