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dj scot project review THE MEAN ONE!!!!!!

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ok, this is my first of two reviews for the night...coming from the more angry perspective

i drove into the city. alone. that was scarey. the goths were fucking scarey, i got there mad early....all the goth music was like "pretty hate machine", which is an awesome albut but people can feel free to stop ripping it off at any time

they werent mean or anything....just not my cup of tea

so then the house music starts, for that review go to my NICE review thread

now back to the MEAN part

i had to leave mad early (4:00) to drive my aunt to the airport, so i get out of the club...still a little buggin from k

i turn around the corner (i parked my car around the corner on 21st st)....and my car isnt there! i start freaking out because IM ALL ALONE!!!! i have no idea what the fuck to do

so i tell the bouncers my cars gone, hes like it got towed...along with the rest of the cars on that street....ok fine so im an idiot that didnt see the sign, there were other cars there so i thought it was ok

so i go to the impound, still alone and they tell me my car isnt there...so i wait a half hour and ask again, still nothing....she says to report it stolen because theyre done towing for the night

no im really freaking out......i call my father, he comes to pick me up, PISSED AS HELL....and we spent 3 hours at the 13th precinct waiting for something, but to no luck

so my fucking car got stolen


"hey god thanks for the fucking nice birthday present what the fuck did i ever do to you?"


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damn, that does suck. i hope everything works out for ya. hey, next time, spend the money, and park in the garage, its just so much safer. and this isnt meant to be a wise-ass comment...but u have to park in the garage in the city...the street is just too much of a risk.

btw...nice meeting u

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OMggg thats horrible!! fuckin people!!!


about a year ago or more i went to exit, with my boyfrined. well i decided to leave at like 4 and my boyfriend said to go to the car and he'll be there within the hour , cause i want feeling well i was just gonna sleep in there. so i go out, i had parked my car a block away, im walking and it gone, omggg i had a heart attack, i tell the bouncer and he said it got towed

so i wait and wait for my bf and i was waiting for over an hour outside and it was in sept and i had nnooo jacket on i was freezing omg

that was such a nightmare nite besides gettin ripped off at exit, i always have bad nites there. i probably wasted like over 300 that nite on everything

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I hope all works out for you and this must mean something really good is coming your way cause things have a way of balancing out! I am sure they will...

I was there last night also... I met some nice CP peeps there sorry I didnt get a chance to meet you... I would have liked that...Chasey aka Tina

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Hey trancend not sure if you rememeber me but i was the girl with box braids.. black skirt... black tanktop and hooker boots that jumped on you on the dancefloor and wished you a happy birthday... (it was mine to) hmm maybe this will help you remember.. i was hanging with teklord310 when i we saw u... yhea i was definately trashed (the last long island iced tea hit me really freaking hard) but i was having such AWESOME time enjoying the good vibes and amazing beats... Well anyway i am sorry to hear about your car! I could only imagine how you must have felt and i wish you luck with that whole situation! take care... :monkey:

P.S. NIGHTLIFEUNDER ... i never got a chance to catch your screenname but do you by happen to be the chik with Lexy?... and if you are it was great meeting you! I was the beeotch doing a lil dance for the AC vent by the bar... lol

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Originally posted by djscotphreak

ouch...bro that sucks (nice meeting you by the way). That has to be the all time worst feeling in the world...having to deal with that all alone. I bet dad was pissed! :eek:

yes....everyone was pissed, i was more scared or something cuz i did the whole thing alone....but i guess its a learning experience, i really cant believe it i must be in some sort of denial

sunshine420...of course i remember you! it was nice meeting you and i hope you enjoyed your birthday as much as i did (until my car got stolen)

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I'm sorry to hear that, that really sux especially since you were alone...Anyway I thought Scott Project was fuckin great.....BUT why the hell didn't anyone tell me it was fetish night @ LL...Hey don't get me wrong I'm a freak but dam the peple there were out of wac, anyway I still had a great time

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