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bush just talked


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Originally posted by kimberlyco

Bush doesn't sound like an asshole, he sounds like a person that is shaken up by what has happened, and he is stating things politacally correctly in order that will not put the world in ciaos, and he is also stating what other people probably told him to say.

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Originally posted by msoprano13


do you know what got us in this mess?

do you know our stance regarding the situation in the middle east?

i'd like to hear an educated answer out of your mouth instead of all this angry yelling and name calling.

there's a lot more to a situation like this then running into some control room and picking up "the bat phone" and telling the guy on the other end to "drop sum bombz, yo"

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omg. people... think about it... if u were president and ur country was just attacked by terrorists, wouldnt u be a lil nervous? a lil scared? thinkin a lil bit about WTF ur gonna do?!?

here we are, worryin about gettin drafted and wanting to kill whoever did this but the PRESIDENT is the one who really has to decide what to do... so lets give him some credit here... i dont think he sounded like an asshole, but i dont think hes incapable of sounding like one at times either.. like calling africa a country or whatever that was... but thats not the point...think about it.. hes got to take the country into his hands and do his best to protect us. so stop callin him an asshole and lets hope that whatever he decides to do to protects us actually works. <crosses fingers>

jeez.. everyone on here always has somethin to say to piss people off or start drama... no wonder why theres no peace in this damn world!!!!!

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Originally posted by peeps

there's a lot more to a situation like this then running into some control room and picking up "the bat phone" and telling the guy on the other end to "drop sum bombz, yo"

the bat phone has been knocked offline like all the other phones in the tristate area

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I think if anyone were to have confidence in his stance it would be puppet Bush, considering he has President Cheney, his dad, Colin Powell, H. Norman Schwartzkopf, and the rest of the military bigwigs stomping around making plans. What I saw in his remarks was a dose of humanity - if he were to be taking a pure hard line, I personally would be wondering just how inhuman he could possibly be.


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Originally posted by msoprano13


BS... these people just need a target and pick the bigest one.

I have been in Isreal, Saudi, Iraq, UAE, Turkey and Kuwait. And I still cant figure out what motivates some of these people. (the zealots)

They honestly beleive that if you don't share their religion, you deserve death. It is only because of our stature and support of Isreal that we are a target. To them, there is no glory like dying for your god. So unless we attack Isreal and all convert to Islam, nothing will satisfy them but our death.

The one thing I did realize is that their struggle is the only thing that gives them any meaning in life, it is how they are raised.

In their contries they behead anyone selling drugs. They jail people for possesing Cosmopolitan Magazine. They beat and disfigure women for showing their ankles.

besides the UAE and Kuwait, they are just fucking insane. Its like the a constant witch trial.

so just a heads up... don't try to pretend that they have the same beleifs and motivations that we have. They don't. A snake will bite you no matter how well you feed and take care of it. Don't make the mistake of thinking that a snake thinks like a human.

BTW I am not talking about all Arabs, just the zealots.

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I used to have alot of Arabic friends in high school, and I remember after the first bombing of the World trade center, many of them seemed really supportive of the violent methods used. It was most likely due to the fact that they were young and naieve, because I doubt that even they realized that regardless of how strong of a muslim they were, they would have been bombed as well. I've dealt with alot of old fashioned Arabic Muslim adults from Pakistan, Turkey, Africa, Russia, Norway, and Afghanistan where I used to work; some of them, regardless of how old or experienced, still had an age old hatred that has been instilled in them. There is nothing that can even begin to reason with such hatred, and to attempt to do so only causes further violence. Some of them (who believed that violence was necessary to make their point) thought that there was some unity among all muslims that spans the world. Nothing could be further from the truth. I doubt that whomever was responsible for the WTC incident (whether he/she be Arabic or not) gave a fuck about whether or not fellow muslims were in the WTC at the time of collission. I can't even fathom that shit; I saw one particular camera shot on CBS of the plane crashing into the South tower; it was a shot from the ground near the building, and it showed a closeup of the plane. The plane spanned almost the entier width of the building, and when it crashed into it, it basically went through it. I mean, I couldn't even begin to wonder how the fuck someone could plan such an event and then be like "Fuck it......Let's do this.." and just fly a jumbo jet into a skyscaper. Aside from the fact that it's fucked up, I would be shitting a brick as the pilot of the plane. That's some major league shit, and it is really frightening. I kept thinking of the flight the person flying the plane must have had on his way toward the tower. What the fuck must he have been thinking? He most likely knew that the first plane already made contact, and I can't even begin to think of how he felt at that moment. The only thing on his mind being the destruction of this monument, not even thinking of his own welfare. I still can't believe that the World Trade Center is actually no longer standing. I'm not trying to sound repetitive, but just thinking of how one could go through such measures to do such a thing; hijack a plane, fly it a certain distance, and just fly straight into a fucking building. Jesus Christ.

The select few Arabics who choose to convey their message in this way make it very hard on the others who actually feel estranged from their own surroundings here in America as a result. As fucked up as it is, I have even felt some deep rooted hatred toward some muslims/arabics at times, but I realize it doesn't solve anything. This shit is never going to go away; the few who are willing to give their lives for their religion as well as use their religion as a means for mass murder, are far too involved in what they believe to be a justifiable interpretation of their culture to even begin to see another way of life. That shit has been passed down for decades in their heritage. The hatred they feel is so deeply rooted that they are willing to die; that alone makes me feel uneasy. There is no other way of life for them, and they are drastically introducing a new wave of terrorism that will most likely be impossible to deal with.

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