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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by flying_high

...and stupid Americans buying Japanese cars is such a slap in the face for all the Americans that experienced Pearl Harbor on December 6, 1941.

..and stupid Japanese buying American products is such a slap in the face for all Japanese that died as of the bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.

...so what's your freaking point?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, getting back to robocock's question:

Because he was a highly dangerous fanatic who needed to deliver some scapegoat in order to fool and delude people that were simple and stupid enough to believe in the superiority of any race or religion.

I guess history passed you by...The japs attack military targets! The germans were going after innocent ppl.....There is a huge difference. The japs didn't try and get rid of all americans in genocide the germans did...

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the US dropping A-Bombs is not considered a black eye to this country, but yet when anothe country has the audacity to do something of the sort, we cry foul. As mentioned by US military commanders, dropping A-Bombs was a good thing since it saved our lives, but yet the lives of innocent people in Japan did not count.

Second, to the german person i am assuming, deluded yes, but his fanatical ideas were not made present to the entire population at first and were only just realized for many at the end of the war. Yes he did preach an anger towards a certain population, just as much as the media does now, but the difference is Germany was down and out after WW1, but yet England, France, and the US decided to kick while they were down, demanding war debt repayment. If history has told us anything, you beat them, but then you help them backup. Germany being case in point, Hitler would never have come to power, if we had wiped clean any debt post World War 1.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by tepfenhardth

the US dropping A-Bombs is not considered a black eye to this country, but yet when anothe country has the audacity to do something of the sort, we cry foul. As mentioned by US military commanders, dropping A-Bombs was a good thing since it saved our lives, but yet the lives of innocent people in Japan did not count.


another idiot, it has been said time and time again by historians that dropping the bomb actually saved japs lives. The US without the bomb would have gone and invade the entire country, We were mowing them down island by island. If we got to the main land hell would of broken loose.....The japs wrongfully attack us! For what, oil, rubber some natural resources, fuck that, the japs asked G bush for an apology and he said he'll no, we did the right thing, withou the bomb we may not be america, so shut up with your anti USA comments! MOVE OUT OF THIS COUNTRY!

oh and one more thing we gave them a chance to surrender after the first bomb, It took another bomb for these idiots to surrender! So blame the japs for all the deaths not us

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plus, your comments are completely blasphemous. How about this one then since you think it saved lives, how about Hitler uses the A-Bomb since he had it in his possession and dropped it on the US. Then we can argue that it saved lives since at the end they would have invaded us. Please you are completely ignorant. Why did the japan attack who knows exactly, why does one country chose one side or another that we will never know. Fact is, Hitler could have won the war if he was not such a moron, fortunately he did not. Historians, good one, putting out a fact of someone unquoted, great that really proves something. How could you go about blaming the japs, fact is japan attacked a military stronghold and not US civilians, unlike the US, which your heresay historians have said over and over that it was in their best interest to drop the bombs to shorten the length of the war and also save the lives of other military men.. Come on are you that ignorant to think that the military was looking out for Japans best interest by dropping those bombs. That has to be the dumbest comment i ever heard. Let's think of other military men who have tried to help the country they are fighting against, hold on let me think 0.

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Originally posted by saleen351

I guess history passed you by...The japs attack military targets! The germans were going after innocent ppl.....There is a huge difference. The japs didn't try and get rid of all americans in genocide the germans did...

Well, I'm not arguing here about the severity of the crime the Germans committed on the Jewish population. I only commented on your pointless remark about war-crimes in the past and shopping behaviour in the present.

Originally posted by saleen351



Originally posted by bigpoppanils

the russians saved the jews in europe, not us


Your history is sooo off, you need to read a book or two buddy

Well, you might want to read a book on history too, my friend...and please don't only refer to the ones written in America, for America....there were other people and nations that played a significant role in the downfall of the German Reich...

Furthermore, anyone excusing the use of the Atomic bomb on Japan and flagging it as "the Japanese should be happy about it"...is the most ignorant comment I've heard and read today (I'm only saying "today" as there are quite some morons on this board, who think they can mask their racism with American patriotism now).

So please saleem, do us all a favor and go and catch up on those history issues....but please, don't overstrain your brain too much....I'm not quite sure you are able to handle it (at least your comments made on this board don't really reflect too much intelligence).

