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i wanna know what you young crackheads think about this topic:

why did the nazi kill so many jews? why didn't they go after blacks or arabs instead? why is the KKK against Jews depsite the fact they claim to be christians and Israel is the place Jesus was born?

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Ya know, the advertising agency I used to work for was run entirely by Jews and then they fired me outta nowhere, though it probably had alot to do with the advertising market taking a crash this last spring. But since I'm almost entirely German through my ancestry I kinda wondered about it. And no, it wasn't because I was a shit worker since I had just finished programming a new publication database for the company in my spare time right before they fired me and I was never reinbursed for it.

But anyway, I personally feel that religion has caused more harm than good on this planet. From the 30 year war that Charlemagne waged on the Germanics when he tried to enforce Christianity upon them to the recent shit in Ireland and the Middle East, I see religion as the cause for more wars and fighting than anything else. People feel this need to worship some mystical force that they believed created everything, and then they just fight and argue over whose belief is superior. The Bible was written in a relatively short period of time, then people fight for 2000 years over how to interpret it. I don't know if it's people's need to feel that there is a higher power that is looking out for them or what. Kinda seems like an over-amplified mother yearning.

I agree that this post belongs on the drama board, but I read another post on this board recently about God and blah, blah, so I thought I'd voice my opinion. Think of all the shit that could have been accomplished if people had been acting civil with each other and working together rather than fighting over whose ficticious God is the answer to everything. Replace those damn commandments with your own moral code and respect for fellow humans, and realize how the power that each of us have within ourselves could make this world a better place.

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The KKK claim they are christian, but are FAR from it. It is very unfortunate that christianity gets a bad rep from people who claim to be christians and do horrible stuff. I mean, we're not perfect, but killing or waging war against others because they are another race or religion? Thats going too far and many times it overshadows the REAL christians who truly follow Jesus and his message of love and forgiveness and who truly care for others.

This goes for other religions too, like, Islam gets a bad name cuz a group of extremists do suicide bombings and kill in the name of Islam. It's all very sad.

The bottom line is that humans are not perfect, and as a result will do messed up things. I think people should look past all that crap and see the true meaning of what people believe, and not the stupid actions some "religious" people commit.

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Originally posted by heretic909

I personally feel that religion has caused more harm than good on this planet. From the 30 year war that Charlemagne waged on the Germanics when he tried to enforce Christianity upon them to the recent shit in Ireland and the Middle East, I see religion as the cause for more wars and fighting than anything else. People feel this need to worship some mystical force that they believed created everything, and then they just fight and argue over whose belief is superior. The Bible was written in a relatively short period of time, then people fight for 2000 years over how to interpret it. I don't know if it's people's need to feel that there is a higher power that is looking out for them or what. Kinda seems like an over-amplified mother yearning.

I have to disagee with you on this part. It surely is not the religions that teach us to be at war and to force unwilling people to convert to our own faith. Almost every religion teaches to respect others and be peaceful. The problem is moronic followers who say they are doing God's work that manipulate their religion into a cause for killing innocent people and hating any other faith that is not their own. Don't blaim religion...it is just human tendencies.

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Originally posted by robocock

i wanna know what you young crackheads think about this topic:

why did the nazi kill so many jews? why didn't they go after blacks or arabs instead?

Are you relly that stupid? nazis killed anyone and everone who was not of 'pure arian blood' there were just a hell of a lot more jews, and they were easier to identify than others (except blacks, but there wernt to many in europe then)

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Originally posted by shugabooga

gothzane once again you've impressed me with your comments. you make a lot of sense.

Did gothzane change his name cause I don't see his post? Lemme know so I can pm him and try to drag him down to Justines again :)

And speaking of the KKK, did anyone see 'O Brother, Where Art Thou'? They had a klan scene in the movie and the head guy yells "The color guard is colored?!?" when they ripped their hoods off. OMG, I laughed my ass off when I saw that.

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Originally posted by heretic909

Ya know, the advertising agency I used to work for was run entirely by Jews and then they fired me outta nowhere, though it probably had alot to do with the advertising market taking a crash this last spring. But since I'm almost entirely German through my ancestry I kinda wondered about it. And no, it wasn't because I was a shit worker since I had just finished programming a new publication database for the company in my spare time right before they fired me and I was never reinbursed for it.

But anyway, I personally feel that religion has caused more harm than good on this planet. From the 30 year war that Charlemagne waged on the Germanics when he tried to enforce Christianity upon them to the recent shit in Ireland and the Middle East, I see religion as the cause for more wars and fighting than anything else. People feel this need to worship some mystical force that they believed created everything, and then they just fight and argue over whose belief is superior. The Bible was written in a relatively short period of time, then people fight for 2000 years over how to interpret it. I don't know if it's people's need to feel that there is a higher power that is looking out for them or what. Kinda seems like an over-amplified mother yearning.

