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Planet of the Apes movie

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I saw the movie last Friday and it sucked. Story-line was predictable.

Granted there were some funny parts, but I can't believe I sat through that movie for 2 hours for that ending. Just horrible.

I left very disappointed. Lots of holes- things that would seem obvious to do (ie; the "leader" running back into the ship- how come no one ran after to make sure he was ok or protect him??)

My opinion- wait for it to come out on cable TV- don't waste your money going out to see it... and if you do see it- don't go with any expectations, then maybe you'll enjoy it more.

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i saw the original when i was a little girl with my dad. i climbed in his lap and screamed throughout the whole movie. he kept telling me to hush.... for years, i was deathly afraid of those mokeys.....

so keeping with tradition, i am waiting till i go to visit my folks and my dad and i will rent it together and watch the movie. however i doubt i will be able to sit in his lap the whole time. :)

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I like it - all but the two minute aftersthought ending that was a hommage to the original -which didn't ruin the real ending on the planet . Tim Roth was twisted as that bad ape. I thought it was cetainly better than that Pearl Harbor BS. Don't recall hearing the Oakenfold remix in the flix thougj

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Burton's take on Planet of the Apes was an interesting one, but the movie wasn't as breathtaking as I thought it would be. The makeup and special effects wasn't as convincing as I thought it would be, especially the gorilla masks. I thought they would look more realistic; at times it even seemed as if the actors' mouths couldn't open and close all of the way.

Burton is an extremely talented director, but this movie fell a bit short. My favorite of all his films would have to be "Ed Wood." Johnny Depp played a terrific role in that film, along with Martin Landau as the late Bella Lugosi.

".........Bee-varrre.........Bee-varrre.........WAIT!!!.....PULL DA STRINGSTHH!!!!......PULL DA STRINGGSTTTH!........"

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The most primitive, elementary movie I have ever seen. If you decide to go see it, prepare to see an almost cartoon like movie, I know it's a fantasy but very poorly written and directed, horrible acting. If you're a fan of Rushmore, American Beauty, Ghost World, and alike, you will regret wasting time watching Planet of the Apes.

Like someone said, this movie is to be watched at 11 years old sitting in your dads lap.

Also someone mentioned "loop holes", contradictions. If you fancy details in a movie or just in general, this movie will definitely piss you off.

How the fuck did the original monkey become two monkeys in the end? Anyone? ....

ehh just pisses me off talking about it, it was that bad.:mad:

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I thought it was great....esp. compared the the garbage that has been put out lately. I think you people are being too picky and expect too much at times.....Iv'e seen the original and it's not supposed to be that. "This is Tim Burton's outlook on the Apes" whether you like it or not.

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With Burton and Elfman doing this pic, I felt like I was watching Batman the whole frickin time, striaght from the opeining credits.

THere were too many kids in the audience, it came down to a family pic, big bad Tim Roth always jumping around an dhuffing and puffing, and how about this one, at teh end teh blonde kisses Mark Walberg, OK OK I can understand some sort of feelings from the Janet Ape but teh blonde??? Where the hell did that come from?

If it wasnt for the last 5 minutes the whole movie just would have sucked, but after the ending I upgraded it to a "good".

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Reposted from another thread with the same topic:

Saw it on Friday night at like 12:45. The theater was PACKED. I actually liked the film. Of course i was smoked out and bumped up at the time. Barely could walk into the theater. I kinda went to the Planet of the Apes physically. I was surrounded by monkees and shit. Estella Warren and me made out for a while (shhh...don't tell Markey Mark...He might send his Funky bunch after me) Very cool experience..i would highly recommend that setting for the whole family. Don't forget to bump up mom and dad!

I rented all of the Planet series recently just to get reminded about the story line. i found that this rendition of the story was just as good. The makeup was superb, the story was interesting (I don't want to hear about how unrealistic it is...it's a goddman sci fi movie for christ sake!), Estella was fine (coulda used more sex with her though), interesting reuse of Charlton Heston, the ending was original (they obviously couldn't use the ending of the original movie.... It's supposed to shock you, remember), and I'd definitely buy the DVD to rewatch when it comes out.

So my advice.. If you are planning to see this movie (or any movie for that matter), do what this crackhead does... Shmoke out and bump up!!! It makes any 3 star movie into a 5 star movie!


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