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hi flyin high! watsup, how are u and frenchbread? dont aggravate yourself over this. this entire debate is senseless. its like feeding the pigeons, the more you give them, the more fly in. i wonder if saleen had any education greater than high school. hmm interesting observation, german cars=nazis! way to go saleen. do me a favor, dont have any children, kapeesh!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by perfecto25

hi flyin high! watsup, how are u and frenchbread? dont aggravate yourself over this. this entire debate is senseless. its like feeding the pigeons, the more you give them, the more fly in. i wonder if saleen had any education greater than high school. hmm interesting observation, german cars=nazis! way to go saleen. do me a favor, dont have any children, kapeesh!

got a BS in Econ......

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Originally posted by saleen351

got a BS in Econ......

Damn, did they have a special on K-Mart or how did a retard like you get a degree????????

Hey perfecto.... good to hear from you. Things are going well. Don't worry, I'm not getting aggravated over that one here...I find it rather sad that people like this exist....thinking they have it all figured out, are patriots and self-righteous while they are plain and simply racists and narrow-minded.

hey perfecto (it's frenchbread) how are you?...

flying_high told me she was posting something for you so i just thought i'd drop you a quick note...

forget about it man...it's exactly like you said about "the pigeons"...there are so many people that are just...well anyway...

about the resume...i think i rather wait after the end of year holidays to give it to you...i hope it's not a problem...

i hope you have a nice weekend...bye...frenchbread...

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Guest saleen351

Why dont' you two foreign fags get off the board and get out of the country, this is america, we say what ever the fuck we want! Dont' hate me cause I'm better then a bunch of foreigners..:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by saleen351

Why dont' you two foreign fags get off the board and get out of the country, this is america, we say what ever the fuck we want! Dont' hate me cause I'm better then a bunch of foreigners..:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

lollol...this actually makes me laugh so hard....seems that our little saleen ran out of arguments here....wow, this one really sprays with originality. Anyway, if you're such a great American...you should get your grammar right and try to use the right gender when addressing people (calling a girl a fag just looks pretty stupid...but then again, that's what you are so thanks for confirming that once again)....

... just a suggestion from a foreigner :laugh:

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Those were racist blatant comments by robocock. But there is truth to his comments. I wish the world will wake up and really see what's going on the middle east. You know bugs me out? When a little palestinian kid being covered by his father, behind a garbage can gets killed by Isreali soldiers(barely any media coverage) but if a Israeli soldier gets killed...people go nuts!! I see news story for like 3-4 straight days non-stop talking about it. And I'm also thinking he's a freaken SOLDIER!! He's supposed to be face dangers!

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Originally posted by karch

Those were racist blatant comments by robocock. But there is truth to his comments. I wish the world will wake up and really see what's going on the middle east. You know bugs me out? When a little palestinian kid being covered by his father, behind a garbage can gets killed by Isreali soldiers(barely any media coverage) but if a Israeli soldier gets killed...people go nuts!! I see news story for like 3-4 straight days non-stop talking about it. And I'm also thinking he's a freaken SOLDIER!! He's supposed to be face dangers!

You are right.It's too bad people are so biased to these things, that they've literally brainwashed themselves in a way to believe that their little world is the only one that matters...I've come to learn recently, that it's nearly impossible to dissude someone from their point of view...but what is hurtful is when their point of view has no validity whatsoever or is based on bullshit....this world is getting worse and worse as times goes by...honestly.I think things will come to a point where everyone will just blow each other up and then humanity will perish.

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yo karch, look at the casualties from both sides, and look at the overall picture. in the last few days, you have scores of israelis killed by palestinian gunmen. what were the israelis doing? waiting for a bus, coming home from work, and just yesterday, the two kids who were killed, were in a school bus that was attacked by a gunman. now look at the palestinian casualties. almost daily you hear of palestinian kids getting shot, what were they doing? throwing rocks, firebombs and shooting at soldiers. other casualties include well known Hamas and Jihad terrorists, snipers and gunmen. seem a bit strange? we arent brainwashed sassa, just overwhelmed at the hate that spewes from that region. its equally sad when israeli school kids are shot to death, and a palestinian kid is shot for throwing stones. maybe if the israelis built a few less settlements and the palestinians stopped their hate propaganda, maybe we could see some future.

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Originally posted by tribal

yo karch, look at the casualties from both sides, and look at the overall picture. in the last few days, you have scores of israelis killed by palestinian gunmen. what were the israelis doing? waiting for a bus, coming home from work, and just yesterday, the two kids who were killed, were in a school bus that was attacked by a gunman. now look at the palestinian casualties. almost daily you hear of palestinian kids getting shot, what were they doing? throwing rocks, firebombs and shooting at soldiers. other casualties include well known Hamas and Jihad terrorists, snipers and gunmen. seem a bit strange? we arent brainwashed sassa, just overwhelmed at the hate that spewes from that region. its equally sad when israeli school kids are shot to death, and a palestinian kid is shot for throwing stones. maybe if the israelis built a few less settlements and the palestinians stopped their hate propaganda, maybe we could see some future.

