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hawtin last night @ guernica

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did anyone else go???

hawtin is the most amazing dj, i was so impressed, AS ALWAYS. all the people who missed him need to go next time, so you can understand the vibe he brings to the floor.

the thing that really sucked was that the crowd was too big for a little place like guernica. it wasnt condusive to dancing at all. i could barely move and it was really hot. lol, the guy upstairs always giving people shit about going back downstairs once youre upstairs...


awesome music. it would have been nice to have some space to dance in but it was worth it just to see/hear hawtin spin.

:horns: :smoke::bounce::afro::biggrin::smile2::chainsaw::zzz2:

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Yeah, i thought the music was great and there were a whole bunch of board folks there.

It was also really cool chillin' with the firemen. You all know that all the money they collected went to help the effort, right? When we were in line outside this pretty drunk fireman came out to thank us all for coming down and waiting in line. He got a huge round of cheers and then got passed all the way down the line in group hug. That was pretty cool.

I left the downstairs around 2:30 or 3 - it was too packed and crowded, and hung out upstairs with somemore of our boyz - they needed the release of hanging out much more than we did.

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Originally posted by barvybe

Yeah, i thought the music was great and there were a whole bunch of board folks there.

It was also really cool chillin' with the firemen. You all know that all the money they collected went to help the effort, right? When we were in line outside this pretty drunk fireman came out to thank us all for coming down and waiting in line. He got a huge round of cheers and then got passed all the way down the line in group hug. That was pretty cool.

I left the downstairs around 2:30 or 3 - it was too packed and crowded, and hung out upstairs with somemore of our boyz - they needed the release of hanging out much more than we did.

yup. i actually wanted to pay a cover. it felt good knowing that my money was being put to a good cause.

i wish i knew who the people from the board were lol. i was probably standing next to you and didnt even know it. :(

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a bunch of us (mugz, lavendermenace, sexybitchjenny - and others - i'm horrible with putting real people to their board names) were smooshed in at the end of the bar between it and the exit. we spied some of you out on the floor but couldn't move at all.

hi Kara - don't remember your board name, but it was good seeing you again too.

It was wonderful just having bodies pressed in all about. Tonight i need room to move though...

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Originally posted by barvybe

a bunch of us (mugz, lavendermenace, sexybitchjenny - and others - i'm horrible with putting real people to their board names) were smooshed in at the end of the bar between it and the exit. we spied some of you out on the floor but couldn't move at all.

hi Kara - don't remember your board name, but it was good seeing you again too.

It was wonderful just having bodies pressed in all about. Tonight i need room to move though...

im Kara, lol. ???:o

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I was also there hanging with barvybe, mugz, lavendermance, and met with Flightpath and Pulsedriver (both from NB), as well as a couple others whose names I didn't catch (I might not remember face-name combinations, but I remember names pretty well :) )... yup it was a little too crowded for my tastes, adding to how tired I was, making me leave at 2 am

How long did Hawtin go until? I also heard him in London this past summer... I'm hoping someday I can hear him do a whole extended set

At the end of Christian Smith's set (which was the second-to-last set/DJ before Hawtin), the music stopped, and then one of the firemen came up to saw a few words. The crowd responded with huge applause

I passed by Union Square on the way back home and there were still a lot of people there. Candles were everywhere, even on construction barriers. Some of the displays created were quite impressive and beautiful

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It was good being close to people last night and I actually enjoyed dancing in such a crowded space. I wasn't planning on coming out but I did so I could contribute to the cause .... I think they made something like $11,000 in donations and all. Thanks to all that were there... those that I know and those that i dont.... It really helped.


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Great hanging with you too.

I walked up 1st Ave passed a whole bunch of people with candles and pictures and stuff. Lots of people out on the streets. In my own naighborhood (Greenpoint) just about every window has a candle in it. :)

Originally posted by wallflour

I was also there hanging with barvybe, mugz, lavendermance, and met with Flightpath and Pulsedriver (both from NB), as well as a couple others whose names I didn't catch (I might not remember face-name combinations, but I remember names pretty well :) )... yup it was a little too crowded for my tastes, adding to how tired I was, making me leave at 2 am

How long did Hawtin go until? I also heard him in London this past summer... I'm hoping someday I can hear him do a whole extended set

At the end of Christian Smith's set (which was the second-to-last set/DJ before Hawtin), the music stopped, and then one of the firemen came up to saw a few words. The crowd responded with huge applause

I passed by Union Square on the way back home and there were still a lot of people there. Candles were everywhere, even on construction barriers. Some of the displays created were quite impressive and beautiful

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Yea Jenny!

It was just that!

And I was soo touched to get a flyer with Casey's picture from Jay P!

Sad news..

It really made the event feel worthy...

I huged a Fireman on the way out and donated like $20.oo at the door and got hammered at the bar (Which went all to the same fund raiser pocket)

Great to see all of you that made it!

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hey all,

I had a good time last night. It was badly needed. It felt really good to be out amongst people, and hearing music. Couldnt really dance too much but it was well worth it.

It was great to see all of you and let me just apologize now for my drunkeness. I sorry to whoever i spilled things on. LOL

You know, maybe in times like this I should try to drink LESS instead of MORE......... nah.

Hey barvybe, thanks for the hugz, hope I wasnt too much trouble. (that part of the night is a little blurry.)

Much love,


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