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My friends neighbor used to be a new reporter and they were sitting down watching the news and the clip that they showed of the palastine children yelling and sinnging in the street is the same clip that he filmed in 91 with they bombed Kuait. If u think about it, supposdley that clip was taken when we got bombed right? Well if it day time over here its nite time over there, and it was day time in the clip??? Also she said she would show me the video if I didnt believe her. Her neighboor called CNN, wrote them emails and everything telling them to stop airing that clip but no one has got back to them. Is our country trying to enforce us to hate these people??? What's your take on it?

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Originally posted by sonicinfusion

thats a fake video ..

and its not USA making us hate them

well i think its the fuckin jews

I'm sorry but you have some nerve saying shit like that! Ofcourse you're entitled to your opinion, but speaking as a "fuckin jew" with relatives in Israel who go through what we went through on a pretty regular basis, I suggest you educate yourself on U.S. foreign policy and maybe you'll see that our country is involved in other alliances/ campaigns that make us hated by a lot of countries around the world. Think a little...:idea: :idea: :idea:

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The Palestinians sent us that video of them celebrating, they want us to hate them, they are expecting a retaliation, they declared war on us, remember, they hit us first, they are fucking with our minds, making us believe that they are cheering about that, i mean if you think about it, after the planes crashed into the world trade towers, no planes could get into the air, so how the hell did someone get over there fast enough to film them celebrating, and don't try to tell me people were already over there, there's no way, no one in their right mind would be over there, knowing how much they hate us....

Bottom line, They sent us the tape, just like they made false statements saying that people were alive and stuff, it's fucked up, but it's true....


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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

My friends neighbor used to be a new reporter and they were sitting down watching the news and the clip that they showed of the palastine children yelling and sinnging in the street is the same clip that he filmed in 91 with they bombed Kuait. If u think about it, supposdley that clip was taken when we got bombed right? Well if it day time over here its nite time over there, and it was day time in the clip??? Also she said she would show me the video if I didnt believe her. Her neighboor called CNN, wrote them emails and everything telling them to stop airing that clip but no one has got back to them. Is our country trying to enforce us to hate these people??? What's your take on it?

Can You Explain the arabs and muslims celebrating in the streets of queens and in jersey??That shit was real....Those fawks were dancing, singing and having a good time at the expense of 6000 dead Americans.....Maybe the footage of palestinians was fake, but people celebrating here in the US was real...

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They were celebrating in the streets of Astoria. I took a good look at all the Stores on Stienway Street the other night. Almost half of the stores are Arab owned.

They were dancing in the Street, and apparantly (I don't know if this is true) 2 of them were killed, died at the hospital for getting the shit kicked out of them.

Now when you pass by that strip, those pricks are all inside hiding behind huge American Flags.

Anyone who takes joy for this should be deported, on rafts, in Florida, let the sharks get them........

:blown: :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown:

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yup those mutherfuckers were celebrating on steinway in astoria but now theyre walking with their heads down muthafuckas

anywayz did anyone hear about the celebration they had in brooklyn

well they got beat up by italians and the cops came and busted the guidos

packed them in a paddy wagon but let them go when they pulled over 2 blocks down

BTW that shit on steinway they were jumping in front of cars with the flags my boy pressed the gas shit

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