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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Sound Factory fridays

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i'm not a sound factory veteran, but it has become part of my weekly routine, like waking up brushing my teeth.

i've been to sf a few times last summer both fridays and sats, but my first REAL night there (i.e. i was tripping madness) was the night dave ralph was spinning i think 2 months ago. ever since then i'm there every friday and have even gotten addicted enough to come to a couple saturdays.

now, if you're a regular at sf fri let me know. chances are we've seen eachother, and if you're russian prob talked at 1 point or another. :)

who are the sf heads here????

:smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke:

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hey!!! yea im def a regular on fridays!!! hehe im 19 =)P* i prob did see u there b4 are u goin this friday for vicious post back or im me at x3collx3 on aol!!!! hope to see u friday oh yeah there's gonna be a meet up so we'll met some other cp peoples hehe muwahhhh

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i have been there the past 2 fridays and i am going again for vicious. i think i def saw you 2 weeks ago when luis diaz was there but i didn't know it was you at the time... anyhow we should get a meetup going for this friday so it will be easy to find everyone.

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