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Horrible Picture from WTC. Don't click if can't handle.

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holy shit!!! i couldnt tell what it was from the first picture, but the second i could see it. that's sick. but what woud u do if u were in that building? i cant blame those people. they knew they were probably gonna die anyway, and they didnt wanna suffer, so this was their quickest way out.

hehe, i managed to say all that without giving away what the pictures are...dont wanna ruin it for other people.

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Originally posted by djfabioc

I just posted that picture , find something more original

You areeee fuckin kidding me right? I'm pretty sure that you stole the pic from a web site and posted it, and that he didnt read your post... you seem like a prick when it comes to pictures... just like the signature i "stole" from you. Not a time for being a dick man.:mad:

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calm down kid. I got it from another website. Can't believe your being immature about the picture. There is hundreds of people dead and your complaining to me about "stealing" your pic?


If you all want to see more details of this horrible terrorist attack:


This is so horrible. I still haven't heard from Casey aka Blueangel. I know she worked on 99th floor. Her family is going Crazy and I am also...(i'm praying she's okay, please pray for her.

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Thats nuts! I'm assuming that the last picture of the northeast is a temperature mapping at the time of the disaster. I wonder what the environmental impact of this will be... must do something. All that smoke and ash. Nobody has mentioned it yet, but i'm sure it will be a concern in the coming weeks.

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