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my friends suck

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I went through that shit hard a few weeks ago. My friends are asses...

I havent gone anywhere yet this whole summer. I need to get some new friends that are into the same music and stuff I'm into. They just arent into anything anymore. :mad:

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i didnt go anywhere until 2 weeks ago when i did a cp meetup

the whole crew that i went with last summer fell apart, and now that ive been doing these meetups, i'm kinda glad it did (they were shady characters:they liked them young). i just wish i started doing this earlier.

yay! its my 300th post:D

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Originally posted by chula22

I went through that shit hard a few weeks ago. My friends are asses...

I havent gone anywhere yet this whole summer. I need to get some new friends that are into the same music and stuff I'm into. They just arent into anything anymore. :mad:

Can I get an Amen my sistah!

The times that I do go out which is seldom, I practicaly have to beg my friends or drag my bf. They're into everything else but the type of music and scene that I am.


I want to go Roxy's tonight, who know's if I'll even make it out there = (

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i still hang out with my old friends, just not to go clubbing. met a whole new group of people for that. and then hooked up with some long lost friends who are into it too.

transcend: why aren't you going out. that sucks.

whoever is solo, come to the Roxy. meetup at the dj booth at 2am. a whole bunch of people. use the CCD list (cotoncandydream) for reduced admin (no that's not my list, i'm not promoting!) come and meet us, meet some new friends to go out with and hang out with us! :)

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yea i completely hear you guys. my friends never want to do anything. i have gone to 2 clubs this summer. once to china and once to spa. woohoo. big deal. its like pulling teeth. they all have boyfriends/girlfriends so just spend 24/7 sitting around with them. and i dont have a bf to drag out with me. it really sucks. i really wasted the whole summer by doing nothing. i havent even gone down the shore... great now im getting depressed... :cry:

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Actually whoever posted on this thread ... thanx... it made me feel a lil better to no i am not alone with that feelin.... I have been kinda down lately cuz it just seems like my closest friends never want to do anything anymore... they sit there and bitch to me about how bored they are and when i think of shit to do they make some kind of excuse....Its finally my birfday and all i wanted to do was go to LL... plans were made a while back and everyone was "down" but today all i get are phone calls from friends singing happy birthday blah blah blah and then the "oh i dont think i can make it tonight but hey i hope you have a great time"...i wouldnt be upset if i didnt go out of my way so much for there plans when it was time to celebrate there birthdays or whatever...but hey i'm still gunna go (even if its with just one person) cuz i dont want people to get the best of me... great now i'm getting depressed thinkin bout this... lol Well if anyone is planning to go to LL tonight gimme a lil birfday hug... kiss.. hump... whatever :monkey:

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awh sorry hun. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY. my birthday was in july and the same thing happened to me. i was going around trying to make all these crazy plans for so long and then the day of my bday no one even bothered to call to say they werent coming out. everyone just dicked. my one friend ended up going to a keg party... whooohoo. my other friend said she was coming out up until the end when she just never called me back only to have her call me 2 days later saying she was having family problems that night - when i found out she actually had a fight with her bf. and the same nonsense with other people.. but really just try to go out and have a great time. forget them. i wish i would have. instead i sat home the whole weekend crying my eyes out.

but ive said it before... if anyone is in the north jersey area or wherever and ya want to meet up sometime to hang out def let me know. i got a new schedule now at work so it lets me go out more... woohoo!! im very excited. but seriously though... im here =)

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I'm just like all of yall. My friends never want to do anything. Just stay around the neighborhood. I need some new peeps that know how to party~ Catch my drift. Next time we should all get together and go as a group. Since we all like the music and the scene any1 should b down to go party

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I wanna fuckin goto SF next friday. I soo feel like my friends are holding me back from having so much fun. If I had friends that were into this shit as much as i am, I'd be goin every friday night. I can't wait till i leave for college in a week, I'm gonna make sure I make friends that are into clubbing.

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I had the same kind of "friends". When I came back to the States nearly a year ago they pretty much left me alone with everything and every time we arranged to go out and just meet, they would come up with some stupid excuse (if at all). My last b-day topped it all. Two of them had been in a fight and they weren't talking to eachother anymore. When they both find out that they we were going out all together, they kind of tried to make me the judge and it totally pissed me off and nearly ruined my day. If it wouldn't have been for my baby, I would have had a real lousy b-day. After that, I kind of cut the ties....ok, sometimes you don't want to do that, but after 3 years of just putting into a friendship and never getting anything in return, you just get tiered and burned out. Now I found the most wonderful people on this board to party with, lay in the sun or just talk and chill. And, even as important as the rest, it's a two-way street when it comes to help and advice. Sometimes it's hard to let go of old bonds, but sometimes it's the only thing you can do in order to grow and to find people that you can enjoy life to the max with.

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Seriously, everyone this is so real. I don't understand why people are so shady. For my 21st I planned on having the greatest f-in bash ever, yet most of my friends assed out. What's up with that?? Anyway, i moved to get closer to the city and yet i've still never been. I've met a lot of people but still haven't gone. I always plan to go, but something always happens. Sometimes you just have to get balls and just go alone i guess.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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Once again i am left here agreeing with most of the comments... even though i have thought of going on my own to clubs i have never actually done so... not sure why, I guess its kind of intimidating and its definately not all that safe for a chik to walk into a club alone so if i were a guy it might be a lil different.... sometimes when i'm with friends i end up at some point drifting apart and going off in my own lil world but its still not quite the same as going alone...i guess all in all what really bothered me was that in a friendship I always give 10 times more then i ask for and when it boiled down to it i got all talk and no action from some of my closest friends... One of the most important things i value in a relationship of any sort is trust... and if i cant trust them for something as small as a promise to what could have been a fun filled night how can i trust them in any other situation...Just something i didnt want to think about on my birthday... I guess no one really has the answer to something so unpredictable ... just gotta take life one step at a time but like i said in my other reply as upset as i was i didnt let my friends kill my spirit... I ended up going to LL after all... and what a freaking night it was?!?!!? Thanx everyone for the birthday wishes!! Take care PiEcE :monkey:

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so I guess you got someone to go with you? yeah, i've never been out in the city by myself either. but i've gone out on the island alone and ended up seeing like 30 people i knew and now i go out with them all the time. yet i still haven't gone out to the city yet. it'll happen.

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Same Here... Most of my friends suck as well.

Everytime I wanna go to the beach, to a club, to snowboard or even on a lil group trip. they all say yeah yeah lets do it (when they're drunk) but then after I set everything up at the last minute its like I didnt think it was going to cost that much or nah nah I cant I'm tired or too hungover. Tired of this bullshit. I need to find some new friends.

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