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Anyone having thoughts about leaving NY? (POLL)


Has the thought of Leaving NY crossed your mind?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. Has the thought of Leaving NY crossed your mind?

    • Yes, I do not feel safe anymore.
    • NO, I'd never leave.
    • Haven't really thought of it yet..

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I've talked to a few people who are leaving NYC.

Some people feel scared to ever go back and feel like any sense of security we might have had is gone forever.

I've had friends who witnessed the destruction of the Towers and some who barely got out alive swear that they will never return to New York.

I personally feel that this is drastic and in some ways lets those that wanted to destroy our spirits win.

Is it not best to stand strong and help those in need in this great city?

Then again I feel like I am living in the center of a giant Bull's eye!

When war breaks out in the Middle East how can the government guarantee a city the size of NY that there won't be further atacks?

There's the possibilities of chemical warfare, Suicide bombers and many lunatics with weapons in the streets.

How safe is it to live in a city that has an X branded in blood by Terrorists?

The idea of a safe haven far far away in nature is starting to not sound all that bad to me..

But I want to be around to help..

and my entire life is in this city!

These are dark days indeed..

and I know many who are ready to run to a place with less darkness.

How do you feel?

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I have mixed feelings.

I moved to New York just recently, because I felt at home here when I visited last summer. Now the entire city has been turned upside-down. For me, it's not so much that I don't feel safe as that New York just doesn't feel the same anymore (duh).

Of course, it hasn't even been a week since the attacks. But my lease runs out in November, and if things aren't starting to feel more normal by then, I may consider moving to Chicago. We'll see...

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if people leave NYC in a massive exodus, the terrorists win. true terrorism is the fear that gets instilled in people's heartts and minds due to threats or an actual attack. Society changes its beleifs and values to something that they think will make them safe again. People cannot cave intop the fear. If we give in and quit, terrorists will see us as easy targets. Some people will leave the city, but many companies that were affected have vowed to rebuild downtown. I know I couldnt leave. I am scared shitless right now, but i know that in a few months, i wontbe afraid anymore

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A lot of people have asked me the same quetsion, when they asked me via eMail if I was all right, but I think that we are more safe at the moment then ever before, as we are prepared and not totally unaware. Precautions have been taken that just did not exist before and people look out. Even though I fear that Arabs will feel a lot of hostility. It is the same as flying. Flying will never be as safe as it is at the moment.

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as far as i can see, there are two kinds of new yorkers: those who swear that its the best city in the world, and those who swear that its the absolute worst. i am one of those new yorkers who are not very fond of their city. in fact, i transferred to a university in boston, because nyc just didnt do it for me in the last year or so. (i moved to nyc 6 years ago). but what happened on tuesday left me feeling violated, because nyc is my home, even if i am tired of it at times. i want to come home, and hopefully, i will come home in a week or two. i was surprised to find myself angry about the wtc, and angry not only because of the unnecessary loss of human life, but also because i feel like someone came into my house and turned it upside down. tuesday was hellish as i was trying to get through to my family and friends, but the thought of moving somewhere else did not really cross my mind just yet. i guess new york rubbed off on me more than i ever thought it would...

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regardless of the issue of terrorism winning or lossing, or whether or not it is running our lives, that's not necessarily why someone would want to leave after the events of last week. This city is never going to be the same. Physically or emotionally. The ladscape has changed. The minds and hearts of the people have changed. Some may want to stay and build something new, others may not.

Personally, I had been planning to leave NY in a few years anyway. I've been here my whole life and as much as I love this city, I felt my time here would come to its end after I accomplished a few more things.

I'm definitely feeling the urge to get away from here right now. Its not out of fear of attack, but out of fear of what this city will become, how it will change.

Unfortunately, I have no choice but to stay and hope for the best. Too much of my life is here and I have no money to go anywhere else.

A side note: I don't think anyone should be making any major life changes right now. Thats just psychology 101... but what do I know...

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It can happen anywhere.. it's just unfortunate that they chose NYC and Washington DC... but u can't just run from this and move somewhere else.. the result will be the same - innocent lives will be lost. So rather then even thinking about leaving this beautiful city lend a hand in restoring our country.


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Originally posted by goldenman

Originally posted by xpander

And go where mate, the suburbs?

i got to school in the mountains of western maryland. not ot far from camp david


All cool mate..:tongue:

I know how nice it can be outside the city...not THAT ignorant...LOL

But as a personal lifestyle choice, I can't leave the city. It's a part of who I am.