I agree that this post belongs on the drama board, but I read another post on this board recently about God and blah, blah, so I thought I'd voice my opinion. Think of all the shit that could have been accomplished if people had been acting civil with each other and working together rather than fighting over whose ficticious God is the answer to everything. Replace those damn commandments with your own moral code and respect for fellow humans, and realize how the power that each of us have within ourselves could make this world a better place.

That sucks about the job man, but I bet it was financially motivated, not otherwise...

It's not guns who kill people it's people who kill people, same thing with religious wars. They are doing it in the name of religion, but it's really all about power and personal hate.

And besides, we're all going to hell anyway, if more than one religion is right... Since we don't all belong to the same religion and there are more than one religion that says your going to hell if you're not a part of that religion... So enjoy while you can....


:flame: :skull: :horns:

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Since this is a touchy subject for most people, I'll try to tread lightly.

I was born and raised jewish. I was brought up and raised by my orthodox parents in a WASP neighborhood in CT (we were the ONLY jewish family). People were prejudice to me and my family because they did not understand us. I became prejudice against my own religion because it made me different and a outcast from my friends in school. When I ran away from home, I moved to a Jewish orthodox neighborhood in NY. There no one was prejudice to the jewish releigion, but everyone there considered that they should all stay together as a group and consider all other races and religions as outsiders. After a while, because Jewish parents saw me hanging out with spanish, black, and Christian teenagers, I wasn't allowed to date their daughters or hang out with thir sons. I actually had a "intervention" by the Jewish leaders of the neighborhood telling me that if I didn't keep with my own people, I would be segregated from the neighborhood. When I persisted, i actually had some fanatic rabbis break into my apartment in the morning and force me to go to morning services at the temple. Obviously, i got the fuck out of that neighborhood.

After that, I detested all types of religion. I view leaders of religion just trying to make a buck. How do these "self proclaimed" relgious leaders know that their way is right. Who made them the authority. Sure, in the old days, our forefathers tried to start relgions so there wouldn't be chaos in the world. If someone beleived in a Heaven and a Hell, they would try to keep to the commandments. But then you see all these fanatic religios leaders, that try to insist that THEIR religion is the true religion. From the massacres that the Romans have done, to the enslavement of jews in Egypt, to the outcast of jews in old European times, to the persecution of Jews by the nazis. Religion has brought about much cruelty. I belive that if someone wants to beleive in a higher power, then beleive in it. If someone wants to share his/her thoughts in a releigion, write a book, or go on TV. But let people make up their own minds on what they want. I beleive it is extremely unfair to children that parents FORCE them to be the religion that they are. I think everybody should have a choice. From all my friends that I have asked, Catholic, Jewish, Hindu, etc.. No one is as religios as their parents. None of them are truely as religios as their parents are. As soon as they break away from their parents houses, they stop going to church, temple, etc...

Sorry..I rambled ona bit there...Just wanted to provide my viewpoint.


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Originally posted by robocock

i wanna know what you young crackheads think about this topic:

why did the nazi kill so many jews? why didn't they go after blacks or arabs instead? why is the KKK against Jews depsite the fact they claim to be christians and Israel is the place Jesus was born?

Killing Jews was a scapegoat for Hitler who used marxist ideas to fabricate a nationwide enemy and to empower himself by exploiting his countrymen's ignorance.

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Originally posted by snapper

Killing Jews was a scapegoat for Hitler who used marxist ideas to fabricate a nationwide enemy and to empower himself by exploiting his countrymen's ignorance.

Wow....I wholeheartedly agree.


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I am not advocating any of Hitler's ideas or pro any religion, but if we go back to World War I and II, we would realize that Hitler would have never come to power, if it was not for the UK, France, and the US, requiring Germany to repay war debts, which made it impossible for them to revice their economy, hence a psycho comes out of this mayhem with ideas to recreate the country, and only later on during WAR TIME did his maniacal ideas get full blown and at that time no one would question his authority because they would have been assasinated, similar to Lenin in Russia

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Originally posted by robocock

[why is the KKK against Jews depsite the fact they claim to be christians and Israel is the place Jesus was born?

Doesn't the KKK believe that the Jews killed Jesus. Hey, doesn't Charlie Ward and Allan Houston think that too?

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The REAL reason Hitler went after the Jews is because Germany was in an economic depression, and he needed a group of people to blame it on, so he kept saying ITS THE JEWS over and over again and people started to believe him. . .sometimes it pays off to listen in class. . .<MikeMc)~ ~ ~ :blown: KiLL KiLL KiLL. . .THE WHITE MAN. . .(Momma Lick a boo boo day)

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