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do you have techniques to discourage people from approaching you?

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i like to go to a club or bar just to wander around, or sit in a corner by myself sometimes. (of course these are the times when i'm particularly antisocial.) however, often some well-meaning people come over and try to chat me up. i appreciate their concern -- "are you okay? just chilling? are you sure? are you sure?? because i can sit and talk with you all night if you want? no? are you sure?" -- but really, i often like to just sit back and listen to music and observe

sometimes, i wear hats or hoodies. the most effective i find is having a friend on the same wavelength as you to sit with

any ideas to share?

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I think it helps if you're 6'2", 240lbs, have long black hair, a goatee shaved into three stripes, and a perma-scowl on your face. Very few people ever approach me if I go somewhere new by myself which is quite alright by me.

Attire can also help, like the one time I wore a Cradle of Filth (UK black metal band) t-shirt to Twilo on a Saturday, and the back of the shirt says 'Dead Girls Don't Say No'. Needless to say that the natives steered completely clear of me that night until around 7am when this one guy comes up and tells me that he's a big fan of Cradle of Filth. So we get to chatting and he gets out his...umm...candy and gives me a huge bump of...umm...trail mix. :)

That's when I knew I had perfected my personal filter of screening out the losers, but allowing the people with free drugs to approach me.

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hey heretic....

you've got good taste in music. cradle rocks! i haven't actively listened to black metal in a while but i still can appreciate mercyful fate/king diamond, diecide, slayer, dark funeral type stuff.

(if i ever meet u i'll be sure to give you some free drugs)


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Know what you mean, I travel around a lot so quite often end up in bars and clubs on my one and like to wander and savour, dance a little ...

I cant suggest how to stop people hassling you, cept maybe change your club, real clubbing used to mean hassle free for girls, no beer heads out to pull, roving around the club bugging people like you.


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Originally posted by dialectics

hey heretic....

you've got good taste in music. cradle rocks! i haven't actively listened to black metal in a while but i still can appreciate mercyful fate/king diamond, diecide, slayer, dark funeral type stuff.

(if i ever meet u i'll be sure to give you some free drugs)


Damn, someone on this board that's into gabber and black metal? Maybe all hope is not lost.

(if I ever meet you I'll be sure to accept your free drugs)

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