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SaTosHi ToMiiE last night @ filter 14

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OK, so I pulled another one of my "take a nap after work and then stay up all night" for this event and I must say it was well worth the pile of dog poop I feel like right now (although its still early and I do have 6-1/2 more hours of work to go)

Satoshi was totally fuckin amazing as expected. I was so tired towards the end of the set, and yet I couldnt help but dance. But no Love and Traffic? or did I miss it?

That being said, I have two small complaints:

1) It was so damn hot and crowded in there I really thought I was going to pass out, or flood the place with my sweat! Aren't there occupancy laws? seriously, that shit was dangerous.

2) Can someone please explain to me why SOME men think that its OK to grab a girl just because she happens to be walking by them in a club? WTF??? The same guy grabbed me two different times last night. Both times it was totally unnecessary. HELLO?? YOU STUPID FUCKERS! IT AINT OPEN SEASON. KEEP YOUR GOD DAMN MOTHERFUCKIN HANDS OFF ME YOU SLEEZBAGS!

:mad: :mad: :mad::blown:

This shit has got to stop. I swear I'm going to start carrying mace around with me. Thats what you get.

OK. I'm sorry I had to get firm, but I take that stuff very seriously. I dont like being violated. (unless its by...well...you know who you are):D

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Good to see Jamy, Pulsedriver,Ooana, Raverdave, Korzo, Carabee, Pooh (thanks for the puff brotha') and the rest of the Naughty booth crew!

Hardest set I've ever heard Satoshi drop!

Place cleared out around 3:00am and we stayed till the end (or atleast left one track before closing)

Sun up and dazed and starving Myself Albiback and Lavendermenace hit a Dinner..

Got home 6:30 am..

still after glowing!

Love Filter14..

my kinda dirty, grungy..LOUD

Balls to the wall NO NONSENSE dance floor..

DEF worth a visit for all of you that have never been~

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It's around the corner from Baktun...

(Next to Hogs and Heffers)

No dress code..

No ropes..

No attitude..

GREAAAT soundsystem..

AMAZING crowd..

(except for the drunk usual groppy guido ass wipe that wanders in without a clue of the music..)

Packed as shit and hotter than hell but if you can brave it till the floor clears at 3:00 am it's worth the pain of going out on a weekday!

GRAIGH, the promoter, is one of the nicest blokes in town..

check this out to get a better idea of what you guys are missing:


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Originally posted by lavendermenace

2) Can someone please explain to me why SOME men think that its OK to grab a girl just because she happens to be walking by them in a club? WTF??? The same guy grabbed me two different times last night. Both times it was totally unnecessary. HELLO?? YOU STUPID FUCKERS! IT AINT OPEN SEASON. KEEP YOUR GOD DAMN MOTHERFUCKIN HANDS OFF ME YOU SLEEZBAGS!

Amen sister. I hear you loud and clear. I'm having a great time, dancing my ass off, decide to move around the space a little (as I'm thrilled to finally have the room around 3:30 - and some guy suddenly thinks that because I'm feelin the music I also wanna be feelin' his HARD DICK AGAINST MY ASS!!! I was irate. No joke. Hard dick. Fucker.

But other than that. . . Satoshi blew me away!! He was just like Digweed peak time - but all the way through. Amazing. And that one song where he pulled in those high synth sounds way above that sexy dark beat. What was that song? And yes, the piano. I looked up out of my "state" I was in while listening to it's beautiful entrancing melody and every single person on the floor was tranced out too. With their heads down, swaying in their own beautiful Satoshi state.

Love that guy. Venue is good. Will be there more. BUt the guy with the hard dick needs to go get a whore to do his work. Not me.

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damn i hear you lavendar, i hate the hard dick fuckers in the club... you are out on the floor enjoying the tunes, got a good high going, and the next thing you know, there is a hard dick slammed into your ass. than they get offended when you pull away and give them the fuck u look......:blown: :blown: :blown:

have had it happen a few times in the last few months... get a clue dude... if we don't know you, walking up to us a slamming into us is not a freaking turn on.....

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DAMN it must suck being a girl..

(Though I must admit I might have a different reaction if a girl shoved her tits in my face..but then I'm a man and we are pigs so what do I know..)

*I think that guy with the hard on probably got lost on his way to Lotus across the street..

(there usualy aren't those kinda ass holes at Filter14..but well..hey..Times change!)

All that aside check out the picture gallery..

Recognize some faces..?


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Satochi was the man....and Filter 14 is a great spot! A little too packed and hot, but hey, if you got to Vinyl it ain't no thang, lol. Good to see all the usualls out and about on a Tues night. I'm off to Chicago for the weekend so I'll see all you fools at either Pappa, Maas or Howells next weekend.:D

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You betta recognize!!!!


Great seein tha old crew/new crew/whole crew this time. Too bad it was so packed...I think the word is out...our secret is secret no more...we can't keep Satoshi to ourselves anymore...doh!

Hope to see you next week at Pappa/Burridge and Danny Howells at Vinyl.


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Originally posted by live1

Amen sister. I hear you loud and clear. I'm having a great time, dancing my ass off, decide to move around the space a little (as I'm thrilled to finally have the room around 3:30 - and some guy suddenly thinks that because I'm feelin the music I also wanna be feelin' his HARD DICK AGAINST MY ASS!!! I was irate. No joke. Hard dick. Fucker.

See, this is what I'm talking about! THis is absolutely unacceptable. I swear to god, the next time someone does this to me I'm going to grab and twist really hard. so watch out! WTF!

Ladies, its time to fight back!!! REVOLT AGAINST THE UNWANTED DICKS UP YOUR ASS!!!

MEN: LEARN SOME FUCKING RESPECT!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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