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What exactly does G do to the body ?

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Since I'm 100 % drug free - I have no clue about trendy drugs.

My freind offered me G (clear liquid in a jar) -

1. what does it do ? what is the high feel like ?

2. How dangerous is it ? Is is on the same level as crack or heroin ??? ( I know all drugs are bad but ..)

3. Is it addictive ? Does itruin people's lives ?

I'd appreciate any info. THANXxxxx

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Originally posted by dolcemimi

Since I'm 100 % drug free - I have no clue about trendy drugs.

My freind offered me G (clear liquid in a jar) -

1. what does it do ? what is the high feel like ?

2. How dangerous is it ? Is is on the same level as crack or heroin ??? ( I know all drugs are bad but ..)

3. Is it addictive ? Does itruin people's lives ?

I'd appreciate any info. THANXxxxx

I never did it before, but i heard horror stories. I would definitely stay away from that shit. It is very dangerous.

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Stay away from that shit. I've seen many people carted off to the Emergency Rooms because of that shit. As well as people dropping dead from it. People can say what they want that those who ended up in the hospital didn't know what they were doing, but you never know and how can all the ER reports be wrong??

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the effects on the body of g are similar to alcohol, both biologically and from experience. ultimately, as i understand it, the short organic molecule passes the blood/brain barrier and binds receptors in the brain that end up opening chloride ion channels, basically depressing your central nervous system.

too hard to get the dosage right, get it wrong and you feel really sick and have to sleep it off. or worse.

i'd say dont bother trying it.

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The effects of G: G feels like a combination of alcohol and E. It makes you all slurry like alcohol, and you can't walk straight- it is a sedative after all. Like E it gives you an unbelievable body high, and it makes you a million times hornier than E ever will. Men can get hard and actually cum, which isn't necessarily possible with E.

However- it's extremely dangerous. It can make you nauseous. You can pass out if you take even a little too much. Say goodbye to your inhibitions- like I said, the stuff makes you uncontrollably horny. If combined with K you can go into convulsions and die. If combined with alcohol it can sedate your body enough that you stop breathing. If you take too much, even by itself, you can go into convulsions, or stop breathing... following the pattern?

I agree with B2B, if you're going to try any drug, skip this one.

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1. what does it do ?


um ... it KILLS YOU

but honestly i know some girl that took a capful of that shit. and it made her extremely sick... puking for hours - and it made her choke on her tounge to the pt she was turing blue. so this one guy had to stick his fingers in her mouth to move her tounge so she could breath. she did this shit at a club and they all had to leave early and babysit her all night and day to make sure she wasnt going to die in her sleep. ummm.... yea so it sounds like a great drug..

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Originally posted by wildangel

So G is more dangerous than K?

Which high is better?

OH GOD YES! They're not even in the same category. G is infinitely more dangerous than K. K's only really dangerous if you mix it with alcohol (or G!). Of course there's no telling what someone could do to you if you fall into a hole, but that's another story altogether.

Also I don't think the highs can really be compared either, they're just too entirely different drugs. It's like asking to compare, say, E and Valium.

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When used in moderation, it is non-toxic in your body. about as safe as water.

the stupid fucks that almost die from it, are either drinking on it or even worse, the most evil combo, takin it with K. K + GHB= death

GHB causes your brain to be flooded with endorphins, which makes you feel great and makes sex excellent, better than sex on E.

it is addictive though and withdrawal can be hard. moderation is the key. another problem with it is the dosing, it has a very sharp dose/reaction curve. and the purity can be very questionable.

when i used it, i made it myself, so purity was not an issue.

the false rumor that it is used as an industrial cleaner, is totally wrong. GBL, a precursor to GHB, is the substance that may be used as a cleaner.(now you are thinkin, if it is an ingredient, it still must be very bad to be in the GHB. well it goes through a chemical reaction, the GBL with another chemical and the end product is GHB.

that sounds bad, but think of it like this. Table Salt is NaCl, or sodium chloride, which is fit for human consumption. HOWEVER, if you consumed the precursor to salt, or chlorine, it would kill you.

I hope this help clear up the issue for some. but no drugs is always better than any drugs. try doing researching it further on the net.

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making g was easy when GBL was (semi)legal.

the lactone precursor, i've heard, can even be consumed w/o undergoing the rxn, it will convert in your body. but smell that sh*t, the industrial cleaner stuff, and theres no way i'd try it straight up.

about the endorphin release- i always thought that g-hydroxybutyrate just binded your natural GABA receptors, because GHB and GABA are structurally similar. and that the effect was opening chloride ion channels, like alcohol, but in a much more specific way. hence the unique effects of G vs alcohol. it has been a few years since my chemistry days, though...

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