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3 pills + EXIT!! best nite at EXIT!

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Originally posted by igloo

Thank God you never bragged about your drug use because most posters would have never guessed you may use drugs with that signature tag you use promoting cocaine and ecstacy. LMAO!!

No offense, but your statement above about not bragging about drug use coupled with your signature has got to be the single, greatest representation of mental retardation in clubplanet history.

Thanks for the good laugh!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :shoot:

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3 Pills + 2 Bumps = Everyone else basically in exit. Want a prize? Geek, you just proved by your post, you go to Clubs for Drugs, sit in your house, play KTU, have your mom flick your light switch on and off, and it'll be the same, I mean the Music doesnt matter to you, your all about the drugs.

If you need drugs to have a good time, at exit, sf, or chuck-e-cheese for fuckin example lol, your a geek and totally there for the wrong reasons.

Bro take a gun and :blown: yourself.

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Originally posted by igloo

Thank God you never bragged about your drug use because most posters would have never guessed you may use drugs with that signature tag you use promoting cocaine and ecstacy. LMAO!!

No offense, but your statement above about not bragging about drug use coupled with your signature has got to be the single, greatest representation of mental retardation in clubplanet history.

Thanks for the good laugh!

my signature doesnt promote the use of cocaine or ecstasy. It was no reference to either of them. It does talk about the use of crack, but thats something different. I have never used crack before, and don't plan on it.

And all it does is explain the feeling that crack gives you, it's not againest it or condoning it. It is simpley a scientific statement.

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Lordy lord- what a mess. People stop ripping on the kid. So he took some pills and went to Exit. Like most of you out there have never taken e. We all have different likes in terms of clubs and dj's. And we all have different interests in terms of recreational drug use. To those who don't use drugs, what are you hoping to accomplish by ripping on the kid? To those who do use drugs, get off yer soapbox. Why must every thread be the same. He had a good time. Yeah!! No need to be cruel.


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Message Forums on the internet are for fun. THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE IF U TAKE OFFENSE TO MY POSTS, COMMENTS, or anything I type, please forgive me Im not a cruel person, just cant stand idiots who go and say they took 2 pills, woohoo.

ive taken 3 before at exit, I know kids who popped more in 1 night then tha kid has in his entire life? who gives a flying fuck...............seriously.

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Originally posted by exitheadzzz

Message Forums on the internet are for fun. THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE IF U TAKE OFFENSE TO MY POSTS, COMMENTS, or anything I type, please forgive me Im not a cruel person, just cant stand idiots who go and say they took 2 pills, woohoo.

ive taken 3 before at exit, I know kids who popped more in 1 night then tha kid has in his entire life? who gives a flying fuck...............seriously.

Perhaps if you didn't sound sound aggressive and angry, I may have thought you weren't being serious. I know that this is a message board and that it is all in fun. So if that is what you truly believe, why do you need to be so mean? And you rip on him for doing exactly what you have done in the past. Where is the logic in that?


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I dont feel it is necessary just like everyone else who ripped/disagreed with him. If he was so excited about it, im sure the Daily news would of loved to hear about it, or his mother, or his girlfriend. If you post idiotic things on a open forum with god knows how many members, prepare to be ripped apart.

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Originally posted by exitheadzzz

I dont feel it is necessary just like everyone else who ripped/disagreed with him. If he was so excited about it, im sure the Daily news would of loved to hear about it, or his mother, or his girlfriend. If you post idiotic things on a open forum with god knows how many members, prepare to be ripped apart.


Do peeps still use that "word"? Anyway, it fits here.

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Originally posted by ecstatichigh35

my signature doesnt promote the use of cocaine or ecstasy. It was no reference to either of them. It does talk about the use of crack, but thats something different. I have never used crack before, and don't plan on it.

And all it does is explain the feeling that crack gives you, it's not againest it or condoning it. It is simpley a scientific statement.

Please refrain from trying to explain yourself. Your just making it worse, and making yourself like a bigger schmuck, if that's possible.

BTW, last I checked the Harvard Medical Journal, I somehow didn't see your description of crack. Are you sure you didn't pull this from the critically acclaimed publisher of " How to hang at Exit for Dummies" books.

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

So funny how i got this board so angry all of the sudden...... I was implying more on what a great night i had at Exit. You all are just a bunch of sensitive brain dead retards who took it so too seriously.... Despite all your great heart felt comments... I am not phased by your comments and I'll keep having my fun..... Perhaps u assholes can join me sometime .... :laugh: :laugh:

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Bigdick, I think you got it all wrong kid. You made a post about how fucked up you were on x and snorting K and thought you were the shit at Exit. You are no different then any other punk there on Fridays which are a joke. I guess you could go to the party there on Saturdays when you turn 21. You only made an ass out of yourself and you are just too stupid to see it. You never got anyone mad. If you died due to an overdose, do you think anyone would miss you? I doubt it.

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:blank: :blank: awww snappy i didn't know u cared so much... find my behavior repulsive ??!! I had my fun!!!! u could bash on me all day..... its all good ... i didn't make a fool of myself.... i'll keep posting my threads either way..... SO FUCK YOU...... if you don't like it then stop responding to the thread fucking retard
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Originally posted by snappy139

Bigdick, I think you got it all wrong kid. You made a post about how fucked up you were on x and snorting K and thought you were the shit at Exit. You are no different then any other punk there on Fridays which are a joke. I guess you could go to the party there on Saturdays when you turn 21. You only made an ass out of yourself and you are just too stupid to see it. You never got anyone mad. If you died due to an overdose, do you think anyone would miss you? I doubt it.

i think quite a few people would miss him...ASSHOLE!

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Think about why Twilo closed. People like Bigdick had to go and fuck it up for everyone and then decides to post a topic about how much x he did at Exit. Maybe I'm going out on a tangent or something, but I really do not understand why you have to make it public that you did 3 pills and 2 lines of K!!!! You are going to get bashed regardless if it were me or all the others that have replied to this post.

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I dun think anyone gets it no matter how many times i've said it....I wasn't bragging to begin with.... I think everyone is getting the wrong idea.....I AM NOT BRAGGING.... snappy is fucking is making it bigger than it suppose to be..... Oh please snappy.... please please come to my funeral if iwere to die:laugh: anyways thanx big pop but we could all do without snap asses comment...

I'll see you this week rite?? Gonna be chillin on fri...

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