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Enough Is Enough With This Oakey Whining!!

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I think the worst thing about Paul Oakenfold playing at the World is having to read post after post on all these message boards about how much you hate him. "HE sucks!", "He's overrated", "He thinks he's a rockstar"....I think everyone should just relax! Now i'm not saying that i'm the biggest Oakenfold fan in the world, but i totally respect what he does, how he does it , and what he had accomplished in his career.

"He Sucks"-- Ok if you dont like his music thats fine. He may not be the greatest technical dj or be known to rock killer 6-10 hour sets, but he can definitely put on a show. You just have to open yourself up to it If you don't want to open yourself up to it then don't go pay the $ to see him. He's not gonna come on stage and stand there and rock 3 decks all night. It's not his style. He's gonna get up there and play record after record (anthem after anthem) and jump around and flail his arms in the air, and clap his hands. When he turns a level up on the urei, he doesn't just turn it, he puts his body into it and cranks the fuck out of it....and the crowd goes nuts. It's just part of his show.

My friend went to see Sade in concert last week. He said that she sounded unbelieveable, but she didn't put on much of a show. She just stood there and sang.. wich is fine..that's her show. Now i on the other hand i saw Ricky Martin live who i don't think is the greatest singer, but he put on a great fuckin show.

Rock stars are known all over the world, play to thousands of people and get paid alot of fuckin money for what they do. So as far as i'm concearned Paul Oakenfold can act like a rock star if he chooses to.. You kids have to stop bashing Djs/ Producers on these boards. Express your opinions, but do it with class.

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Originally posted by teklord310

... you forgot how he let everyone down at Area One by deciding that he didn't want to spin because he didn't like the records he had with him. Yeah, that is real professional. Way to give back to the fans.

You didn't miss much - I saw him in Chicago and it wasn't all that great. Really uninspiring.

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I love the comment about $50,000. Are you kidding? Why shouldn't he get paid as much as he possibly can? If you don't like him or think hes worth the money, don't go to see him. We live in a capitalist society. Thats just the way it goes. If you'd rather have strict control on how much an individual can make, I hear Cuba and North Korea are nice this time of year. Personally, I think $50,000 is a bargain for 2 hours worth of entertainment, considering that many major movie stars get 20 million a picture these days. I don't hear anyone complaining about that.

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