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Dj Boris

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Why is he only seldom mentioned on this board? Why does it seem like Draper is the one who is usually associated with Exit? Why isn't Boris' flawless talent as a dj ever mentioned when one of these posts regarding "Closing down exit" is written. I went on more than one occassion to Exit on Saturday night and had a decent time. Is it that Boris hasn't really built a following there? He spins some very good shit, so I wonder why, if that is the case. Out of all the phat saturday night parties in Manhattan, Boris is never talked about as much.

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ok...as you know saturdays became VERY commercial...that main floor is full of tourists and there tastes aren't as advanced and sophistcated as ours when it comes to dance music...well, since boris resides there, he has no choice but to play to his crowd...i remember one time when i was forced to go to exit (because it was a friend of mine's first night promoting there) around july and by then rich luzzi started gettin tiring, but he played the song at a peak hour and the crowd went nuts...

so if you give him the right crowd, watch what he can do...

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Originally posted by highmay

that main floor is full of tourists and there tastes aren't as advanced and sophistcated as ours when it comes to dance music...

Stupid fucking comment. Just to clarify, I don't like Exit...never did from day one, but that's irrelevant...nor am I a tourist. I think that your comment is way off base, by saying that tourists don't have the same musical taste/appreciation as we do. Where are these tourists from? Europe, Asia...the scene there is what we here only aspire to...their dj's, their music, their creativity...so, is it possible that YOUR tastes aren't as advanced or sophisticated as theirs?

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Originally posted by gravity

Stupid fucking comment. Just to clarify, I don't like Exit...never did from day one, but that's irrelevant...nor am I a tourist. I think that your comment is way off base, by saying that tourists don't have the same musical taste/appreciation as we do. Where are these tourists from? Europe, Asia...the scene there is what we here only aspire to...their dj's, their music, their creativity...so, is it possible that YOUR tastes aren't as advanced or sophisticated as theirs?

I'm pretty sure he means tourists as in people not from NYC. As in people from the tri-state area and the other surrounding states. Now THEY are behind in music.

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Originally posted by ketaman

I'm pretty sure he means tourists as in people not from NYC. As in people from the tri-state area and the other surrounding states. Now THEY are behind in music.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't...who the fuck considers someone from Connecticut a fucking tourist. You must be really well traveled.

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if their tastes were more sophisticated than mine, then i would be as hard core an Exit friday head as there is...but thank god, i'm not...

i see what youre sayin though...but this tourist i assume you're refferring to is different from what im referring to...

when tourists from, say, the plaza hotel ask where's a great place to go to the cab driver, theyll either drop them off at tunnel, LL, WH or exit...considering that these are NY's most famous clubs now that twilo is gone...exit is a tourist attraction, and people who have no clue which song is good and which isn't would flock to these places, especially in the summer, to dance to whatever is being played on those speakers...so, by the time "without you" was played that night in july, a good portion of america knew about it, so they went nuts when it was played...

maybe i didnt add this on b4hand (but then again i didnt konw i wasnt goin to get attacked) but im pretty sure that exit saturdays during the summer was also made up of other people going for their specific reasons...but true-to-life clubbers don't go to listen to boris spin anymore, and its mainly because of the crowd that has descended upon it: an uneducated, image-conscious, and democratic crowd brought to you by David Marvisi, Joey X, and the rest of Exit management....

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I don't believe Boris's time has passed at all. As was said earlier, his style is unique, and the complicated, tasteful, hard beats that he invents, are very unique. I just find it interesting that Draper seems more popular in manhattan than he does (Whether or not his crowd caters to a truly manhattanite crowd is debatable, I am speaking merely of location). Whenever Exit is mentioned on this board, Draper's name often accompanies it. I don't know why, but it seems as if Draper is the one bringing in the larger crowds; it almost seems like his name is more synonymous with Exit than Boris's, and I find that a little hard to swallow since Boris's skill/experience surpasses Draper's by far.

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I agree with rudeboy, Boris time has not passed. In fact, I think he is much better now than when he was at Roxy. The set he played the night Celeda was there was one of the better ones he ever threw down

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