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I'm no more likely to leave now that before - and i've been here for 23 or my 29 years :)

I understand people that are scared to go into the city, but i have been the opposite - i have headed in from brooklyn every day. The city is a wonderful place and i fell just as safe as i did before - not sure if it makes sense why, but i do.

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NO! NEVER! Like Bigpoppanils said, even if there are no more attacks, if people start leaving the city in droves, the terrorists will have won. I won't give them the satisfaction. Although NYC (the US, and the world, even) has forever been changed by the events of Tuesday morning- it is still my home. I would never leave!

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The city is my home, I love it here and I am not going to leave to try and find some sort of "safety", because in all honesty, we can't say NYC is dangerous just because of this incident. If that were the case no where would be safe, society is a messed up place you have children killing each other in school, its insane. Sure in light of what happened last week it may seem like a scary place to be, but we all love it here and none of us should leave.

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

regardless of the issue of terrorism winning or lossing, or whether or not it is running our lives, that's not necessarily why someone would want to leave after the events of last week. This city is never going to be the same. Physically or emotionally. The ladscape has changed. The minds and hearts of the people have changed. Some may want to stay and build something new, others may not.

Personally, I had been planning to leave NY in a few years anyway. I've been here my whole life and as much as I love this city, I felt my time here would come to its end after I accomplished a few more things.

I'm definitely feeling the urge to get away from here right now. Its not out of fear of attack, but out of fear of what this city will become, how it will change.

Unfortunately, I have no choice but to stay and hope for the best. Too much of my life is here and I have no money to go anywhere else.

A side note: I don't think anyone should be making any major life changes right now. Thats just psychology 101... but what do I know...

The mayor has already said that the buildings will be rebuilt. There has been one major change since this tragedy occured - people have always said that us NY'ers are arrogant assholes! Sure didn't look like that to me - everyone here is bending over backwards to do their part! The events showed that we can get together, help out and give one collective "middle finger" to the dipshits that caused this. Also, people have a LOT more respect for our NYPD and FDNY (the way it should've been ALWAYS!)

Any change that happens here will be for the better lavendermenace - please hang around to find out! :)

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*Hops around on his pegleg*

No matter what those hags throw at me.

Im goin down with the ship!

Right polly?

*Squack! * *Polly wants a hotdog!* *Squack*


If anything is changed about the city.

Will be its grand illusions.

Losing our illusions though could be a good thing.

People picking up their heads from their shell

who knows...perhaps this will strengthen us as a community.


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Growing up in and around New York I would never leave. The saying is when you are from New York no matter where you move you always end up back. There is no place like it on earth. The terrorists can take our twin towers but they can't take our strength. New Yorkers have a diverse and intelligent population that is representative of the melting pot our founding fathers of this country dreamt of.


RIP all those who innocently had their lives taken away for our country's freedom. You are all HEROS in our hearts, and may God bless your families with the strength to get through these tough times.

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Even though this is a hard time. They didn't destroy NYC they destroyed The Twin Towers and buildings. They didn't destroy Manhattan or the US. They want us to run. And I was taught never to run especially from piece of shit cowards. We will stay, we willlive on, and we will honor and avenge our lost brothers and sisters.:mad:

Like Bush said we will take care of our own, Then take care of Our enemy.

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Originally posted by luckyluche

Even though this is a hard time. They didn't destroy NYC they destroyed The Twin Towers and buildings. They didn't destroy Manhattan or the US. They want us to run. And I was taught never to run especially from piece of shit cowards. We will stay, we willlive on, and we will honor and avenge our lost brothers and sisters.:mad:

Like Bush said we will take care of our own, Then take care of Our enemy.


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I came into the city this weekend to see some friends and my mother and other close friends in NJ didn't understand why.....they thought I was crazy and risking my safety.... well, besides seeing people who are important to me and physically seeing for my own eyes that they are okay..I needed to do something normal, enjoy good company, and face reality.

I saw Union Square, walking around by myself, and many emotions consumed me...it was beautiful how everyone has come together and yet the sadness of seeing the pictures of people of all ages...I didn't have the courage to look through them or read them....too scared I might see an ex boyfriend's picture who worked in one of the buildings (even though he treated me very bad I would hate to know that he was involved)...... I guess, having been watching it all on tv it still seemed unreal.......even just seeing the smoke from the bridge gave me chills... hearing the stories on tv is even different from seeing those in the square who lost someone.....

I staying in NYC for three days and was in no rush to come home to NJ, despite the bomb threats and police and national guard it's still a place I will always love and yearn to be no matter who tries to make us feel differently about that. The city is ours.

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