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Please Stop The Hate!


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I'll follow you on that man!

I wont uniting with you as an american [mainly caus' I'm not] but hell I'm all with you guys as a plain and simple person. We are pretty much all in the same boat... and that includes a whole lot of famillies in middle east who are surely worried sick that their kid's asses are gonna be blown away.

Hope indeed cooler heads prevail...

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Absolutely correct. We must remember this was a terrorist attack and for this it is only the terrorists who deserve punishment. To label entire countries (I see things about Palestinians, Afghanis, and lots of others) is just as wrong as the bombing itself. Let's NOT "nuke this one and that one" and instead bring these COWARDLY I-don't-even-have-a-word-for-them to justice. I must say out of all the things I've seen and heard today the one thing that hit me the most was sitting in the chapel at my university and a muslim girl who was praying in the front came back and hugged me and we just cried together. Later, an interfaith gathering where people from all countries and all backgrounds held hands and rallied for peace. THIS is what we need more of. Please follow this example -- it heals far more wounds faster than any bombs or fighter jets.

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the Dalai lama says to have compation with thy enemy..

though this may have a reverse effect on anger

it tends to bring us above those that afflict pain..

for if we are to be above the bringer of hate..

we can bring the example of forgiveness..

two wrongs never make a right..

and violence avenged can only bring more hatred..

think of the victim's families if we where to strike on enemy grounds..

would not more hatred and anger be brought upon us through acts of more violence..

VENGANCE would only breed more terrorism..

for every family distroyed in a third world nation...

there can only be a child to learn about hate!

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are you people fucking stupid? this is our country and our city thats being attacked... we need to bomb the countries where terrorists live...sure innocent people are gonna die, but oh well, we need to keep our country safe. If we dont, this is just gonna happen again...and we need to look out for our people before we worry about others

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i agree with you as to unite as Americans but in uniting we HAVE to retaliate on whoever did this...Osama Bin Laden, who is from Palenstein, but his pussy ass is hiding out in Afghanastan...is goin to get fucked up and we warned Afghanastan a month ago that if he was there (which he is) and he fucked with our country (which he did 90% sure)!! then we were going to take it out on the entire country!!! i dont give a fuck, but him and whoever else fucked with us is going to be messed up sooner or later....AND THEN palenstein has the balls to throw a fuckin parade because the U.S. has a huge tragedy!!! FUCK THAT WHOLE COUNTRY TOO!!! i hope we bomb the shit out of both those countries!! and we have enough allies that will help us out anyway....bombings have already started in Afghanastan!!! sorry for this harsh e-mail im just in a pissed off mood today but I KNOW its not right to stereotype a whole country but OSAMA BIN LADEN and whoever it was is going to get fucked up and we warned Afghanastan for holding him and hiding him so its there fault and MANY MANY countries wouldn't keep him in their country because hes a huge millionarie terrorist leader who is WANTED in several countries!!! ok thats it for me!!

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Originally posted by Spaz44

While this may sound sappy and like bullshit, tragic events can stir unfound emotions. We need to let cooler heads prevail.





While we can sit here and cast out numerous derrogative names and racial banter, there is no sense in doing so. It is futile and merely a waste of effort.

It is a waste of effort that could be used for something positive!

While I am no expert, I believe that a bette solution would be to UNITE!

Unite as AMERICANS, as people who believe in the value of human life and in the power of FREEDOM!

You might think that this is easy for me to throw out there but we ALL have someone close to us who has been affected by this tragedy.

Nuclear Bombs are not the solution. They are just as coward as these attacks. While we do wish revenge and "payback" to those responsible, it is not fair nor humane to "nuke them all" - we would be taking more innocent lives! What good is accomplished by that? Where does that get us?

I am a former college football player who now is an analyst, the "macho cocky attitude" is ingrained in my blood and everyday actions. However, here is one instance where I can say that that attitude gets us nowhere.

We need to first be compassionate for the victims and second use our frustration and anger for a positive purpose.


Please, do all you can - call the Red Cross and donate money. A $25 donation from each one of us will not dent our pocketbooks, but together it can help save lives and get people back on their feet.



B.J. Naedele

yo are so correct bro........i was all pissed the first day and made a stupid post....but after a day of thinking a reasoning i came to my senses.....the hate has to stop and we much make out retaliation a smart one and not in return be terrorist to the innocent people of other countries........
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Some one just stated "Osama Bin Laden, who is from Palenstein" - he isn't from Palenstein!! He is from Saudi Arabia!! Infact, it seems the terrorist were either from Saudi or Egypt!! But my point is that we don't know all the facts and people who are angry (understandable) just want to bomb anyone or anything and are stating things that are not true - like above! Everyone needs to relax and we must try to heal and figure out who is behind this!! We just can't have blind aggression.

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Originally posted by crobra

Some one just stated "Osama Bin Laden, who is from Palenstein" - he isn't from Palenstein!! He is from Saudi Arabia!! Infact, it seems the terrorist were either from Saudi or Egypt!! But my point is that we don't know all the facts and people who are angry (understandable) just want to bomb anyone or anything and are stating things that are not true - like above! Everyone needs to relax and we must try to heal and figure out who is behind this!! We just can't have blind aggression.

EXACTLY!! which is why we are taking our time to retaliate. WE ARE NOT FIGHTING ANOTHER COUNTRY (necessarily). In light of recent news of threats of future terrorist attacks, we cannot go bombing blindly. And we must gather CONCRETE evidence of Osama Bin Laden before we do anything. We cannot afford to have any more hatred against us (if that's possible).

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