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Anyone going to Freeland?


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now this is THE man of funky breaks and he's going to be in town on Saturday night. BADASS! But, I'm kinda skeptical about this one. All ages? In Boynton Beach? $35 presale and $40 at the door. Crystal Methon and Uberzone? Not big fans of either. So this might look like a recipe for disaster...for me that is.

Any takers?

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I asume you mean its at Orbit?

If so, you may have a good time. Its not a bad venu, just very young and VERY VERY VERY druggie!

Its the closest thing you will find next to a rave in SFL.

With Crystal Meth. I can't imagine the amount of drugs that are going to be in that place.

They may have a drug test at the door and not let you in if your sober.

But, Ive heard good things about Adam, hmmmm.... might be worth a look since Im prettty close.

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I don't care what ages go or how many druggies will be there. I am going to listen to the bad-ass motherfuckin' beats of Uberzone, Crystal Method, and DJ Adam Freeland.

I heard that Uberzone now has a full show going on with live percussion and a screen in the back.....Crystal Method is sure not to disappoint with all their bad-ass tracks(even though that half of the songs on their last album can be found on TV commercials or movie soundtracks)....:rolleyes:

I've checked out one of Adam Freeland's dj sets on groovetech.com and it was amazing. His selection of Nu Skool breaks is amazing.

If you like the breaks, you should definitely check out this show....and by the way.....I BELIEVE that you can get tickets for 20 bucks beforehand at Uncle Sam's or Grooveman.

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Mengs last post totally makes me want to go! at first it sounded cheezy, but now I'm thinkin' it sounds tight! Plus, i'm thinking a little change of venue would be good for me, get away from the miami clubs for a weekend.............................

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I'll definitely be there with at least four of my best friends. We'll be the "older" crowd there because we're all in our late 20's.......all my people are super cool; I've known them all for over ten years. We're a tight knit group of buddies......so if any of you decide to go and meet up with us....hey....the more the merrier.......breaks are not just for kids, you know?

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Originally posted by o0djfx0o

I could be mistaken, but I'm fairly sure the guy's 24. For the level of success he is gaining worldwide, I still say he's pretty young.



your absolutely right FX ... he's defenitely young as far as age is concerned. But he's been on the circuit for awhile, which is what I originally meant. :) I should have expressed myself better when I made that statement ...

p.s. - thanks for the pic, I have a shit load of them in magazines and flyers ...

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Originally posted by phrankadelic

now this is THE man of funky breaks and he's going to be in town on Saturday night. BADASS! But, I'm kinda skeptical about this one. All ages? In Boynton Beach? $35 presale and $40 at the door. Crystal Methon and Uberzone? Not big fans of either. So this might look like a recipe for disaster...for me that is.

Any takers?

Sounds good, but at those prices? I wonder if there will be much of a crowd for that?

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Last night was amazing. Uberzone went on first. He came out and played his entire set on the electric drum pads while an accompanying DJ scratched havoc through the entire set. "Q"(Uberzone) would interact with the crowd and get them pumped up for the massive "Uber"beats that were coming out from the speaker system. Uberzone did not disappoint and his short 45 minutes set was packed with much bad-ass beats and bass. The visuals on the screen were incredible and went along with the music perfectly. Many of the visuals included scenes from the lunar landing.

Adam Freeland came on next on the turntables. Whan can I say? He's a bad-ass. This is one of those dj's that just stick out from the rest because of his flawless mixing skills and track selection that just fit perfect. He threw down some serious new school breaks. Down and Dirty. He played an Uberzone track, "The Freaks"....and also later came in hard with Prodigy's "Smack my Bitch Up"....my goodness...when smack my bitch up came on, the bass just knocked everyone on their asses! It was fucking awesome. That kid is way way way outta hand. Much props to him...I'll be definitely be picking up his CD.


Just by reading that I knew that what was in store from the Crystal Method was going to be nothing short of OUT OF HAND.....and when they came on, the first blast of the bass and their bad-ass beats just overwhelmed the entire club.......It was awesome....They had a semicirlce behind them of all strobe lights and when the songs would peak, they would turn on all the strobes and it was just crazy...they would leave them on for about 5 seconds at a time at times......I was imagining how funny it would have been if at the time that the strobes first came on, the whole club would have bust out in an epileptic seizure.....:D

It was just awesome....they made no mistakes, they had the crowd just jumping up and down the whole time...IT WAS FUCKING LOUD.....It was almost obscene the volume of those guys......

The played for about an hour and fifteen minutes.....

great show overall....good vibe....the crowd, although 18&overs were not all fucked up pookie ravers like what I expected.....most of the girls and women I saw were beautiful and were dressed not as "ravey" as I thought they would be........on a scale of 1-10, this show gets an 8......the only bad thing is that the club sucks, and it was so damn hot that we all were sweating like pigs....but it was well worth it......I'm glad I went.....

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