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Ever wonder......?

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We all dream right? And in the dreams we could see stuff. We have visual dreams. This is the question. If a person is born blind how would his dream be? would that person still have a visual dream? hmmmm...makes me wonder

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well dreams are made up of things you see...it's said that no face you've seen in a dream is original, you must have seen the face atleast once for atleast a split second at some poin in your life...but I wouldn't be able to tell you what a blind person dreams...best idea go ask one


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that's a really good question. i never thought about that before. do u think it could be possible that blind people dont dream? i would have to say though, that their dreams are just made up fromt heir imagination...whatver they imagine things to look like is what they dream about.

but then, how do they even have a clue as to what to imagine what something does look like?

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Originally posted by heretic909

The question is... Would a blind person even notice if you've slipped them some mescaline? Or would the darkness that they're used to start morphing into all kinds of crazy shit?

That's a silly question, but at least it's easy to answer unlike the original one. Of course they would notice, it's not like tripping *only* affects you visually.

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..an old friend of mine.

he said that he has mental images for everything. even though he was blind from birth, he said that his brain was still visual. he knew that the "blue" he pictured for the sky and the way rain looked and stuff weren't the same as what we see, but they were real images to him.

he said that his dreams had A LOT of sounds and textures but images too, and that his dreams were just as fucked up as a sighted person's. Of course, all of his dreams would look freakish to us, but that's just perspective.

only a sample of one i know....

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