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I'm sad :(


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My boyfriend goes away to college tomorrow, he's goin to the univ of hartford in conn. Its an hour and half to get there from here , which I really dont think is that far. I'll see him on weekeends and stuff like that which'll be good.

We've been together for over 2 years and our relationship is goin really good but just wanted to know if there was any advice anyone had like if they've gone thru this and what happend.

ok well thanks


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omg me too thats happened to me alot too. I'm with my bf and things are good and stuff, and then some times ill think about stuff like my future job school or whatever and just get all depressed for no reason at all. Like it'll happen outta no where, its so weired i dont get it, but yeah im really upset/sad rite now:(

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i`m kind of tired, and i got work in a few hours, and i didnt go to bed last night, so ima turn in. Thank you for talking to me, and if you really get more upset, 1-914-975-1705, is my pager, if you need someone to talk page me, nighty night:blank:

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Listen to me, your BF is going to go to Univ. of Hartford and have the worst time of his life. And if you are a really good girlfriend he will have a bad time beacause he is away from you. U Hart. sucks, trust me. He should have stayed at home with a good thing. My 2 cents. Cheer up sweetie!!

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It'll be okay, romy... if you both love each other and are completely committed to each other, the distance shouldn't be a problem at all. Just be glad he isn't going to a school somewhere in California!

My most serious relationship was a long distance one. When I was in Michigan, he was in New York. I moved to MA, and it was amazing being able to see him almost every other weekend instead of once every two or three months.

Make the effort to stay in touch, write e-mails and exchange phone calls as often as possible. When you two are actually able to spend time together, you'll be able to treasure it even more. :heart: Good luck!

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Originally posted by launch

Listen to me, your BF is going to go to Univ. of Hartford and have the worst time of his life. And if you are a really good girlfriend he will have a bad time beacause he is away from you. U Hart. sucks, trust me. He should have stayed at home with a good thing. My 2 cents. Cheer up sweetie!!

Wow so I guess its not a great place to dorm at is it lol

how come? did u know anyone who went there or did u go?

haha I'm really glad to hear that though in a way, actually thats what i was wanting to hear lol

Ok well thanks everyone for all the positive posts:D

It really cheered me up cause last nite i coulndt even sleep lol

I was thinking like noooooooo im gonna wake up and im not gonna be able to call my baby at home casue he's not gonna be there.

ok well thanku:)

and if anyone can add or has anything else to say feel free to post more lol


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Hey, it's nuthin' - I mean Hartford - me been in relations where my g/f was about 4,000 miles away 'n it worked out ayt! It's just another challenge to both of ya 'n if hopefully it will work out - then u r kinda of protected from any shit in your future, guyz!

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