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Drama..... Please Read!!!! Please Read!!!!!!


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oh man... i was just trying to brighten the life of this dying board.

u guys call those wack ass responses DRAMA?!? Come on u dickholes!!! u can do better then that....

"Ahhh... yeah man!! and..... uhhhhh...... hummm.... oh!..... your name sounds like chinese food!" Hey, that's a GREAT one.... we have a genius who is very aware of the obvious.... hey, lets see what is the EASIEST, most UNINTELLIGENT RESPONSE I can give!!! U did it!!! WAY 2 GO!!!!!

"I pity u" Yeah, when u can't think of anything else to say, the 'i pity u' line always goes over well..... HA! How about u suck my ass! I don't need your worthless pity!!! Fuck face!!!!!

Gary the retard from howard stern could do better then that!!!

and has!!!!

Oh, and I'm currently taking "get a life 101"..... I see that avalondon3, heretic909, misk and bigpoppanils have already taken this class and are teaching us all on how to conduct ourselves.

Guys, this is the DRAMA board, not the little miss cutie pie itty bitty sleeping kitten board......

BRING IT!!!!!!:cool::tongue:

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Originally posted by sumguy

Gary the retard from howard stern could do better then that!!!

and has!!!!

..and from the looks of it...u have him behind u feeding u lines!! u ignorant waste of space~~u call that drama!! u spitting vulgarities at everyone!!?? puleeeeeze!!! listen~sumguyTHATNO1CARESABOUT~u should be taking my class....'get a life 101' as u put it! at least then maybe ur posts would be remotely amusing!!! not u writing go fuck yourself and hoping people start drama!! ******u r like a 5 year old who curses and waits to see what kind of trouble he can get in*****

i still pitty u and everyone around u.....U R A LOWLIFE!! and bring on all the responses u want cause i am bored...and would love to rip u a new asshole!!! bye for now ....xoxoxoxo

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

See this comment was funny. Yours however Sumguy yours sucked.

*lol* i agree... no offense to misk personally at all cuz she did have some damn good comebacks... but still.. that was the only comment here that made me crack a smile :laugh:
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Originally posted by linabina

*lol* i agree... no offense to misk personally at all cuz she did have some damn good comebacks... but still.. that was the only comment here that made me crack a smile :laugh:

heheh...thanks~really wasn't goin for a laugh~just lettin him know how sorry he is! AND I AGREE~~>that did make me laugh too!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

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well goddamn.... out of all of the replies, not one was a good one.... not one of them!!! all the same crap..... "wasn't funny sumguy" or "I didn't even crack a smile".

Well fuck you all again.... but this time I mean it. "Get a life" "I skull fucked you" How very sad. Almost barbaric in the intelligence level used.

I was'nt even going to come back to this post, but I did. And I am sorry I did...........really I am.

Everyone who replied/read this will have 12 years of bad luck.

love sumguy-:tongue::laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

fucking fools!!!!

Damn this board SUCKS......

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  • 2 weeks later...

keep it up fools of clubplanet. you are all wak. this board is wak. and i know to read this hurts because u are all so involved in what is said here. I started this thread as a joke. Aparently people here consider this board to be part of your sorry lives. Skull fuck me? imagine that. fuck my mom or my girl.... neither would even look at any of u. and i know because this board is so very important that u have all scaned your pics onto it. and u tell me to get a life? jesus. lets have meet ups! we all have nothing else to do! yeah! go find some friends and maybe this message board won't mean as much to u all.

it's funny to me. i'll check back here every now and then. to see how you are doing. to see the replies i can generate from u all. u see, for now u jackasses are mine. i started this. u reply. that's just how it is. u may all now speak because u have been spoken to. as for me, i'll be hangin' with my friends in the flesh....and not over a fucking computer.

remember that i started this as a joke.... amazing.... u people fuck yourselves everyday on this board.... who does what drugs and where. be proud. i'm sure most of u will be dead soon from an overdose or u will be arrested for what u say on the board...... you are all a collective bunch of idiots.... plain and simple.

so again, fuck each and everyone of u and your sorry boring lives.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I apologize georgeacasta2. seems as if u are being a bit sarcastic, but oh well. i'm not here to make friends. i just come here to feel more intelligent. after reading some of the posts on here, i can't help but to feel better about my life/situation. this board use to be a good one. not any more. this board is like the tunnel. it started off great, but just keeps on getting worse with time. all of the people who use to post here are long gone; they took the fun and intelligence with them.... all that's left now are people who live for this board. i don't want to beat anyone up over it, like many of you would like to do to me, i'm sure. i take nothing that is said here seriously. I think that if this board were to shut down, some of u would commit suicide.

so again, georgeacasta2, i'm sorry for including u. the rest of you can go scratch.:tongue:

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well i'm bored as shit so i'll reply!!! u can step off ur high horse and blow all of those assumptions out of ur ass!! because to me this board((and your posts)) are simply entertainment!! i have NEVER attended a meet-up~don't plan on it and don't do drugs!! so u can chill with thinking ur the shit cause frankly the fact that u come on here and brag shows how insecure u really are!! anyways....i am tired and really don't feel like getting into this....sure i'll be hearing from u soon!!!

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Originally posted by misk

well i'm bored as shit so i'll reply!!! u can step off ur high horse and blow all of those assumptions out of ur ass!! because to me this board((and your posts)) are simply entertainment!! i have NEVER attended a meet-up~don't plan on it and don't do drugs!! so u can chill with thinking ur the shit cause frankly the fact that u come on here and brag shows how insecure u really are!! anyways....i am tired and really don't feel like getting into this....sure i'll be hearing from u soon!!!

is this soon enough? as far as my assumptions go.... i know i'm right in my statements so far. I have been onto this board before. i pay attention to what happenes on here.... what people say.... so these "assumptions" u speak of, they are facts u moron. and if you were paying attention, you would have seen that i started this wonderful thread as a joke (entertainment).

"I don't go to meet ups!!!.... I don't do drugs!!!!" who the fuck is bragging?? who the fuck cares??? well good for u.

i never said i was the shit. apparently that is the way u took it so..... thanks! too stupid to even realize when u are throwing someone a complement.... christ....

insecure? what does that mean?

anyways.... go sit in the corner and shut your fucking mouth until this bragging, secure, assuming, entertaining, non-meet up attending drug addicted master of your pathetic world riding a fucking horse called SUMGUY gives you the permission to move.

please give me something to work with here. someone.... anyone. take notes motherfuckers. class is in session and Mr. Sumguy is your professor.


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