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Warning: Yellow Cks - You Might Die


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:skull:WARNING: YELLOW CKS - YOU MIGHT DIE, i am not exagerating here. I have taken around 10 pills, weak or strong, they were all similar. But these CKs, OMFG they are pure evil. It doesn't hit you until 40 mins later, when it first hits, you think its good e, but that lasts only 10 mins until the headaches come in. When i say it hurt, im saying like getting shot kind of hurt. Im 20 years old i literally had tears come out of my eyes because my head felt like it was going to explode. It will make you very very sick in your stomach. I tried to hold it at first but the headache convinced me this is not your regular MDMA, so i tried to puke it out of my system, but once you start puking, you can't stop until the last drop of your stomach acid is out. I puked and rested for 3 hours straight before i stoped puking. As the 8th hour came about, massive chest pressure that made breathing really hard and numbness came all over the body. At this point, I was dead scared. I was really scared that i was going to die. I wanted to go to the ER, but my gf who also took it who had the same exact effects said lets go outside and wait couple mins then see. In the parking lot i started hallucinating, every single tree far and close looked like a man to me, this was really scaring the both of us even though my gf didn't see them because she puked 10 mins after she took it w/o food (these pills hits you literally in 2-3 mins if you're on an empty stomach. We struggled through the night of hell that i have never experienced. Now i am not really a big sleeper, but atfer you take these things, you are just not allow to sleep, your eyes will not close. and you pupils will stay dialated for a long time. now its almost 6 am of the third morning, i have slept for 2 hours total which i had 10 different dreams each waking up to people worried about whats going on with me. I got up to close the blinds, when i saw the sun, i passed out and fell to the floor with my eyes open, my gf was scared dead. after getting a bit better, I been doing some research to find out and spread the word about what these bastards are. so far i know they are pure Metaphedamine; or its just pure speed. appeared in detriot and canada about 6 months to a year ago. I really think that this pill is super dangerous and can kill a person on its own. As of right now, im waiting to get rid of the headache from hell completely and waiting for my gf's pupil to completely return to their regular size.

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I know people that have complained about the same things you did and were scared to death.

On the otherhand, I know people that love em. They go out of their way to find them. In fact the other day people on JP's board were all excited because they were around again.

I've never tried them, but think its wierd how their can be such a huge disparity between people's reports.

I'd like to give it a shot just to see for myself....

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Originally posted by \izion

man fuck pills and all other mindbending psycho shiet... can't anyone just go out and have fun w/out getting high?

true.. but sometimes the party is too good and the temptation is to big, and it takes over, but still dont wanna die though..eheh...


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The stuff is most likely still in your system. Some people like them but your body is obviously having an adverse reaction to them, Go to your pharmacy and ask the pharmacist for some charcoal tablets. Take them every couple of hours. The charcoal will block the absorption of the chemical in your stomach from re-entering your blood system. I know you took them 3 days ago, but your blood is constantly recirculated via the stomach and the charcoal will stop them there. You cannot OD on charcoal. They are over the counter, and they are commonly given in emergency rooms. Trust me.

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Thanks everyone for the advice and help and caring. Im glad to say that im all better now. but my suggestion to people is to stay away from these ck pills and to test your pills before taking them, i ordered my kit thanks to this lesson. oh and remember the migraine headaches i was talking about? they come back when when im having sex, wtf is up with that, now why would you want to mess with something like that, lol. peace

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I had one of those yellow CK's last new years. I took that one first in the night along with 4 other pills. I didn't sleep for 4 nights because of that pill. I later got the guy who sold me one to let me test one of them and it came up as pure speed. Crystal is fun, but not when your expecting a pill. There is a large amount of speed in those pills too, which can be dangerous especially to those sensative to methamphetamine. I was pretty lucky considering I took 4 other bombs that night too. Remember to test your pills...Its becoming more important every day.

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glad to hear you are ok.

my boyfriend, last fall, also took yellow CKs and landed himself right in the ER room. the fucking idiot social worker at Elmhurst hospital didn't believe he was acting all fucked up b/c of the speed in yellow CK and kept him there. that was the scariest and saddest day in my life.

he was able to leave the next day as the effects wore off and the ER realized that they didn't know shit about drugs.

but as someone said, some people like it, some people don't.

please be careful, after that incident i rely on my pill tester, which i got for under $10.

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I had a bad reaction to some pills to - green ?. All of us were a god damn wreck - I got lost in my own apt., was hallucinating, I couldn't find my heart to feel if it was still beating, etc. I looked these pills up on dancesafe and found that they were only 15% MDMA. 30% was K and 10% was DXM. It scared the shit out of me to learn that I was unknowingly stuck in a K hole all night! The safest thing to do is stop taking pills, but if you're going to continue, we should all invest in testing kits. I believe that one day, the makers will get so greedy and so lazy that there will be no MDMA in pills, just dangerous synthetics that can harm us, so please TEST YOUR PILLS NEXT TIME! I know I will.

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