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Any advice on how to dump someone?

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I've been seeing this guy for a few months now..but it really has been more of a relationship for him than it has been for me..first,he's moving to Scotland next month so I won't be seeing him for a long time anyways.Second, he has invested a whole lot more into this relationship than I have.I have been realistic throughout the whole thing...and come to think of it,at times I am not even sure why we're together in the first place. We were friends for a long time before we got together (one weird night when we were both high as hell), and now he's in California, while I am in New York, he is expecting to see his girlfriend glad to see him and anxious to be with him constantly, while I just wished he'd leave already. I know that sounds mean, but I feel like I am only with him now because I don't want to hurt his feelings when I tell him it's over. I am going home in a few weeks. What do I do?Any advice would be appreciated....thanks.

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Tell him ASAP and don't talk to him until he gets back from Scotland once you've ended it. Period. Dumping someone is extremely hard and it sounds like you're a sympathizer, but you have to just do it clean and let time do the healing. Otherwise, you'll both just be miserable.

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Oh God, I wish it was that easy! I feel really bad about telling him goodbye over the phone and not in person...plus he has something of mine which is very private and I want to see him first to get it back...can't say what...and,well, if you guys knew how he was you'd understand why it's hard...he's so annoyingly sweet.He's never really been terrible or mean to me in any way, if anything I've been the bitch in the relationship. I just think it's run its course,and I need something to say to him when I go back to California next month. Relationships suck!Thanks for the advice though :)

P.S. To thehacker: I'm sure you're awesome and I hope you find an awesome person to compliment you. Same to everyone else who is single. :tongue:

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if you feel it's more your reluctance to continue

the relationship than anything either of you

actually did wrong... maybe it's time to just

let it rest for a while and see what happens

when you're both not thousands of miles

away from each other... like keep in contact

but not sweat it so much that you're not seeing

each other as often as you could be... just my 2c.

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well, a clean cut is the best, but since you guys were / are such good friends you can always use that route. Just tell him that you're more comfortable as friends and that its just not working out right now romance wise. It sounds like you sort of feel like you've lost something you used to have before sex weirded it out for you. Not sure if you should do this in person or not or if he can send you the *private* thing in the mail. If you're sincere about this he should realize

-that you care about him a fair amount

-you want to be honest with him so that you don't ruin the friendship relationship totally

it sucks having to hurt the sweet ones, but its better to do it now then let him invest more and then get hurt more.

since he'll be going away for a while he should have some time to figure this out away from you. if he contacts you while he's away, just respond like a friend - NO FLIRTING.

depending on the personalities, this could work for 'ya! Good luck hon :)

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Originally posted by thehacker

spoken like someone who's been there b4!

those of you who know me wouldn't be surprised - i hate hurting people but have in the past made things worse by trying not to (does that make sense?)

cool meeting you friday @ Fubar btw...

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Originally posted by barvybe

those of you who know me wouldn't be surprised - i hate hurting people but have in the past made things worse by trying not to (does that make sense?)

cool meeting you friday @ Fubar btw...

oops. just realized that wasn't you!

i've got a forgetory...

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