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a little fuel for that twilo debate...


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this is taken from another private message board. not that it would be a "twilo" in miami, but possibly something to wonder about.... read on.

Well I was soo curious about the Phazon that I called the man himself, Steve Dash. I talked to him the other day on the phone and was asking him some questions about the Phazon Systems and the Twilo one. That man knows some shit about Digital Domain sound stuff. The yellow knobs to the right of mixer in all phazon booths are the Crossover and 5 band adjustable EQ. That be built himself...curcuit boards and all. He said they were "world class units"...ha, to say the least. He was kind of joking about how there was not alot of power in twilo too.. I was kind of shocked but he had a good expl why and how it sounds soo good anyhow.There is a BSS omnidrive digital processor that controls some of the processing(dash built and designed two other digital processors too) and it has a heat/humidity probe attached to it(as sound waves travel at different speeds when in heat and humidity). I asked him if it is constantly updateing and adjusting the EQ curve(that is preset,well sort of) even when the nitro blasters go off, it is making adjustsments to the sound as the room cools and heats up. That is some dank equip. there. He had all the bases covered on that system. He said the name phazon was just some name they made up..ha. He has been in the business for over 30 years and it shows too, kink of sounded like a geek/dork but a VERY nice guy and real intelligent. he sure as hell didn't sound like a guy who designed and built the best club in the world with his own hands, well he sounded like he knew everything under the sun about sound but didn't sound like a coke dealin club owner.

Asked about another club.."were looking in Florida and looking in New York too"

The phazon 2 is going to be brutal.

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one question or one comment...ok the phazon sound is what is talked about in clubs...but thats NOT what made TWILO NYC-TWILO..stop dreaming:rolleyes:...i dont care who has phazon 348353977 and where it is unless it goes to the UK...which I doubt because there's already massive clubs there that we couldnt fuck with...

just my 2 cents,



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twilo didn't do anything that groovejet miami didn't do first... except install a kick ass sound system. it can be done again.

and d, you must have read the quote from mr dash wrong' it say's "we're looking" not "i'm looking" as in plural.

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you can't recreate twilo.

twilo was unique - it had a flavour all its own - same as groovejet did, same as fabric does...

you can't "bring" twilo to miami - miami's crowd and promotional tactics are too different from NYC.

you CAN have a club here with a phenomenal phazon sound system, with promotors with the "right" connections to help miami's foundering scene.

whether that happens or not - *shrug*

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Originally posted by james954

d, you must have read the quote wrong

oops, sure did, that one flew right over my head ... at any rate, that info dose sound promising. Defenitely Groove Jet was awesome and it could never be recreated but another one with the same vibe or better would be great.

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We have a club with a phenomenal phazon system. It's called crobar. It was on par with Twilo's...sure it wasn't as big, but crobar didn't need that much power.

I'm biased toward's Level's system. In the right hands it lays waste to anyone's in the country except for maybe Giant in LA.

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with few exceptions, Crobar's sound system has actually managed to piss me off - most annoying to have a sound system actually and truly be THAT fucked up...

and crobar vs twilo - hahahhhaahhahaah



now THERE's a joke...

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it wasn't that long ago that phazon almost stripped the phazon name off that crobar system due to inproper ussage. but since they moved the dj booth it sounds 100% better. i think space's system lays waste to the level one. i don't like the acoustics inside of level. you get too much roll off towards the sides and back of the room.

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It's all in the user. A good DJ/artist will make crobar's system shine. You get some rank amateur who cranks the 1620 to 9 consistently, and it sounds like ass. During the WMC, we had a 1620 rental for one of our shows, and that little guy runs HOT so we had to keep on top of things a bit...

I've been to Twilo, and it's system was perfectly tailored to the room, but wasn't abused at all...probably since Phazon's office is right upstairs...if Phazon had an office next to crobar I'm sure crobar's system would have fared the same. It's like living next to the car dealership sort of. Like any fine piece of machinery, a sound system can be damaged in the improper hands. I wouldn't take a Ferarri F550 to the road, since I'm unschooled in it's handling...(sidebar, Ferarri demands that you actually have owned 2 previous Ferarris before you can buy a 550!) Think of Phazon as a Ferarri. Jacques Villenueve could handle the 550 superbly, I'd pop the clutch and overdrive the engine. You put a good DJ like Dave Seaman or John behind a good PDS setup, and it sounds superb. Put random shite DJ X behind it, and it's gonna suck. It's unfortunate that you, Noira, were exposed to the horrid sound of an improperly handled system.

Level's system does roll off around the VIP areas a bit, sure, but in the dancefloor, it's superb. Level must figure most of their VIPs could give two shits about the music...pretty much the truth, ya know? But right there on the floor, it's fabulous most of the time. I'm sure it sounds like shit when they let those 2-bit hip hoppers in there, though.

Space has a wonderful install, but lately it's been abused like hell.

Even still, they've made some mistakes in the install. The DCS-2 subs in the blue room should be on the floor, not propped up like that. They're also meant to be coupled in fours if they're arranged vertically like so:



flush with floor

Level has their DCS2s like this...4 on each side of the stage.

You get an extra 3 or 4 dB boost in low end without any extra power input...resulting in a better bass, but without the distortion present if you actually dumped the power into the system.

LF signals are non directional so they could conceivably rearrange the arrays anywhere in the Blue Room as long as the enclosures are not obstructed.

Not like this...(how space has it now)

DCS2 --------dj--------DCS2


3-4 in of space---------3-4 in of space

Space should either group them in fours, or make them horizontally arranged like in the Red Room.

That BH818 array that the girls dance on near the laser wasn't really necessary...the avalon series is usually meant to work as a system, and the BH throws it off a bit. It is fun to sit on them though!

Again, a minor problem, but one that could be fixed easily.

During the Space "Festival", the Red Room system was so distorted early in the evening. The Blue Room fared little better till Ariel Baund came on around 4 or so...again, an experienced DJ behind it, and it's fine.

An utter mess was Shadow Lounge's system. I'd never seen such a kludge in my life in a respectable club...The low end was fine, SB-528s, but the mid-high packs were horrible...some random JBL crap tossed together it seemed. Sometimes it hurt to be in there..I think they learned not to push it too hard after the 2000 WMC when they blew a shitload of drivers...that Martin Slingshot array was OK for WMC 2001, but it had a raspy mid-high end....

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