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How about a CP house party?


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OK boys and girls, how many times have you wanted to actually talk (as in face to face) with your CP family? (without breaking the dance floor etiquette - if its not about the music or more than a sentence, don't say it!)

Well here's the chance... I am thinking of throwing a little get together for the CP crew. The date would have to be Oct 13th, the Saturday after PVD.

We could even have the Ms. (or Mrs.) CP bikini contest :D (I have nice private hot tub and pool)

I could even get decks if someone wanted to spin??

We could make this nice and intimate or a total bash depending on everyone preference.

The only prob is that I live a little north of Lauderdale. Would anyone be willing to make the drive?

Of course I will be a proper host and supply the beverages etc..

So... good idea? forget about it? I don't want to talk to any of you anyway?

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shroomy, i would be more than happy to attend your shindig, but that's a bad day to have it on. Parks & Wilson are going to be @ Crobar that night. Not missin that and I doubt anyone would. To tell you the truth, October's a bad month. Too many parties going down.

But this is just some of my input. Not sure how everyone else feels.

And I'd spin too! What a blessing that'll be! :D

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This I could really go for........I missed the last non-club CP get-together and I regretted it. Whenever you guys want to do this - you can definitely count me in, I'd love to go! I hope you guys don't do it during Fantasy Fest, though, because I'm still making tentative plans to be there :-)

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You've got my support 100%! That's large as hell that you'd offer up your house for the good of the group. Throw the party whenever you want- nothing coming up in October is so huge it can't be put off for a night- or at least skipped for a few hours (exception: fantasy fest)!

Shroomy: the man with the plan!

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I WANT TO SPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, how about on a Sunday after-after- hours?

We should really pick a date and time that would be appropriate....on the weekend nights it would be hard because of events going on....but how about a daytime thing on a Sunday after a night out?????

.......something to think about..........

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OK here is the problem :)


Normally theses two hotties share my abode :)

But they will be visiting their grandparents in Detroit for the weekend of Oct 12th - 15th.

They are not too big on house parties yet so I figured it would be a good weekend for me to have the get together.

Now any day/night/afternoon would be fine but I realize that it is a busy weekend and even month. But the next oportunity for me would be in Dec and then there are the holidays and all so we may have the same issues.

so...help me out. Should I change to Friday (remember PVD) or Sunday or just get who we can together (I could also invite some non-CP folks and make it a true bash)? Or just put it off and hope another weekend will work out?

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WOW, that's not a problem Charlie, they're a beautiful couple :) .. what's their name's?

whatever we all decide on is fine with me, I'm not going to PvD since I've seen him quite a few times already. Friday dosen't sound like a bad idea to me at all, what's everyone's input?

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Actually a Friday night get together sounds great.

Then everyone can come and those who want to head down to Space can.

So.. lets start again.

Who can make it for Friday Oct 12th? and what time should we make it for?

Remember I am just N. of Lauderdale for those having to make the drive.

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