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5-htp, Take It Before Or After E?


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I take it before and after. It helps you prepare for a roll and it helps you recover. Some people say to up your dosage the day of and before a roll, but it won't do you any good. The effects it has on your saratonin takes more than a day or two to kick in. I take 200mg a day. Two 50mg in the morning and two at night.

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Supposedly vitamin C helps you maintain your roll and keep it alive. I don't know if any of that is true though. I mean it is good for your body, but I assume that it would only have an effect if you constantly drink it before and after you roll because you would need a fairly large amount for it to have any effect.

You could purchase 5-HTP at any vitamin shop. They usually will have a couple of different brands, I just buy the cheapest one. Those little pills can be expensive you know, lol. :D

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THEIR IS NO DOUBT, that PRELOADING ON 5-HTP will definetely ENHANCE your ROLL. Your roll kicks in quicker and you seemingly roll so much harder. Dude I hear all these mornons talking about, "dude I took like 7 pills last weekend man, woah man yeah like I took 6 last weekend, I'm so COOL" THOSE PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS, buy some 5-HTP preload and you'll never even come close to taking that many. For a first time use I would recoommend, 5-6 hours in advance of taking your pill start taking 3-4 capsules of 5-htp every hour. THIS IS NO BULLSHIT, in that time the capsules are definetely allowed to Bolster your seratonin levels to skyrocketing level, WATCH when you drop the roll and see when ALL THAT's RELEASED. Some people get sick when they take all that 5-HTP, so be careful. Taking all that 5-Htp also gets you sorta tired, but as soon as you take the PILL, its all about getting the ROLL ON. MARK MY WORDS, preload with a DECENT AMOUNT Of 5-HTP the next time you roll, and you can THANK ME IN ADVANCE, GURANTEED SATISFACTION.

MY FRIEND AND I DO THIS THING< where we take 500 mg the day

before, and 1000mg the day ur taking the roll


Well its like this. WHen you take a "roll" the pill causes your brain to release all your body's seratonin (Serotonin is a chemical that helps maintain a "happy feeling," and seems to help keep our moods under control by helping with sleep, calming anxiety, and relieving depression.) WHen you take a pill, the MDMA causes your brain to RELEASE ALL OF ITS SERATONIN. When your done ROLLING, you will have a VERY LOW LEVEL OF SERATONIN, THIS IS THE REASON. Low Serotonin levels are believed to be the reason for many cases of mild to moderate depression which can lead to symptoms like anxiety, apathy, fear, feelings of worthlessness, insomnia and fatigue. ANYWAYS the day after, i would suggest taking a substance called 5-HTP (hydrotrytophan or tryptophan) This substance can be purchased at most VITAMIN STORES. THIS WILL DEFINETELY HELP in restoring your levels back to normal. FOR a BETTER ROLL, preload with 5-HTP before you take your roll (more details already posted on this site, do a search)

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In reguards to the orange juice thing, well...people say taking alot of vitamin C when taking acid makes visuals more colorful (all's it did for me is make me piss battery acid the next morning). Anyway, people might be using the same line of logic when they advise you to take vitamin C when you roll (note there are people out there that still think E is like 10 other substances rolled into 1).

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