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Its Hot Today And So Am I!!!!!

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God its hot out this morning here in Paramus. Thank god my corporate ass has a nice air conditioned office. Do you people even know how shredded my back is? Its like this enormous V walking around. It looks as there was softballs implanted in by biceps, you only wish you could grab this ass!!!! My neck is so thick, if you disected my triceps spinach and filet mignon would pour out. Im filled with the finest ingredients in any human and thats why I am so unstoppable. I dominate in everything. AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I had to flex my traps for lady who just watered my plants in my office. She wants it bad!!!! I flexed my back last night you know, so I am a little sore not to mention i deadlifed a few cars. Why am I so great, why do my calves look like they have coffee saucers sticking out of them? Dont forget about the beach contest this weekend. SAUCE MONSTERS ONLY!!!!!!

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Originally posted by monsterguido46

God its hot out this morning here in my anus. Thank god my zit infested ass has a nice air conditioned office. Do you people even know how shredded my toes are? Its like this enormous asshole walking around. It looks as there was goatballs implanted in by biceps, you only wish you could grab this ass!!!! My neck is so thick, if you disected my triceps Burger King and Taco Bell would pour out. Im filled with the worst ingredients in any human and thats why I am so stoppable. I pathetic in everything. AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I had to flex my flaps for lady who just watered my plants in my office. She wants it bad!!!! I flexed my head last night you know, so I am a little sore not to mention i deadlifed a few bicycles. Why am I so great, why do my calves look like they have cocks sticking out of them? Dont forget about the beach contest this weekend. ASSHOLES ONLY!!!!!!

Hmmm, what's up with this post? Please inform me MonsterFaG

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I believe when he tells people to bow down before him and that he is a God then he is basically attacking everyone. If you have read his other posts he says he will crush people and curl them in his biceps....come on now.

Hey I believe you can post what you want but can ya come up with something interesting that people want to actually read and chat about. All him and his guido buddies do is talk about themselves. :rolleyes:

I am sure if they had something interesting to post or insights about stuff other them themselves then they would have more respect from the board. I am all about having your own opinion!!

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Don’t mean to pop everyone’s BUBBLE, but Don't go for looks they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. So what did we learn here? OK LET ME TELL YOU…



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Originally posted by goodfella73823

sista they can't talk about anything else the amount of steroids they took has obviously killed amd shrunk there brain cells so it's hard for them to comprehend.:D

NEWSFLASH Goodfella... Steroids do not affect brain cells. They affect your androgens, but they do not kill brain cells. Also, I bet 80% of the people on this board had to use a dictionary to look up most of the words i used in my previous posts, and for that reason, I am keeping this one simple enough, that it would be filed under juvenile at the public library. I, in no way, am justifying the use of steroids, in fact, I am anti-drug. I have never done them, nor do I plan on doing them. But the simple fact of the matter is, I am sticking up for him because he is my friend, and we are better than everyone ever created. The world did not start rotating until it was blessed by my creation and introduction into this world. I was the final piece of the puzzle, and together we form like Guido Voltron. We rule everywhere we go, and are not confined to just a local scene. If you do not adhere to these ubiquitous beliefs, you are highly dillusional or chemically imbalanced, and will soon take notice to the "Herd Effect". Remember, everyone believed the world was flat at one point, and now we look at them as if they were idiots. Again, if you need to find us, you can catch us at a female congregation near you.

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Originally posted by shlonger

NEWSFLASH Goodfella... Steroids do not affect brain cells. They affect your androgens, but they do not kill brain cells. Also, I bet 80% of the people on this board had to use a dictionary to look up most of the words i used in my previous posts, and for that reason, I am keeping this one simple enough, that it would be filed under juvenile at the public library. I, in no way, am justifying the use of steroids, in fact, I am anti-drug. I have never done them, nor do I plan on doing them. But the simple fact of the matter is, I am sticking up for him because he is my friend, and we are better than everyone ever created. The world did not start rotating until it was blessed by my creation and introduction into this world. I was the final piece of the puzzle, and together we form like Guido Voltron. We rule everywhere we go, and are not confined to just a local scene. If you do not adhere to these ubiquitous beliefs, you are highly dillusional or chemically imbalanced, and will soon take notice to the "Herd Effect". Remember, everyone believed the world was flat at one point, and now we look at them as if they were idiots. Again, if you need to find us, you can catch us at a female congregation near you.

:bigfinger :splat:

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lemme tell you all a lil strory about "monsterguido". here it goes... i know who this person is....and he's a guido...he makes FUN of them, but TRIES to be one at the same time. thats why he drives his MUSTANG to his house at the jersey shore every weekend. and when he does use steriods, you cant tell hes on them or off- hes the only person ive ever seen who looks the same on steriods as he does off them...and its not very good.you can always see him at djs trying to look all hot when thats the LAST thing he is. hes a MONSTERLOSER, thats all.

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