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You Fukin Beleive This Shit!! Palestenians Are Fukin Having A Parade Over There!!!!!!

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I've already lost 4 friends i know of today. I don't blame the people partying in the streets over there. They are all brainwashed. People are basically good. There is so much propoganda (sp) going on over there so that these crazy dictators and kings can stay in power that the people think that american's are baby killers and stuff.

i'm so mad and pissed off and upset, but don't be pissed at people for being ignorant.

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Ignorance is one thing, but celebrating thousands and thousands of innocent people's death??

There is no justification for that. That can't be excused as ignorance. They can't think that all of these people were guilty of something. They can be brainwashed that the US as a whole is guilty for not supporting them, and maybe that certain key people and politicians are guilty, but not the people that died...

Would anyone here be happy if even one innocent person were to die in Iraq?? Of course not.

Ignorance can excuse many things. not this.

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In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb" , "The third big war will begin when the big city is burning" - Nostradamus 1654

I'm so worried, My friend Casey aka BLUEANGEL was on the 99th floor of the world trade center. I'm going crazy over here!!!

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Originally posted by latroya

Ignorance is one thing, but celebrating thousands and thousands of innocent people's death??

There is no justification for that. That can't be excused as ignorance. They can't think that all of these people were guilty of something. They can be brainwashed that the US as a whole is guilty for not supporting them, and maybe that certain key people and politicians are guilty, but not the people that died...

Would anyone here be happy if even one innocent person were to die in Iraq?? Of course not.

Ignorance can excuse many things. not this.

sorry but alot of innocent americans died so y shouldn't their innnocent die....like they were thinkin about the innocent americans they have destroyed...please....thinking the way u are thinkin ...dats y the NYC has been terriorized twice w/in 10yrs...if we only stood up and fought back....no one would dare try it again....we just sit bck and take BS....

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There is talk on the news wires that the plane that went down outside of Pittsburg was intended to head towards Camp David or towards the underground tunnel/defense chambers in Western PA.

Great Catch 4 Elements - Not many people knew that!


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the u.s. does alot of fucked up shit to deserve this, we already kill kids all over and starve them to death, instead of bitching DONATE BLOOD or come down to volunteer to look for survivors like me. i would be partying too if some country that was keeping my kids starved got fucked over, but violence is not the answer, lets help the survivors here first!

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Yo I say fuckem'...Bush better bomb the shit out of the Middle East! Kill em' all...I'm not gonna be afraid to go to work, fuck that. If they weren't involved then they harbored those that are, and/or they celebrate it's occurance...those fucking people should burn! And don't give me women and children shit...it's those fucking children that are brainwashed into doing this shit...FUCK EM' ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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its all very interesting... if we didnt stick our noses where it didnt belong none of this would have happened. and dont worry.. these pieces of shit will get what they deserve. the world works like that in strange ways... we prob will go to war... and kill all these m-fers. but our lives will be forever changed by all this.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

the u.s. does alot of fucked up shit to deserve this, we already kill kids all over and starve them to death, instead of bitching DONATE BLOOD or come down to volunteer to look for survivors like me. i would be partying too if some country that was keeping my kids starved got fucked over, but violence is not the answer, lets help the survivors here first!

how do we starve them?

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Originally posted by twinange1

its all very interesting... if we didnt stick our noses where it didnt belong none of this would have happened. and dont worry.. these pieces of shit will get what they deserve. the world works like that in strange ways... we prob will go to war... and kill all these m-fers. but our lives will be forever changed by all this.

I Agree!

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Fellas let me remind u before u get ahead of yourselves, that by attacking anyone u are at serious risk of engaging in WWIII. Now I know this may seem minor to u know, but not a lot of u will be saying "yeah bomb them" when that letter comes in the mail ORDERING u to under law to report to Virginia for immediate departure to a fucking country that u have no clue about to shoot at someone that u dont wanna shoot. Not to mention if the U.S attacks anyone, this will give excuses for other countries to go to war. And about 2 hours later after it all starts, it will all end with the planet Earth literally cracking into Half from all the Nuclear and Hydrogen bombs being swapped. Dont get me wrong, If I knew that we could bomb afgan and all those pricks celebrating and have no repercussions, i'd be all for it. But the very thought of WW3, gives me the creeps, because it wont be anything like WW2, all ur gonna see is a bunch of bombs that can wipe out the world in less than 2 hours being swapped. To just examplify how deadly these weapons, consider that one single Russian Acula Submarine can Destroy the world 13 times over.

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I almost find it humorous some people saying blow up the Palestinians and their country. That is exactly why this is happening. These people do not have a country. They have not had a country in 80 years. The majority of their people are scattered about in various refugee camps all across the Middle East. Their anger at the US, the White Devil, etc. is because of our support of Israel, whom they view to be an alien nation occupying their home.

World War III cannot happen. It would most certainly be armageddon. While certain countries in the Middle East have developing nuclear programs and already existant chemical weapons programs, they would not be the biggest threat. The problem would rest in their Asian ally (although I am not sure if they are legitimately allied), China.

Because of this, we cannot go haphazardly bombing anyone wearing a turban in the Middle East, despite popular opinion. In my opinion, any act of retaliation against a single country would only lead to an escalation beyond what we could imagine. I hope Bush, Jr. has some damn good advisors who can think of some means of retribution without sending the planet into a downhill spiral of destruction. (And hopefully they can write it in small enough words so he can read it in a news conference)

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You starve their children in different way my man! Holding an embargo on Iraq is one of them. Not sayin' that should'nt be [Hussein bein' one twisted mind]but it just ads up to all the shit U.S. as been responsible for in the last century. Mind you we Canadians are'nt much better caus' we're the idiots following in your steps.

Supporting puppet governments in banana republics all over south and central america so american companies can keep doing business more effectively by exploiting the people... puts those people in a state of extreme poverty... and that's starving them.

Fighting a war in viet-nam that was none of your business... that starved a lot of people.

Wainting for every country to be out of men, out of food, out of money before entering the war to cash it all in... I'm not sure it helped any familly eat their three daily meals.

I'm not a political scientist so I dont wanna play out of my league but man there's a whole lot of those exemples where our countries interests took precedence over third world countries basic needs and rights. If we did'nt put them in that state, we most of the time at least kept those countries and people in that state of humiliation and unhumanity.

I give it to you, today is a shitty answer from whoever it is that's responsible for that attack, but you seriously need to open your eyes and take a look at the whole picture... caus' it aint fuckin' pretty.

We little spoiled brats all over the western world have only kept our way of life at the expense of others. And that's a bitch and a half my man! Just like todays attack!

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