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Space Block Party - first in report


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I was there since about 11:30, so I called it a night at 8.

Overall it was rather fun in my opinion. Space seemed a lot looser, and a lot tighter as well. Looser in the dresscode and such...good thing, I showed up in my Urei 1620 tshirt and a pair of jeans...

Tighter in the fact that they searched your bags upon entry. I had a bottle of water curried away, but the guy took it from me...

Most asinine thing about the night, you had to exit the party if you wanted to go into the club itself...so in a weird way, there was re-entry, but it took like an hour to get back in.

Talent was what I expected. The locals were fantastic with Oakenfold being mediocre. Even worse, all us pros had to stash our cameras during his set since he didn't want his photo taken. Though I grabbed one of him and his girlfriend backstage. Luis Puig gave me a dirty look and I ran like hell. :) Thanks to Oakie, I now know what a trainwreck really sounds like.

Best sets were RITM (all cool guys, not camera shy in the least), Ben Richards, and Edgar and Dave inside.

overall, give the party an 8.

Well, I'm gonna drop dead for a bit...

(sorry about the shoddy writing, i'm so tired!)

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I had a blast- went on a total bender. I unfortuantlely started way too early! Oakenfold wasn't bad, but he certainly didn't live up to all the hype. Getting in and out of the main club was a nightmare.... The best part: a ton of cats from outside the Miami area showed up- the crowd was fresh and diverse.

I had a great time, but I then again I usually do....don't know if it was really worth the extra money at the door....would have liked to seen some more superstar djs.

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my friend and I arrived about 1:00.am. paid our $20.00 for parking (ouch !!) The vibe was good, I was pleasantly surprised. I was really not feeling the music in the blue room. ventured over to red room, and stayed their most the nite. I did catch David Padilla’s set; if you are a fan of the remix; then this set would have rocked your world. David bought a lot energy to the blue room. the blue room was still, going off when I left at 10:00am

the only real negative, the massive amounts of cracked out kids. .

overall I would give mekka a “B-“

P.S. never got too see ,any of the acts outside the club.

peace, sobeton

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OK Im finally awake....

Well despite being a total mess and getting seperated from my friends after only an hour, I had a great time.

I actually thought Oakies set was pretty impressive in a wall of sound sort of way. But I didn't have high expectations to begin with.

I was smart and headed back to the club and air conditioning right before his set was throgh so got back in without too much trouble.

It was kind of fun watching all the candy kids at the hardcore tent. I want whatever they were on. I couldn't keep up with that shit if you shot adrenilin into my heart.

Inside the club was nice in the AC and was actually not too crowded compated to what It could have been. The only bad part was later everyone was spinning the same shit.

Songs I heard at least 6 times

Beats V2 "Every fucking day!"

Africa... too numerous to count

Star 69... fuck fuck fuck

come on guys.. at least listen to what the guy befoe you played.

As for the crowd... pretty fresh and fun. Also it was nice to see they relaxed the no sticks or photon rule. Let the kids play.

As for the set up.. I wondered how they were going to have an indoor/outdoor event.. It seemed to workout pretty well for the layout.

Oh yeah... it was nice to meet sobeton.. I'll be more personable next time when I can create a coherant sentance.

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How about that? After Tiesto, I mean Oakenfold:D finished, Bunny from Rabbit in the Moon began his live MP3 set. Not bad at all. I had never heard him mix MP3's or DJ period and I was really impressed. Obviously, many people left the main stage area after Oakenfuck, but Bunny played some good housey music(....yeah he played "what the fuck" also.....).....the vibe was beginning to mold into Rabbit phase. Bunny would leave a track playing and go to the front of the stage to interact with the crowd and get them going. He's an awesome guy. His personality comes through with his music. He started at 2AM and went until 3......It sucked that we couldn't get beer outside with that heat so luckily, Confucius was cool enough to give us all a frozen Budweiser each......ahhhhhhh!....we needed that.....

.....Confucius hit the decks at 3am with some bad-ass house grooves. He got to spin until 4:30. What a relief, because we thought that both him and Bunny had only one hour in total. Instead we got a good dose of Rabbit vibes from 2-4:30am. It's tough to go on after a superstar DJ like Oakenfuck, but they definitley held their own and created a nice vibe.....the crowd settled into a cool house zone.

My group was right in front of the stage just listening to Confucius' mix. He had one or two 'derailments', but no trainwrecks and the music was just groovin'. The Rabbit guys did an excellent job in my opinion(all we needed was MONK to top it all off). They came to Space and showed the people what was up. Awesome.

Bad thing about the night was that my car got broken into and my speakers were stolen....oh well.....shit happens...I wasn't going to let that get me down........nobody got hurt...no windows in my car were broken...they didn't take my radio, amp, CD player, CD's and tapes.....they just took my box and took off..... all good......fuck it.....

On a better note, Confucius told me today that he is really wanting to spin on the Space patio sometime (hopefully) soon. That would be just dandy. He's got the house and vibe for it.

