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fuck people in NY


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I live in staten island, and the day of the bombing there were people clapping at the towers falling down in NATIONAL LIQUIDATORS


There were posters in my neighborhood yesterday about this incident , but i guess the cops took them down so that REAL AMERICANS wont kill THE TRAITORS.

Talk about scary, it's unreal.


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i have neither seen the poster nor read the report on this, so i will take your account as being true, although perhaps with a grain of cynicism.

i do, however, want to caution that the picture may have been snapped or taken out of context, as a brainchild of certain people with sick motives to incite violence. this is especially true in light of all the hoaxes and urban legends that's been passed around feverishly.

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yeah, if the national liquidators thing is true, that is fucked up, but that "concentration camp" comment is infinitely worse. that kind of lack of respect for human life is what brought about tuesday's tragedies.


i'm mostly left without words these days. i just had to put it out there that we have to keep perspective and not fight ignorance and heartlessness with the same.

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please do not be doubting thomas's

to respect my neighbors privacy, i did not include her in the message, but she had the misfortune of arriving at the store on tuesday as the attack on the twin towers was occuring, and she was saw these people applauding

they have already been reported to the police, and as i have said, the posters about these people were in my neighborhood yesterday, but the police do not want us to take matters into our own hands

please, do not look to profile COUNTRIES, look for the enemy within, our own land

president bush said we must punish the countries who harbor these acts

WE harbor these terrorists, they used our planes, our airflight training schools

this is why each small step we take, as simple as boycotting will slowly bring an end to such acts of terrorism

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that's why it's america...because people are allowed to do stupid shit like that....these people are so stupid it's not even worth talking about. back in their homeland the people live like the fuckin flinstones. why don't they just go back to their mud huts if they hate the country so much?

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Sons of Bitches!!!

Ill kill 'em...

I expect your sentiments exactly mirror those of the people who brought us Tuesday's tragedy.

Beware, people, how you choose to go forward.

It reminds me of a quote: "We have found the enemy and he is us"

We must judge by content of character, not skin color, culture, creed, accent, ... We are getting close to a slippery slope and it will take us all banding together to make it across.

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i am shocked and appaled by the anti-islamic/muslim BS i have been hearing lately (today my sister proclaimed that we should dispose of all people of arabian descent)

i doubt that the NWL thing is true. the other people in the store would have kicked their assess if that actually happened, and that would also appeared in the staten island advance by now

can anyone else confirm this?

if this is true i will join in a boycott, however we must not jump to conclusions

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Originally posted by petrol

I expect your sentiments exactly mirror those of the people who brought us Tuesday's tragedy.

Beware, people, how you choose to go forward.

It reminds me of a quote: "We have found the enemy and he is us"

We must judge by content of character, not skin color, culture, creed, accent, ... We are getting close to a slippery slope and it will take us all banding together to make it across.

I am judging on character... if they're celebrating the deaths of innocent americans... then wouldnt you agree they deserve to die as well???

I never once sad anything about kill all the middle easterners or all muslims or anything of that nature... Im generally a peaceful guy... however not in a matter like this...

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

i am shocked and appaled by the anti-islamic/muslim BS i have been hearing lately (today my sister proclaimed that we should dispose of all people of arabian descent)

i doubt that the NWL thing is true. the other people in the store would have kicked their assess if that actually happened, and that would also appeared in the staten island advance by now

can anyone else confirm this?

if this is true i will join in a boycott, however we must not jump to conclusions

I agree 110%...

If you start to blame the entire culture, and population then youre no better then them or the nazi's...

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