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Looks Or Personality!


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a balance of both of course... however, personality goes a long long way in my book...

but even if youre the coolest mother fuckin' person alive if you look like dog shit i dont think i could be sexual with you...

(it maybe be shallow to say but at least its honest)

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Guest gabo

Looks at first. personality is more important at the end. I could be turned on more from a girl who isnt as pretty, but has an awesome personality.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

a balance of both of course... however, personality goes a long long way in my book...

but even if youre the coolest mother fuckin' person alive if you look like dog shit i dont think i could be sexual with you...

(it maybe be shallow to say but at least its honest)

I would prefer a balance, but you don't always get that. great personality with the look you love is a match made in heaven.....Or so you think

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Well, I think when you are out, looks definitely attract you to someone but if they turn out to be a schmuck, then it probably wont go anywhere. On the other hand, i think if you are friends with someone and at first you arent really attracted to them, but think they are an awesome person, their looks really wont matter.

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Originally posted by lollib

Well, I think when you are out, looks definitely attract you to someone but if they turn out to be a schmuck, then it probably wont go anywhere. On the other hand, i think if you are friends with someone and at first you arent really attracted to them, but think they are an awesome person, their looks really wont matter.

Very true, how many people do you know who say, "Gee, she has a great personality, maybe I'll talk too her/him".....When you are out, looks are what grab you, but if there is nothing after that, it is pointless.....

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

Very true, how many people do you know who say, "Gee, she has a great personality, maybe I'll talk too her/him".....When you are out, looks are what grab you, but if there is nothing after that, it is pointless.....

i was gonna say! i mean, for real, if you're a girl with the best personality in the world but i'm not attracted to you:

1. we may have never met (unless you're a friend of a friend or something

2. i be thinking "Wow, you're so awesome - its so cool to have such a really good girl friend."

maybe that sounds shallow, but you can't detect a good personality from across the bar....And even when you get to know someone, attractive personality can only go so far - if there's no physical attraction, there just isn't :(

for something to work out or hold your interest, there's gotta be kicking personality though.

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I defintiely agree. I am in the situation where a guy that is friends with one of my closest friends poured his heart out to me saying how much he liked, etc. I wish I could like him but I am just not attracted to him. I am not saying looks are the only thing that count but once I realized I could never see myself being intimate with him, I knew that it wouldnt go anywhere.

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I have to say that a good personality is the first thing I look for, rather than the way a guy looks. Most people that I have dated, I met through my friends. At first I would not be attracted to them at all, but the more I chatted with them, the sexier they got and to me, they just became the most incredible guy, looks, body, everything. That is how it should be in my opinion. It shouldn't matter what a person looks like.

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Originally posted by smileygirl

I have to say that a good personality is the first thing I look for, rather than the way a guy looks. Most people that I have dated, I met through my friends. At first I would not be attracted to them at all, but the more I chatted with them, the sexier they got and to me, they just became the most incredible guy, looks, body, everything. That is how it should be in my opinion. It shouldn't matter what a person looks like.

well those guys are really lucky to have you....

personality definitely makes people more or less atrractive, but guys are really visual. we can't just make the physical attraction up i don't think....

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im in total agreement with lolli and djmodel....

looks are important --- if i work out all week and try to look my best, my man better too!! i cant get naked with a big fat blob.

but personality is definitly the true winner

i lucked out and got an awesome, beautiful guy in my life, so im definitly counting my blessings

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

Very true, how many people do you know who say, "Gee, she has a great personality, maybe I'll talk too her/him".....When you are out, looks are what grab you, but if there is nothing after that, it is pointless.....

lmao.. i agree...

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Originally posted by princesslolita

Aight, this might sound rude but Looks all the way first thing. I can't talk to a guy thats busted.. And If I'm not feeling his personality then bye bye ;) I met my on/off boyfriend based on looks..


u mean like a busted grill and a broken headlight?

i know this is mean, but i was chillin with this really cool girl on the beach in rio. we were chatting and stuff. she had a great personality and an fine bod. she did have a busted grill, but i was like that's cool. she's awesome anyway.

well, we decide to go swimming. she takes off her shades and POW - one of her eyes was all milky and and shit. she was still cool as hell and hot, but i couldn't really look at her and get worked up anymore.

really sucked. <sigh>

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Originally posted by princesslolita

Aight, this might sound rude but Looks all the way first thing. I can't talk to a guy thats busted.. And If I'm not feeling his personality then bye bye ;) I met my on/off boyfriend based on looks.. [/quote THank God there's another superficial person on this thread....kiss kiss girl

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ATTRACTION period. I have been attracted to guys who weren't the hottest guys on earth but either they're sexy or they make me laugh (which is a total turn on as long as they aren't stupid) or they're into cool things like music or films or working out ..... attraction gets you to want to learn more about a person

then if there's not much to them it dies...even in a friendship a shallow person never lasts

I've had relationships that have became about sex only because it was an opposites attract thing either we loved the same stuff or totally disagreed it didn't last that long

I'm just recently coming across good looking healthy guys who don't have their heads up their asses.....

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Originally posted by tastyt

Looks are the first thing to attract me to someone. But if the personality's not there to back it up... that person gets less attractive by the minute.

Well, I do think looks are important in getting interested in another person. Especially if you meet people in clubs or bars where the first step is to be done by looking around ...but then again I do think that personality goes a much longer way for me. You can meet the most beautiful person and you're all taken by them...but as soon as they start talking and the personality is just lacking...they get uglier by the second. The same thing can happen the other way around. You meet a person that you wouldn't perhaps regard as "beautiful" but then they just captivate you with their personality they become more attractive with every word they are saying.

It's heaven when both things are combined in one person... damn, am I feeling lucky to have met such a rare combination :)

I just read an article on beauty the other day and they found out that Cleopatra was pretty ugly.....why did Cesear and Marc Anthonio fall in love with her though....well, they guess it must have been an enormous captivating personality and hence people were just very attracted to her...and nowadays we all believe she must have been the one of the most beautiful creatures on earth ;)

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