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Well to no big surprise AGAIN!

i think Edgar V had a better set than good ol' oakey no big surprise. Well Paul actually surprised me, i was actually specting a snooze fest like it was at ultra. And what is it with him acting like if he is a god. Honestly after that "Trainwreck" he encountered like 3 times in the same track he should act anything but godly. Well to bad i got there a little too early and didn't get enough rest or water after Zeta Fest the night before, plus everything being so damn expensive, and being a student like many of you here i like the fundage that would have been propper for last night. Overall i had fun but i still wished i would have been allowed to refill my water bottle in the bathroom.

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Come on guys I know Oakie has a ton of hype that he could never live up to but if an unnammed DJ came up and spun his set you would all have said it was pretty good.

How come you raise the bar just because of his name.

Oh well, I guess it's his own fault. (and no pic's... puh leeze)

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Originally posted by sobeton

my friend and I arrived about 1:00.am. paid our $20.00 for parking (ouch !!) The vibe was good, I was pleasantly surprised. I was really not feeling the music in the blue room. ventured over to red room, and stayed their most the nite. I did catch David Padilla’s set; if you are a fan of the remix; then this set would have rocked your world. David bought a lot energy to the blue room. the blue room was still, going off when I left at 10:00am

the only real negative, the massive amounts of cracked out kids. .

overall I would give mekka a “B-“

P.S. never got too see ,any of the acts outside the club.

peace, sobeton

Sobeton - im hurt - you went and did not invite me! oh well = i'll just have to see how high i can through you next time i see you! = lol



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besides the fact the stupid nigga jerkoff security harald or whatever his name was thrw me out of the club within the first 15 min of my entry and then told all the door people not to let me back in the club an i had to wait till after the fire marshals would allow people back in the club. 2 hours of my night stood outside the club, wasnt that bad cause i must have got atleast 8 girls phone numbers thats definitly the highlight of my night..

well anyway after i was nicely escorted in the back door by my cool cousin fire marshal , (he shoula shut down the club in my opinion but hey he needed to make his money space had to pay a chumpfull to stay open).

i got inside eger v was playing and it was about halfway into hi set but he was rockin it.. red room dj was rockin it too whoever that was..

ahhh 10:30 on the outsie patio

stephen the fag was staring me down wondering how i got in..

the other dumb bitch at the door was staring me down wondering the same thing..




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Originally posted by andrewthomas

besides the fact the stupid nigga jerkoff security harald or whatever his name was thrw me out of the club within the first 15 min of my entry and then told all the door people not to let me back in the club an i had to wait till after the fire marshals would allow people back in the club. 2 hours of my night stood outside the club, wasnt that bad cause i must have got atleast 8 girls phone numbers thats definitly the highlight of my night..

well anyway after i was nicely escorted in the back door by my cool cousin fire marshal , (he shoula shut down the club in my opinion but hey he needed to make his money space had to pay a chumpfull to stay open).

i got inside eger v was playing and it was about halfway into hi set but he was rockin it.. red room dj was rockin it too whoever that was..

ahhh 10:30 on the outsie patio

stephen the fag was staring me down wondering how i got in..

the other dumb bitch at the door was staring me down wondering the same thing..




while I can understand your frustration with space, as we all have had to deal, with various issues. I find your choice of words to be rather rude, and condescending. many people on this board came to your defense when, dagt and johnny13 were putting you down.. I find it somewhat ironic, that you would turn around. and exhibit the same childish behavior. perhaps there is a legitimate reason; you were thrown out of space. next time, you should think twice, about your choice of words.. words are very powerful, and one should use them judiciously.

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I had a great time at Space. It was one of the better parties I've been too. I'm really impressed with the music scene down there in south FL. It's much more diverse than it is up here in NYC (too much dark angry music here).

Even though I stayed in the jungle/breaks tent most of the night (wearing the "Brooklyn USA" t-shirt) the other areas were cool, too. Too bad I had an unfortunate little "dehydration" situation cause the fuckers wouldn't let us refill our bottles and they ran out of $5 bottles of water.

I want to thank the guy who was a good samaritan and ran out of the place to the gas station to get me water. If it was not for him I would have been in some serious trouble...

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Obviously, it's people like this who are the problem.....I've seen a lot of these types of posts on this board unfortunately.......full of hatred, disrespect, and ignorance........I'm sure this person must be involved because of the music........yeah, right....I'll probably get cursed at now......

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Originally posted by andrewthomas







you should try reading my post again. clearly, you missed the message.

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Obviously, it's people like this who are the problem.....I've seen a lot of these types of posts on this board unfortunately.......full of hatred, disrespect, and ignorance........I'm sure this person must be involved because of the music........yeah, right....I'll probably get cursed at now......

If anyone attacks you for speaking your mind....it will probably be b/c youre on to something....and they don't like what they hear.

***It should all be about "peace, love and hairgrease!"

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