Your right... I'm opposed to the violence on both sides. Those terrorist that have the suicide bombs. Fuck them, I hope they burn in hell. I'm in no way justifying any violence. I was just stressing the media sides with the Jews all the time. If you look at the total number of people dead when the most recent wave of fighting started in September of 2000. There are hundreds and hundreds of more palestinians killed then Isrealis. But all I hear on the news is Isrealis getting killed. How come they don't show how the Palestinians get kicked out of there homes? How come they don't show how the Palistinians have many of there freedoms taken away. Again I'm in no way justifying fighting. I just don't think people see the whole picture. Palestinians got kicked out of there homes and got murdered. They got there land tooken away from them.

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Did any of you see that series that started last night(The Uprising)? It is great so far, it's about the jews in Poland that took matters into there own hands. They fought back for there pride and freedom, got some of those racist germans. Now what i want to know is, what is the diffrence between the palistinians now in the streets throwing rocks at israeli soliders, to that of the uprising in poland 60 years ago. I know both sides have there share of bad. I also think those sucide bombers are cowards who will rot in hell, but that is a small %. All you people say, these poor kids are brainwashed to hate and they are turn to evil,but you feed off are bias media. Maybe just like the movie with the jews being killed and fighting back, these palistinians with the rocks do the same thing to the israeli soliders. Most of the jews in this board don't want to hear it, but yes palistinians are being murdered and homes destroyed buy the israeli army, are media in this country will never show this. So just think next time you see a little kid on tv throwing a rock next time. They are mad about something and fight for there freedom too. Maybe 60 years later the real truth will come out like this tv series on the uprising with the jews in poland that are considerd heroes.

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acapone, so you are comparing the israeli people to nazis? logical. hey buddy, i dont see any palestinians in concentration camps. i do however see many palestinians shooting at civilians daily. and not just at israeli soldiers, but at kids in school buses and discos. yea, great contrast there. :rolleyes: i dont see israelis going around, spraying bullets and exploding bombs into palestinian buses. or maybe its that jewish controlled media propaganda weve all been so brainwashed into :shake:

why dont you read this article for a better perspective


Arafat Will Not Let Palestinian Terror Disappear from World TV Screens

5 November: The inhabitants of north Jerusalem were not surprised by the shooting attack at the key French Hill junction Sunday afternoon, in which two teenagers, Shoshana Ben-Yishai, 16, and Menashe Regev, 14, were killed and dozens injured.

The Palestinian gunman from Hebron sprayed automatic M-16 fire on the bus heading for Neve Yaacov and the passengers waiting to board it – until gunned down himself by two border police patrolling nearby. This pattern, seen before at the same crowded Jerusalem junction, has become a recurring one in the last few weeks, with Palestinian gunmen shooting indiscriminately at bus queues in downtown Afula and Hadera.

Sometimes one group takes “credit”, sometimes another, but the pattern is an overall one that is plotted at the highest level of the Palestinians Authority.

For more than a fortnight now, automatic fire has been heard through most of the day in Jerusalem’s northern districts of Ramat Shelomo, French Hill, Pisgat Zeev and Neve Yaacov. It comes from the adjacent Arab neighborhoods and Palestinian villages. No one explains what is going on. Much of the shooting is heard from the large Jerusalem village of Issawiyeh, which commands French Hill, Mount Scopus (site of the Hebrew University and Hadassah hospital), their approach roads and the heavy traffic moving up and down the Jerusalem-Maaleh Adumim highway at all hours. Although included in municipal Jerusalem, Israeli police officers never venture to go into Issawiyeh without substantial backup. Limited searches have turned up assorted arsenals of deadly weapons in every home, including heavy machine guns.

A similar situation prevails in Issawiyeh’s northern neighbor Sheofat-East, where Hizballah and Hamas flags fly undisturbed over homes around the mosque and the school. Every night, automatic weapons rattle and flash at the “Coca Cola” junction between Sheofat-East and the north Jerusalem road junction attacked Sunday afternoon, no more than half a kilometer away.

The highway linking French Hill and Ramot has seen two deadly drive-by shootings in recent months. The police failed to apprehend most of the Beit Hanina squad responsible. Palestinian spotters are repeatedly observed out on the crags overlooking the highway and wandering through the Jewish areas of north Jerusalem.

DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources shed light on the fragile security situation in the northern half of Jerusalem. Until six months ago, Jibril Rajub, head of the West Bank Preventive Security service, and his men controlled the Jerusalem area. Israeli authorities, including foreign minister Shimon Peres and perhaps also the Shin Beit, as well as the European diplomats who busy themselves with the conflict, pinned high hopes on Rajub as a positive Palestinian force capable of reining in Palestinian violence.

However, in recent weeks, Rajub and his men were displaced in the sector by the wild elements run by his rival, Tawfiq Tirawi, Palestinian General Intelligence Chief in the West bank, who is Yasser Arafat’s senior terror master. Tirawi has taken over most of Jerusalem including the Old City and Temple Mount. He is under orders to keep the level of terrorism high in Israel’s capital city.

Arafat’s blueprint is plain: Forced under US and European pressure to reduce the heat in Bethlehem and Beit Jala, to the south of Jerusalem, he turns it at the northern end of the city – but not only there.

Largely unreported, the Palestinian have ringed fresh targets in the western Negev inside Israel. For the last few days, Palestinian firing positions in Gaza have been shelling Israeli towns, villages, kibbutzim and army bases with mortars and the new homemade Palestinian rocket, Kassem-1. This primitive weapon has an effective range of 5 km. Among its targets is the southern Israeli town of Sderot.

The last time Sderot was shelled earlier this year, the Israeli army launched a major operation in the northern Gaza Strip and captured the Palestinian town of Beit Hanoun.

This time, however, the shelling is not even reported.

The Palestinian’s rationale for keeping the violence level high, according to DEBKAfile’s Palestinian sources, is connected with the US war on terror. The New York Times ran an article Sunday explaining that for America to win the Muslims round to supporting its war on terror, the pictures of the Israeli-Palestinian war must disappear from TV screens.

That, according to our Palestinian sources, is just the opposite of Arafat’s wishes. He wants those pictures dancing on world television day and night, both to block out the footage devoted to Osama bin Laden and to thwart America’s bid for a Muslim constituency.

Since bin Laden began dominating international attention, Arafat has lost interest in gaining points with the American public; now he is fighting for the Muslim street.

Palestinian television therefore gloated over the Jihad Islami’s claim to have carried out the French Hill junction assault Sunday, one day after the United States and Britain added that very Palestinian group to their list of illegal terrorist organizations. The broadcast was a deliberate mockery of the two Western powers and their proclaimed war against terror.

To underline Palestinian contempt, the Al Aqsa Brigades (a euphemism for the Fatah gangs under Tirawi’s command) circulated a leaflet declaring the “Palestinian masses” would not surrender to the “American planes and tanks operated by Israel”. This sort of locution disappeared from Palestinian propaganda immediately after September 11. Now the Palestinians, riding bin Laden’s coattails, have returned to their triumphalist anti-American slogans.


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Originally posted by perfecto25

i dont see israelis going around, spraying bullets and exploding bombs into palestinian buses. or maybe its that jewish controlled media propaganda weve all been so brainwashed into :shake:

why dont you read this article for a better perspective

No, Isreali soldiers just kick Palestinians out of there own homes and murder them for over 50 years.

oh yeah... thanks for the example of the "jewish controlled media propaganda" It saved me time from doing the whole copy and paste thing.

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Originally posted by karch

No, Isreali soldiers just kick Palestinians out of there own homes and murder them for over 50 years.

oh yeah... thanks for the example of the "jewish controlled media propaganda" It saved me time from doing the whole copy and paste thing.

:laugh: Oh yeah, he told us Karch. Thanks for the real truth Perfecto. I know both sides have bad people, but people like Perfecto like to point fingers all at one side. Perfecto you got to understand that some people like myself and Karch are educated on the subject and can not be tricked by your propaganda. It is sad people are killed by both sides, but a fact that you don't mention is ,since sept 2000 the death toll for the palistinians are atleast 5x the amount of israelis. More palistinian kids have been killed then israeli soliders. What R U going to say next, the israeli army is just defending themselves? How about this, maybe if the israeli army didn't go into their land and destroy their homes and kill people(what are media fails to tell us) there would be less crazy palistinians. Even almost the whole UN knows the real deal, but then America always vetos. Thank god for America or Israel would be in trouble.

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Originally posted by xkingchangox

Im not a Jew, however I do 95% of my business with them and have never encountered any of them being stupid as saleen has said. I think hes just mad because he had to park their cars and they spent more money on flowers then what his dad brings home in a year.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Saleen: Thats ludricous.. should the entire Jewish pop boycott all products from Germany b/c of what happened 50 years ago?

I trained w/the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) for 2 months in 94 while we were in Jersusalem Palestinians threw a bomb at MY bus..filled w/Americans & Israeli Soldiers.

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