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Wicked Exit Scheme


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I order to clear things up with my TOP 75!!

I have about 18 gigs of mp3's on my computer, thats because i spend a Great deal on My computer WOrking and as well as Studying and PLaying games, I have Cable modem as well , so The speed is there, for me to get a song, I dont have to explain, its piss fast,

Now top 75 i got from a playlist that i have listened to Recently thats it.

Only reason i have switched to computers for audio is because its very fast and easy to get traxx,

I mean i remember the days where i had to wait weeks for a Certain CD to come out, and then go and buy it,

long story short My top 75 Tracks , are my favorite tracks i listen to on a 2-3 day bases...

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It doesn't piss anyone off that you have any tracks. You have your tracks, and others have theirs. No one really gives a fuck.

It's music, nothing more. Those who really enjoy it don't need to take pride in having "unheard" tracks. They are all heard at one point or another, and believe it or not, the novelty soon dies out.

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I'm not disputing the fact that you listen to those songs. All im saying that as an avid music lover, it takes me awhile to soak in a song and then truly enjoy it. You say those are your TOP 75 and that you listen to them in 2-3 days. I dont understand. Do you download a song that is really hyped up, and then after listening to it for the first time, claim it one of your favorites? You cannot possibly soak in 75 songs in 2 - 3 days. It seems to me that you try to be the first one to download a hyped up (cheesy) track, and then claim its one of your favorites because of the hype surrounding the track (a song that everyone on the board wants), so you make yourself appear like you know the music or something.

Now i dont care about what you do at EXIT (EXIT is WEAK), but according to your post :

FUCK FUCK FUCK, I missed Everything, I missed THe meetup, I missed Justins set, IM so fucken HEated, I came into The club with 5 cd's , LEft the Club with 9, BECause THE Peeople WHo were suppose to meet me at certainly PLaces DIDINT, and i freaking Spent the WHole time Looking for those PEople WHO REALLY NEEDED those programs, ANd they Didint SHOW, SO i ended Up not giving CD's TO anyone and I felt LIKE SUCH AN ASS , when People like LOU Gave me a CD and I forgot to BUrn HIM Software, Because I was busy BUrning Shit for other people,

To me, that doesnt sound like someone that would go to EXIT for the music & people

..it sounds more like a chump.

What I'm tryin to say is,

Dont try so hard, Be Yourself. Its all love. :)

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Wasn't this about the Exit scheme?? How and why did this post go on bashing bigart... WHO CARES, its a fucking message board. And to the last post... he was giving out cds with burnt programs that people asked him to burn... not songs.:mad:

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First of all, for you to go to my early Post is Really fucken pathetic, secondly, that was THe Day for the Big Meetup the one that Kyle arranged, Supposedly the biggest meetup, and a lot of kids from the board ask me to burn copies, so outta the goodness of my heart i did,

as for My top Tracks AGAIN , I download Songs very Fast and When i log onto my Computer i have a PLaylist of about 70-80 hot songs that i listen to on a Regular BASIS, They Are my Favorite Songs, that i listen to,, Thats it PERIOD ,, DROP this Fucking LAme Drama PLease

Enough about me , and More on the Exit Scheme PLEASEEEE

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The lights spelling out XTC in mose code I can see...

As for the music sucking and then getting good again, I believe that is total trash. Have you ever been to Ibiza? People dance for a full week without any rest and here you are suggesting that they need rest every two or so hours.

The chairs and the spinal cord?? I don't know if that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard or the most paranoid thing I've ever heard. Personally when tripping, I have a hard time keeping myself at the upright and locked position so even if the chairs were designed to screw with your head, it wouldn't effect me.

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Originally posted by bigart

You know the Big screen on the Main Dancefloor, well sometimes When there is static, in the screen there are Subliminal Messages, I am Not the ONly that has seen them

They say shit like

"Keep your Mind free"

"Release ur self"

"Let the music control your roll"

I swear im not bullshitting

and some other shit that is fucked up, the only people that can see this Well are people who are Rolling because Your Pupils Get dialieted and You cannot Focus Your eyes on anything, so what happens is that when you look at the Screen what ur suppose to be doing is Looking THROUGH the screen to see the Message, So if ur Sober, U gotta COnecntrate to see it..

SO its for rollers only.

I shit you NOT

Look at it when ur At exit.......

thats it all i gotta say

I haven't been to exit, but these subliminal msgs you are posting about reek of urban legend stuff. THey sorta make sense but when you really think about it they don't. As far as only people rolling seeing something, that makes it much more likely it is a product of the imagination than it is too fast for non rollers to see.

And unless you, while rolling, can read rapid fire morse code from a blinking light, then that can't really be taken seriously, if you can than I apologize, but it sounds alot like someone said "I wonder if thats morse code for something" and a little paranoid game of telephone turned it into what you heard.

As far as clubs and drugs though, I agree.

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