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Originally posted by dgmodel

We've all spoken about what gets us hot, Now lets find out whats your biggest turn off's???

We could be here forever on this one...........

It annoys me, when the other party gets selfish. All is supposed to be fair in sex and the bedroom, or the kitchen, :tongue:

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Guest xfactor834

It's not sexual...but...

I really hate it when a girl starts developing an attitude when she never had one.

Obviously, this is considering that I didn't do anything to provoke that type of behavior...

But sometimes when things are going so perfect, girls get all bitchy and get attitudes just to get some drama going...and fuck everything up.


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Originally posted by atomicapples

fake gear

crappy dressers

nasty sneakers

nasty shoes

nasty feet

nasty finger nails

nasty haircuts

smell funny

fucked up teeth

LAIRS <~~ this is a major one




i cant stress that anymore

ur emphasizing "lairs,,," i think u mean "liars" hehe just bustin ur balls hun... i agree with u though... appearance may not be the most important thing but it definitely IS important.... its a turnoff if u dont have any fashion sense or style. fucked up teeth gets me too.. i love nice teeth.... and lairs *hehe* and cheaters are # 1 on my list of turnoffs... also, when a guy is stubborn is also really annoying along with being too pushy if he likes u or something.

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where to begin???

bad fingernails and hair.

bad dressers with no sense of style or individualism.

fake people.

girls who curse like a truck driver.

uneducated women.

narrow minded women.

and as everyone else said; liars and cheaters are number one on the list!!!!

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I totally agree with you all....LIARS SUCK....if you can't tell the truth it is one lie after another...I always say, " if you don't want to be with me break up with me, if you can't be honest go to hell."

Also a major turnoff is nasty teeth...how can you enjoy kissing someone with badass teeth.

Don't get me wrong burping & passing gas actually makes me laugh...ok I admit I was the chick in school who had to have the parent teacher conference cause I laughed at all the bodily function movies..hehehehehe:laugh:

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Hmm now I have a few fr this one

Bad shoes and bad jeans n'

a boy who has no style

messed up teeth

bad laugh

no sence of humor

can't dance for shit

facial hair and a lot a body hair


rough hands

no ambition (working at Mcdonald's, not going to school and happy with that)

being too blunt and in my face...like more reserved shy kinda guys

big butts and legs....looks weird on guys

heavy drug use and drinking...and smoking

guys who sleep around (male sluts) and lie about it to show

off to you they aren't like that

ok i'm done for now

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Insecure and possesive men. Also un-pedicured feet!! UUUgghhh I hate seeing long dirty toe nails. ON ANYONE.

BTW: Girls, your toe nails doesn't have to be the same lenght as your fingernails. I know some of you like the art work but spare us the ghastly sight!

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

Hmm now I have a few fr this one

Bad shoes and bad jeans n'

a boy who has no style

messed up teeth

bad laugh

no sence of humor

can't dance for shit

facial hair and a lot a body hair


rough hands

no ambition (working at Mcdonald's, not going to school and happy with that)

being too blunt and in my face...like more reserved shy kinda guys

big butts and legs....looks weird on guys

heavy drug use and drinking...and smoking

guys who sleep around (male sluts) and lie about it to show

off to you they aren't like that

ok i'm done for now [/quote


well hello

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Originally posted by petp

where to begin???

bad fingernails and hair.

bad dressers with no sense of style or individualism.

fake people.

girls who curse like a truck driver.

uneducated women.

narrow minded women.

and as everyone else said; liars and cheaters are number one on the list!!!!

I thnk you and I see eye to eye on this one...

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-Bad hygiene which may include (Bad breathe, crusty chewed up fingernails, Body odors.)

-Messed up, dirty, Krusty teeth. Assuming he actually has teeth.

-Dirty, musty, hamper smelling clothes, clothes with a religion, including socks, imitation clothes.

-Guys that flaunt designer clothes.

-Guys that cant take a joke.


-Guys that cant dance.

-Guys with unattractive voices.

-Thin Lips

-Excessive body hair

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

Hmm now I have a few fr this one

Bad shoes and bad jeans n'

a boy who has no style

messed up teeth

bad laugh

no sence of humor

can't dance for shit

facial hair and a lot a body hair


rough hands

no ambition (working at Mcdonald's, not going to school and happy with that)

being too blunt and in my face...like more reserved shy kinda guys

big butts and legs....looks weird on guys

heavy drug use and drinking...and smoking

guys who sleep around (male sluts) and lie about it to show

off to you they aren't like that

ok i'm done for now [/quote


well hello

Sorry once I got started I guess I couldn't stop. I know what I want out of a guy! :tongue:

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I don't want to be some girl's "white knight" who rides in and saves her; that demeans both me (I'm not some damn storybook ending!) and her (who's to say she needs some guy to fix her problems, anyway?).

I also have trouble being with girls that can't handle being silent or still or solitary - so I guess a girl who can't deal with those things isn't as attractive to me.

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Originally posted by wadingheron22

I don't want to be some girl's "white knight" who rides in and saves her; that demeans both me (I'm not some damn storybook ending!) and her (who's to say she needs some guy to fix her problems, anyway?).

Exactly!!!!!! I don't want some guy to save me, but just accept me for who I am. Everyone has faults, otherwise they wouldn't be human.....You make mistakes and you learn from them:)

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